
Garret Goodbarrel's page

38 posts. Alias of Umbungo.

Full Name

Garret Goodbarrel




Rogue 1





Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Garret Goodbarrel

Garret Goodbarrel
Chaotic Good Male Halfling Rogue 1

Initiative: +5
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Hit Points: 8 (1d8)
Conditions: Normal
Armor Class: 16
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Dexterity, Intelligence
Advantage on saving throws against being frightened
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Speed 25 feet, Can move through large and larger creature's spaces
Dagger +7,+7 (1d4+5, 1d4, 20/60)
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Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Deception(E), Performance, Persuasion(E), Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Passive Insight 11, Investigation 10, Perception 11, Stealth 17
Can attempt to hide behind large and larger creatures

Armour Proficiencies: Light
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, hand crossbows, rapiers, longswords, shortswords
Tool Proficiencies: Thieve's Tools, Disguise Kit, Pan flute
Languages: Common, Halfling, Thieve's Cant

Can reroll 1s on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws
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Class Features:

Expertise: Deception, Persuasion

Sneak Attack: 1/turn, +1d6 damage if I have advantage on attack or an ally within 5ft of enemy
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Leather armour, 5 daggers, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 9 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, bag of ball bearings, 2 costumes, soap, disguise kit, thieve's tools, pan flute
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Background: Entertainer (Jester, Juggler, Instrumentalist)

By popular demand: You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

Personality: I'm a hopeless romantic, always searching for that "special someone."
Ideal: I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters.
Bond: My instrument is my most treasured possession, it reminds me of someone I love.
Flaw: A scandal prevents me from ever going home. That kind of trouble follows me around.


Garret was a jester for a few rich nobles back in Tethyr. A little singing, a little comedy, a little acrobatics... Oh, and some juggling with daggers. That was his main act. He was never going to win any awards, but he earned enough to be comfortable. Plus he had a way or two of making sure he always got paid when his employers were feeling a little tight fisted. Nobody ever suspects a little guy, especially one who could talk his way out of just about any trouble.

Unfortunately, Garret's silver tongue got him into almost as much trouble as it got him out of. It even got him into the bed of his employer's daughter. He was only supposed to be teaching her to play the panflute. Nevermind that she wanted more than that, nevermind that she loved him, no “dirty halfling” was going to despoil this man's kin. Garret knew he had to get gone, and get there quickly. Grabbing his pack and one last kiss he skipped town before his former employer had him locked up, or worse. He didn't realise he'd taken the girl's flute, but now it's all he's got to remember her by. He's looking for a place to lay low for now, but he'll be back for her one day. In the meantime, this little keep looks like a good place to lay low, maybe earn some coin juggling daggers...