Grau Soldado

Gandros Skytower's page

22 posts. Alias of Granta.

About Gandros Skytower

Gandros is a beggared orphan who believes that he is the usurped Emperor of Andoran.

Male human sorcerer 2
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Faction Sovereign Court
Init +1; Senses Perception -2


AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 16 (2d6+6)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2


Speed 30 ft.
Spells Known (CL 2nd; Concentration +7)
1st (6/day)--burning hands (DC 16), sleep (DC 20)
0 (at will)--detect magic, detect poison, message, prestidigitation, read magic
Special Attacks laughing touch (sp) 5/day


Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 20
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment)*, Spell Focus (enchantment)*
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +4, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic Device +9
Traits indomitable faith*, resilient*
Languages Common
SQ bloodline arcana (fey)*
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (50); Other Gear alexandrite gem, wand of identify (50), 1,472 gp (0 PP)


Laughing Touch (Sp) Gandros can cause a creature to burst out laughing for 1 round as a melee touch attack. A laughing creature can only take a move action but can defend itself normally. Once a creature has been affected by laughing touch, it is immune to its effects for 24 hours. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.


Explore, Report, Cooperate As a one-time, free or immediate action, Gandros may consider whether a particular action he names would affect the secondary success condition.
Inside Knowledge Gandros gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) checks about the Aspis Consortium. He can cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet to take 20 on a single Knowledge (local) check about the Aspis Consortium.
Lord Avid's Recommendation Gandros gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks against nobility while on the Isle of Kortos. He can cross this boon off her Chronicle sheet to increase the bonus on one such check to +4, and can apply it while interacting with anyone on the Isle of Kortos.
Prized Find If Gandros would fail to earn a Prestige Point at the end of an adventure due to failing a success condition, he may cross this boon off his Chronicle sheet to remind his superiors of his past breakthroughs and earn the 1 Prestige Point as if he had successfully fulfilled the condition.

PFS # 143586-23
  • #7-10: The Consortium Compact
  • #6-10: The Wounded Wisp
  • #13: Prince of Augustana

    Story wrote:

    Forty years ago Gandros Skytower worked in his father’s shop, the Skytower Emporium, in the heart of Augustana, Andoran’s second largest city. Not a noble himself, Gandros’s father Relios catered exclusively to the tastes of the upper class. Although he was mostly known as a dealer in fine furniture and accessories, Relios’s most lucrative trade was in yellowcap mushrooms, a mild hallucinogen popular among the younger nobles.

    Local gangs often tried to impose themselves on Relios’s illegal mushroom trade, but his noble clientele helped him keep the gang’s attempts to subsume his business at bay. During the People’s Revolution, Relios lost the protection of the nobles, and a gang called the Steel Wyverns, long thwarted by Relios’s noble connections, burned the Emporium to the ground with Relios and 8-year-old Gandros inside.
    Relios wrapped his son in wet blankets and carried him through the fire to the Emporium’s deepest basement vaults. Badly burned and having inhaled too much smoke, Relios pressed a small pouch into his son’s hands and said, “Go to them for help,” and then died there, leaving Gandros to fend for himself. The boy opened his father’s pouch and found a small compass, made from silver and etched with gold accents inside. Little did he know that this was a wayfinder, a remnant of his father’s service to the Pathfinder Society many years before Gandros was born.
    Gandros survived initially by using the vault’s varied resources, and as he got older he explored more of Augustana’s underground and sewer systems, aided always by the wayfinder, learning to scavenge and fend for himself and never once traveling to the surface in all these years. Over time, a new building was constructed on top of the ruins of the Skytower Emporium and the mystery of the disappearance of Relios and his son was lost in the sea change of the People’s Revolution.
    A few short years after Relios began his existence as a dweller beneath Augustana, a barely literate derelict found an entrance to the vaults from the sewer. Misreading the words “Skytower Emporium” on the door, the old beggar assumed he’d stumbled into the vaults of an Emperor and after hearing Gandros’s story, took to calling the young man “Prince,” assuming he was the son of Augustana’s (non-existent) lost Emperor. By this time, Gandros was hopelessly addicted to the yellowcaps that his father grew
    in one of the vaults, and happily accepted the delusion that he was the son of long-lost royalty. Furthermore, the symbol etched in the middle of the wayfinder, the only object passed to him by his “royal” father, became in his mind the symbol of their dynasty.
    After 40 years, Gandros believes the wildly overgrown yellowcap vault is a portal to another world, where faerie folk ready their armies to return him to his lost glory. In a deluded attempt to bolster his forces, he accidentally called two dretches with a scroll of lesser planar ally that one of his small army of beggars stole for him from the home of a prominent local summoner. Gandros fled in terror, fearing his underground empire lost, conquered by demons sent by his enemies, and for the first time in four decades, walked under the open sky. Recognizing the symbol on the Augustana Pathfinder Lodge from his father’s wayfinder, he assumed he’d found the seat of his father’s dominion and would at long last be raised to his rightful place in the world.

    That story is taken directly from the scenario linked above. Pretty much the rest of the character idea will be my own work.

    SYNOPSIS Gandros believes that he is an Emperor in exile with powerful enemies, loyal subjects and secret allies. Almost everybody he meets will be sorted into one of those three categories, and he will react to them as such. For example, all combats will obviously be the work of his powerful enemies. A woman who takes pity on the crazy Gandros would be a secret ally. The adventuring party will be his loyal subjects. He will react to people and events as much through that filter as to what actually happens in reality.

    He is a spontaneous arcane caster, but does not know that about himself. That will heavily influence his spell selection, i.e. nothing shooting out from his hands like magic missile. He will focus on buffs, debuffs and illusions--and he will believe his own illusions, as he doesn't know he's casting them.

    Now that he no longer lives on a diet of hallucinogenic mushrooms, he may begin to have moments of clarity, and might even become sane as the adventure progresses into high levels.

    5 Essentials
  • He's had almost no formal education.
  • He's still a virgin.
  • He doesn't understand what ruling really means, i.e. the responsibilities of leadership.
  • He doesn't actually like the trappings of royalty, and sees fine clothes and the like as a burden he must bear.
  • He sees vengeance as his duty, but is not consumed by it or particularly hateful about it.
    2 Goals
  • Become a ruler of some sort.
  • Avenge the assassination of his father.
    2 Secrets
  • The diabolic activities of the person who he stole the scroll from. (known)
  • The real reason for his father's murder. (not known)
    3 People
  • Gandros has an uncle who thinks he's dead, and is glad about it.
  • One of his "subjects" from the sewer survived the dretch attack.
  • There was a cleric who ran a shelter and administered to some of the beggars in the sewers.
    3 Memories
  • He remembers a specific count who once rendered service to his father. In reality, the man was telling Relios that he would make sure the local gangs left him alone. Gandros' memory is vague though, and just of that noble performing a service for his father the emperor.
  • The dretch attack, and how it killed all of his subjects.
  • His enemies sending assassins to kill him in the sewers. In reality, it was smugglers cutting a deal, and they simply didn't want any witnesses. He would recognize at least one of them.

  • *The effects of this ability have already been calculated into Gandros’s statistics.