Galverlax's page

No posts. Organized Play character for TigerOfWin.

Hello Customer Service Gurus,

I have been given the chance to run games at Paizocon and I am super excited. I am even doing enough games that I get a free ticket (yay). Problem is I already had gotten one.

Any chance to refund the one I paid for and give me the one for being a Gamemaster? I promise you folks will get it back out of me at the con :)


Joe Root a.k.a. TigerOfWin

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So my question is.... If I am playing a Copaxi from Starfinder Season 1-22 -The Protectorate Petition, they have the following racial trait:

Natural Communicator: A copaxi quickly adapts to and adopts new forms of communication. Each time a copaxi gains a rank in Culture, they learn 2 languages
rather than 1 language.

But I also want them to be a Tempered Pilgram theme, that have the following for 1st level Theme Knowledge:

You have read and studied much in your eagerness to learn about and experience new cultures, and you often know about them before you encounter them. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about a culture’s customs and related topics by 5. In addition, whenever you take a rank in Culture, you learn to speak and read two new languages instead of one. Culture is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.

Does this mean that they would lean three languages for every point in culture?

I would say yes because knowledge of languages tends not to be game-breaking, and linguist character seems not only really cool but useful enough that they would exist in the setting.



I was interested in purchasing Fantasy Grounds in part because of the discount I can get if I own Paizo products, and I own a few. But when I go to Fantasy Grounds to sync my accounts there is an error message that talks about the downtime the Paizo servers had last month and saying they will bring the discounts back when Pazio gives them the okay (I am paraphrasing).

So my question is..... is this something that the two companies are working on? I would really like to start running some Starfinder for people online but I don't want to completely buy things twice.

Any info on a timeline to fix this would be helpful.

Thank you.