
Galdamor Graak's page

516 posts. Alias of Ilmakis.

Full Name

Galdamor Graak


AC24 (FF22/T12);


(+6 Spot, +4 Listen; +0 Init; Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +12)


Hp 31/51





Special Abilities

Dark Vision, Low Light Vision, Rebuke Undead, Aura (Evil, Law)





Strength 20
Dexterity 10
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 16

About Galdamor Graak

Cleric of Hextor 4 / Ordained Champion of Hextor 2
LN medium human (dragonblood)
Init : +0 Senses : Dark vision (60ft.), Low Light Vision. Spot +6, Listen +4
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+11 armor, +0 Dex, +1 Natural, +2 Deflection)
HP : 51 (6d8+18)
Fort +10 Ref +2 Will +12
+4 racial bonus on saves against magic sleep effects and paralysis.
Speed : 30ft. (20 in armor)
Melee : Heavy Flail +12 (1d10+7/19-20), Morgenstern +10 (1d8+5), Dagger +10 (1d4+5/19-20), +2 Silver Heavy Masse +12 (1d8+7/x2) or 2 claws +10 (1d4+5)
Ranged : Light Crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)

Feats :
- Law Devotion (Complete Champion)
- Power Attack (PHB)
- Improved Toughness (Complete Warrior)
- Martial Weapon Proficiency* (Heavy Flail) (PHB)
- Weapon Focus* (Heavy Flail) (PHB)
- Heavy Armor Optimization (RoS)
- Spell Focus** (Enchantment) (PHB)
- Diehard*** (PHB)
- Dread Tyranny (RoD)
*From the War Domain
**From the Domination Domain
***From The Ordained Champion

Skills : (ACP -4)
Concentration : +11 (9 ranks)
Diplomacy : +11 (8 ranks)
Intimidate : +11 (2 rank)
Know. Religion : +7 (7 ranks)
Spellcraft : +1 (1 rank)
Spot : +5 (0 rank)
Listen : +3 (0 rank)

Prepared Spells (domains : War and Domination): (CL 5, Concentration +11)

  • SPELL0 (DC14)
  • Spell 0 : Detect Magic
  • Spell 0 : Purify Food and Drink
  • Spell 0 : Cure minor wounds
  • Spell 0 : Cure minor wounds
  • Spell 0 : Cure minor wounds
  • SPELL1 (DC15)
  • Spell1 : Shield Of Faith
  • Spell1 : Obscuring mist
  • Spell1 : Bless
  • Spell1 : Faith Healing
  • Domain Spell : Command (DC16)
  • SPELL2 (DC16)
  • Spell2 : Interfaith blessing
  • Spell2 : Resist Energy
  • Spell2 : Hold Person (DC17)
  • Domain Spell : Spiritual Weapon
  • SPELL3 (DC17)
  • Spell3 : ?
  • Spell3 : Prayer
  • Domain Spell : Suggestion

Rebuke Undead (6/6) : 1d20+5 (2d6+8)

Equipment :
Full Plate +2 (PHB)
Ring of Protection +2 (PHB)
Vest of Resistance +1 (Complete Arcane)
+1 Heavy Steel Shield (PHB)
Heavy wooden shield (PHB)
Heavy Flail masterwork (PHB)
Light crossbow (10/10 bolts)
+2 Silver Mace
Silver Unholy Symbol of Hextor
Backpack with ...
Periapt of Wisdom +2
Gauntlet of Ogre Power +2
Lich Phylactery
Staff of Life (5 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (0/48)
Cure Moderate Wounds
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Lesser restoration
Resist Energy


The power of law assists you in combat.
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can summon the power of law to aid you. Upon activating this ability, you immediately gain a +3 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on your attack rolls or to your AC until your next action. At the beginning of your next action, you can reallocate the bonus if desired. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
The bonus increases to +5 when you attain 10th level, and to +7 when you attain 15th level.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.
Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you expend.

Class Feature:
Bonus Domain: If you are a cleric, you gain the War domain as a third domain. If you already have the War domain, you can instead choose any other domain granted by your deity as your third domain. If you have no cleric levels, you can add the War domain spells to your class spell list, but I you do not gain its domain ability or any extra spell slots for domain spells.
Combat Feats: You can permanently sacrifice one or two of your domain granted powers to acquire an equal number of feats from the list of fighter bonus feats, as long as you meet I the prerequisites' for them. You may not sacrifice your War domain ability for this purpose. You must choose whether or not to make this exchange when you first become an ordained champion, and you cannot later change your mind.
Continued Advancement: levels in ordained champion stack with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent domain granted powers.
Modified Spontaneous Casting (Ex): If you have cleric levels, you lose the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. Instead, you can swap out previously prepared cleric spells for any spells of equal or lower level from the War domain. This alteration applies even to levels you gain as a cleric after becoming an ordained champion.
Smite At 2nd level, you can spend one daily use of your turn/rebuke undead ability as a swift action to turn your next melee attack into a smite. You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on attack rolls, and you deal extra damage equal to your total effective turning or rebuking level. Your smite attack is not limited by alignment.

(Feat) Dread Tyranny:
Races of Destiny, p. 154
A devoted student of Hextor's militant teachings, you are skilled at intimidating and dominating weaker beings.
STR 13, Cleric level 3rd, deity Hextor,
Add Intimidate to your list of cleric class skills. You add your Strength bonus in addition to your Charisma bonus on Intimidate checks. Furthermore, when you use a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage, you lessen the penalty on attack rolls by 2 (-2 penalty instead of -4). In addition, you may add the following spells to your cleric spell list:
  • 2nd Scare: Frightens creatures of less than 6 HD.
  • 4th Evard's Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all within 15-ft. spread.
  • 5th Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically.
  • 6th Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.

Ongoing effect:

Current On-Going Effects: Resist Energy (Fire 10), 50min; Shield of Faith (+2 Def AC), 45 rds; Extended Haste (+1 Atk, +1 Dodge, 1 Attack), 7 rds; Law Devotion (+3AC), 10 rds;