![]() Hi all.
![]() You find a variety of tracks, most seem animal though they are strange and there are several you don't recognise. There is a trail which appears to be a group of monkey goblins leaving the forest going to the blacksmiths. After you have followed the trail northwards for around 20 minutes Luimener spots something odd. An unusual swath of ground lies ahead. A section of ground approximately ten feet wide crossing your path looks as if it is grooved, covered with minute depressions and trampled grass.
![]() The drink appears to just be ale, slightly stale but not foul.
The creature nods at Sette's words, her tone and actions seeming to convey the message. It then gingerly reaches for the bacon and grabs it before darting back out of reach. It sniffs then takes a bite and its face contorts into what could definitely be interpreted as a smile. The gusto with which it finishes the bacon supports that interpretation. It shuffles forward again and holds out a hand to Sette hopefully. ![]()
![]() Well with a Nat 20 you can definitely have it (I'm aware that not mechanically how it works in pathfinder but campaign rules so :P) The creature tilts its head to the side as it watches Luimener's actions.
It delicately (and clearly still terrified) hands it to Luimener. DC 10 Linguistics:
This seems to be a peace offering of sorts. The alcohol is obviously valuable to the creature. DC 8 Sense Motive: As you watch more of its behaviour creature seems to still be a little drunk. ![]()
![]() "Gaarh!" The creature jerks awake and leaps fearfully away from Salaamati, It makes for the window but sees Coldir in the way and cowers before shuffling backwards into the corner making strange gurgling noises. It makes some gestures with its hands. DC 10 Linguistics (Can be made untrained):
It appears to be pleading for its life DC 15 Linguistics (Can be made untrained):
It seems to also be asking if you are monkey goblins You will need to make linguistics checks to communicate with it as it doesn't seem to speak common (Or any other language you know if you check that) You can make a knowledge dungeoneering check if you want to know what this is ![]()
![]() "Gaarh!" The creature jerks awake and leaps fearfully away from Salaamati, It makes for the window but sees Coldir in the way and cowers before shuffling backwards into the corner making strange gurgling noises. It makes some gestures with its hands. DC 10 Linguistics (Can be made untrained):
It appears to be pleading for its life DC 15 Linguistics (Can be made untrained): It seems to also be asking if you are monkey goblins ![]()
![]() Coldir finds his way to the window of this room and gets a good view inside.
As most of the party has had a look I have put a picture in a fresh slide Coldir notices that despite its lack of clothes it seems to be wearing the ragged remains of a cloak held in place with an ornate broach. There are empty bottles scattered all through the room and it smells like the back alley behind a seedy tavern. ![]()
![]() Salamati Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Salamati and Sette move up reasonably quietly but Triix bumps the door as she peers through. The sleeping figure gives a little snort and rolls over but doesn't wake. Between the group you are able to work out none of you have any idea what this thing is. Definitely not local to here or anywhere you can think of and certainly not natural. ![]()
![]() Sette is pretty sure there are no traps on the loose floorboard though she suspects light fingers or some clever handling would be required to get the board off quietly. Disable device, slight of hand, or knowledge engineering come to mind but I'm open to other ideas. Once the board is up regardless of how noisy you are:
You discover concealed underneath a longsword with a grip wrapped in green leather and gold wire, glowing with a pale emerald light. Sal finds the door mostly shut can peaking through the gap she can see a little of the room but not the occupant. The room is in considerable disarray and Sal can see at least one barrel in there. ![]()
![]() You find evidence of the barrel being moved through the house towards one of what you can assume are bedrooms. As you all begin to spread out and look around Sal notices a loose floorboard Marked in red It would probably make a loud noise if stepped on. While considering this Sal also hears the sound of soft snoring coming from one of the back rooms. It sounds odd though Sal can't put her finger on why. while using detect magic Coldir gets the sense of something magical underneath the area with the noisy floorboards that Sal found. ![]()
![]() You head back to the barrel house and follow the trail (marked on the map) | As a group you have enough tracking experience and survival skills to follow a quite obvious trail. Atop a sloping hill stands a solitary cottage built apart from the rest of the colony. A stone well has been built not far from the house’s front door. A large stone near the entrance is painted with the words “Levin Farm.” Just south of the cottage is a tilled vegetable patch that grows wild from neglect. DC10 Survival Check:
You notice some of the plants were casually trampled recently by some Small or Medium humanoid, but the tracks are not distinct enough to be specifically identified. When you Enter:
The interior of the house is comparable to the other private homes in Talmandor’s Bounty.
Map has been updated ![]()
![]() Triix can see a meadow with some piles of dirt visable. I have added a map of the island to the slides with some fog of war going on. With Sette's deft workings the mechanical spy springs to life.
![]() Unfortunately Triix can't quite get her head around these items. The rest of the stuff in here is just mundane and basic gear such as clothes, boots, and waterskins. The last part of the colony to explore is the central square.
Just southwest of the well is a wooden scaffold with a set of steps. It looks suitable for use as a platform to address a large crowd. North of the scaffold is the remnant of a well-used community fire pit surrounded by stones, large enough for a reasonably sized bonfire.
There is little of interest here. Where would you like to go next? I've put some more info on the map and you can see what else is around. ![]()
![]() The tunnel is found easily under the bed that the creature attacked from. It seems to head in a northern/north-eastern direction. Perception Sal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
The group discoverers a magical looking talisman, a wand, and 321 sp and 87 gp. The wand bears the initials U.H. ![]()
![]() I have moved characters to where they would need to be where they need to be for their actions. Salaamati's rapier hits the frame of the bed this creature is under. The Ankheg bites at the nearest foe which is Salaamati. Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 But the Undine deftly places his rapier blade in the way of the snapping mandibles. As it recoils from the shock of teeth on steel the rapier drives forward and bites deep into the chitinous exoskeleton. Bed Bug
Bold may act Salaamati
![]() It is a little afternoon as you enter the barracks.
Gm screen:
init Sal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
init Coldir: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
init bug: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Bed Bug
Bold may act Salaamati
Salaamati and Sal have heard a angry cry from under the Northeastern most bed and the sound of nashing teeth.
If either Sal moves up and looks under the bed:
A bug-like monster scuttles forwards on six legs, drooling noxious green ichor from its clacking mandibles. What the hell is that? DC 8 Knowledge Arcana check. Can be made untrained: This appears to be a young Ankheg Ankhegs are an all-too-common plague upon the rural areas of the world. Once fully grown these horse-sized burrowing monsters’ predilection for livestock and humanoid flesh ensures that they do not keep to the deep wilderness. Their preferred habitat is rural farmlands, as the loose soil of such regions makes it easy for the creatures to burrow. In combat, an ankheg prefers to attack with its bite. Against multiple foes, an ankheg often grabs one of the available targets and then attempts to retreat to safety, burrowing into the ground. Ankhegs burrow with their legs and mandibles, moving with unsettling speed through loose soil, sand, gravel, and the like—they cannot burrow through solid stone. Clusters of ankhegs often share the same territory and create intricate winding networks of tunnels under farmlands, sometimes resulting in sinkholes where too many burrow at once. Although ankhegs resemble vermin, they are in fact much more intelligent than the typical arachnid and, given time and a talented trainer, can even be trained to serve as mounts or beasts of burden. The fact that even “domesticated” ankhegs are prone to squirting acid when frightened or startled makes them unsafe at best in most heavily populated regions, but for more savage races like hobgoblins, troglodytes, and particularly orcs, ankhegs make popular guardians or even pets. ![]()
![]() As everyone gets up to leave a strange figure climbs in through a window. Before anyone can react it straitened up and smiles.
Standing just under 4 feet tall the ratfolk's fur is pure white, except for the fur on the third arm that sprouts from the back of his right shoulder blade. This limb seems almost monstrous. The fur is course and a dirty grey colour. The muscles are much more defined than those of the rat's natural limbs and while all the paws have claws the one on the third limb seem more like the sort of thing Pathfinders have seen lunging out of the dark at them than those of even a ratlike humanoid. Both limbs on his right side come up and the ratfolk gives an enthusiastic wave to everyone in the room.
”I have some questions!” He holds up a hand and starts counting questions off on his fingers talking rapidly and not waiting for answers.
Before anyone can respond to this stream of consciousness he turns suddenly to Makras.
Shifting back the other way he waves at Henrik ”Hi! Are you a wizard? If you are a wizard do you know the spell to remember pages? A friend of the doctor used it to copy his notes! But the doctor said it was okay after he checked in his head... I think it was called Memorised Pages!” He looks back to the Venture Captain. ”Are you suppling fish too? The smell is making me hungry! Though it does smell like the time the doctor gave me gills and took my lungs out cause he wanted to try something else with them.” Gillie stops talking as he realises he’s been talking quickly and non stop for a while.
![]() Sette gets a good understanding of its orders:
There seems to be a self destruct mechanism and if it had been much further
Please place yourselves just inside the barracks. There are two doors and you obviously can enter from either or even the windows if you felt like it. Once inside you see the floors are hard-packed earth, and along the walls are wooden bunk beds. Many of the pallet beds are covered with blankets that now gather dust.
![]() Well crap... The initial diagnosis of reasonably treatable ovarian cancer just turned into stage 4 bowel cancer... Her 5 year odds just went from 48% to 14%... F&#%... F#%& F&%# F&%#... Sorry to vent to you all... just feeling kinda kicked in the teeth... In an attempt to keep busy to distract myself the map is up :P ![]()
![]() You all feel you've got all you are going to get from this building. Sette is aware that devices like this often have a 'return to this location' clause in their instructions. Next are two long, rectangular buildings constructed entirely from planks on a wooden frame with a pitched thatched roof. Each building has two doorframes on the side of the buildings opposite the palisade, but lacks doors. Four window frames open into either side of the long walls, a few of which have no cover and others only a canvas draped across the inside.
I assume you'll be going inside but I'll need a map so that will need to wait till tomorrow. Things have been pretty flat out here. ![]()
![]() Just realised that my update got eaten... With a rattle and a click the bug begins playing "Hey, that's not natural! What is that thing?" "Cockroach or weta I suppose" "It's like a... metal bug or something." "A construct bug? Could this be Azlantian? It could contain valuable information! Try not to destroy it."
With Sette's fiddling they think it probably has the capacity to turn its recording function on and off. ![]()
![]() Inside the locked box are multiple journals and logbooks. The logbooks record various types of events, such as the sea journey to Ancorato, daily work details for construction and farming, a master tool inventory, records of the daily weather, and so on.
All of the books date back to approximately 1 month ago, whereupon the entries become sporadic and stop altogether a week later. This is where the charter should be stored. One logbook details daily events in the colony since landfall, and it’s the one book that contains something of particular interest. DC18 Perception:
Careful examination of the the colony logbook reveals that it is missing three to four pages after the last entry, as evidenced by a razor-sharp incision along the binding where the pages were carefully cut out.
The clockwork spy seems to have been recording conversations. This elegant construct is the product of sophisticated craftsmanship. While looking it over Sette discovers an incredible feature, it can extract its own key from inside its body and wind itself. Sette is able to work out how to unwind and then reprogram it. The internal mechanism that allows the clockwork spy to wind itself can be removed, but this requires a separate Disable Device check. This unwinding would allow you to check what its current orders are and give it new ones. However Sette realises that this is a very complex machine and was to was tricky to get this far. ![]()
![]() This main chamber seems to be intended for community meetings and possibly government and legal proceedings later on in the colonies development.
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