The Fifth Archdaemon

GM Dias's page

20 posts. Alias of Dias-Lewis.


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Wooo, I'm engaged now! ^_^

Let's see here, I'll give this another umph, see if I can't get it running again, but I don't guarantee anything

Sorry about not posting myself, I was waiting for everyone else to say something before posting.

Weather Forecast:
The weather will be kind today for the most part until late evening where there will be a light drizzle of rain.

There will be heavy rainfall tomorrow followed by in the late afternoon with bright sunny skies and high humidity.

Sorry guys, felt like I needed to wait for more activity

Sense Motive Checks 20 +:

The king is unhappy with his daughter leaving, and it’s like he knows something will happen to her, he says nothing about this but he knows he’s losing his daughter

“Alright, and you have free boarding for the night and the Rising Eagle, Bara, will you show them to it? Tell them the king as sent them to rest there. Aoni, why don’t you rest there as well?” The king asks.

The king then turns towards his throne and heads over to it.

Rolls Above 20:
Those who spot it notice a grim expression cors the king's face when mention of his daughter's return is mentioned. Like he's expecting something to happen to her

(( All please roll a perception check))

I'm thinking we make mention of it Written or spoken in Elven or Draconic

The king pulls out the contracts and walks up to the table, bringing out a pen as well before setting them down, signing each of them in front of them before having his court advisor sign them as witness before he moves aside, there was a contract for all of them.


I, King of Talios shall pay the amount asked for, so long as it is not the kingdom in order to assure that the adventure ________________ will receive what is due afterwards. In this contract I am bound by my word and my honor to ensure all debts are paid. The adventurer may ask for 2 of the following.

A town owned by the adventurer
Up to 60,000 gold pieces
A title within the court if applicable
A wish or spell granted by the highest cleric

These two items will be paid upon finishing the quest and returning back to the my estate here at the castle.
I ____________ the adventurer promise to complete the quest of retrieving the crystals, helping the princess combine the crystals and ensuring that the crystals will not return.

Name of adventurer_____________
Signature of adventure ____________
Name of King ______________
Signature of King _____________
Name of Witness _____________
Signature of Witness ____________

Can't post tonight, got something that came up.

The king chuckled some before standing up.

"I put the post out that my daughter is missing because we do not need the man who is trying to corrupt the world to know that the king knows about his plan," the king stated before shrugging.

"But I must admit, we are not looking for fools so much as brave men and women to take care of this business," the king stated.

Her father looked at the bunch who entered into the throne room before spotting his daughter and standing up.

"Greetings, I see you have returned my daughter, and in kind I thank you, but there is something else that is going on that must be taken care of, Aoni, could you explain it to them?" He asked.

Contractor looking for people to go on a long quest, food will be provided, shelter as well for hard terrain, transportation to other countries will be provided as well.

The pay is great, high paying once the quest is completed. Looking for serious adventurers only.

You're all meeting there, that's the plan. Not meaning to bottleneck the game, but yeah, just for this it's a bottle necking

Discussion Opened

The tavern was empty, or nearly so and there was a job posting on the board specifically saying it was a high paying job, seeking adventures of certain types and to meet the woman who posted it at exactly 7 p.m. that night, while the crowd was high in the tavern. Those who have read it would be curious though hearing about the princess missing, it was a wonder as to how high this woman would pay compared to finding the princess.

As much as I’d like to have all of you I am limited in my abilities to run a large party campaign so the choices I have decided on
My Melee is Bara Red-Tail
My Ranged is Damian
Caster 1 – Alistus
Caster 2 – Allion
My Skill is Kaerzon

No problem Alistus, I'm planning on working around the groups needs too.

Thanks Bara, I'll be sure to choose out what I want for my game tonight, midnight my time.

Here we go, just made myself a GM Alias =3