
GM Darkblade's page

3,150 posts (3,835 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 aliases.


A small band of intrepid explorers is seeking a replacement scout to join their band and delve the secrets of the fallen Temple of Elemental Evil. Please see Ostler Gundigoot at the Inn of the Welcome Wench in Hommlet for full details.

Recently the party's rogue left the group after a harrowing experience with a horde of zombies. The group finds themselves seeking a new party member, specifically a non-evil rogue, interested in investigating the temple as part of a long term campaign.

Character creation particulars can be found HERE

The character should be 2nd level, 1200 max gold piece spending limit.

Current party consists of an Elven wizard, Human Warpriest, Dwarven Fighter, Human Barbarian, and a Human Cleric is joining to replace a fallen druid.

The group will be making a decision quickly, so the deadline for submissions will be noon Monday May 14th.

Any questions please feel free to ask.


Welcome players to the game. I have placed a few links overhead which show Hommlet and your likely home for the next few weeks of game time, the Inn of the Welcome Wench.

Below you will find a link to the character sheet I have created to track your character development over the course of the game. Please review them and tell me if I have anything incorrect, if anything needs adjusting. I will try to maintain them up to date as the game progresses, hopefully you will do the same with your profiles.

I have also worked a bit of your backgrounds into a link to the current caravan and some input on what brings you to Hommlet. If anything needs changed, again please let me know.

Welcome to the game.


Character PDF
You found yourself wintered far north of where you landed in western oerik, cramped up in the smelly bustling river city of Verbobonc. Few of the river captains seemed interested in your sailing skills, wary of your wild appearance. Disgusted you've decided with the spring to return south, perhaps finding the sea once more and a ship to make your fortune. Luckily a caravan has formed up taking goods south to Celene and on to Ulek and Keoland. Your skill of arms and strong back were enough to convince the trade master to hire you on as a day laborer. For a daily meal and a spot under the wagons you've carted loads, worked the campsites, and in general done whatever you could to stay busy and breathing fresher air again. While it has lifted your moods somewhat, it still lacks the excitement and rewards you once sought, sailing from home with your former companions.


Character PDF
Bodmall of the Bramble Wood has shared her knowledge and hearth with you for many seasons now. She has shown you much of the roots of the world and how all life shares the power of the oerth. But now she has brought you east to the farthest edges of the wood, into the plains and farmlands, onward to the edges of the Velverdyva River. Down the flow is Verbobnc. Beyond to the south is the tiny hamlet of Hommlet. In the grove you will find my great cousin Jaroo. I sense a taint in the earth, a poison in the waters, a rot upon the winds. He is in need, my calls to him are unanswered. Bodhmall has entrusted you with a sealed letter to deliver to Jaroo or his apprentice. In Verbobonc you joined a caravan passing through Hommlet, working for your daily porridge and a spot beneath a wagon for your bed.


Character PDF
You've heard rumors recently that during it's heyday the Temple of Elemental Evil had been working with a rogue band of drow to supplement their monstrous forces and entice Lolth to support their efforts. Leaving the confines of familiar lands you're travelling south to Hommlet, hoping to inspect those ruins and learn of any truth to the tales. Even if the rumors prove false you know in ages past the forsest nearby was connected to your own homelands via a menhir gate. The chance to explore such ruins are equally as important to your studies. With the coming of Spring you've jumped at the chance to make the trip, joining a group of merchants heading through Hommlet to Celene.


Character PDF
As the spring trade season begins you have gathered yourself together and booked passage with a small caravan heading through Hommlet and onwards to Celene and beyond. It seems best to start your investigation of raiding and attacks in a place like Hommlet, with her history of trouble with brigands and bandits. A friend in Verbobonc suggested stopping in at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, the Gundigoot family has always had a reputation of being fair, honest, and willing to stand up against unlawful forces in the area.


Character PDF
You've been sheltered much of the past winter doing specialty work in Verbobonc, sharing techniques with those interested and learning what you can from those willing to teach. The season was long and you've started to feel that itch again to move on. Rumors reached you that Hommlet lost it's apprentice smiths leaving the town short-handed, opening a possible place for you. If anything, the tales of the old faith smithy who honors the old ways interests you in possible forge secrets you've yet to discover.


Character PDF
You've been traveling long and far since you left the Pomarj, winding along at the directions of Fharlanghn. Recently you were up the Velverdyva from the Nyr Dyv, docked in Verbobonc. In a pub you overheard a merchant courier sending a small shipment of smoulderweed to Hommlet, bound for a man named Gremag. The name caught your ear as your former master had a northern cousin of the same name. Could this be the same man, could he have some connection to the Slave Lords? You managed to sign on with the caravan hired to deliver the package, intent on secretly investigating the man and any connections he may have to the Slave Lords.

It was midday as your small caravan came upon the telltale signs of battle littering the roadway. The rutted clay roadway gave way to swept and scuffed dusty, dirty tracks partly hiding dried splatters of blood. Nearby was shunted a jagged length of fractured yoke. A strip of worn leather, a handful of armoring rivets, and tufts of waddling cloth remained scattered about where a fierce fight had occurred, the fallen dragged away to the east. Caravan master Erdonnel made a quick prayer to Saint Cuthbert as he ordered the train to a halt. Watch quickly, but see if anyone remains. Guards to the front, rovers stay close. He'd feared for days now of a raider attack, the warnings in Verbobnc suggesting the raiders had returned with the spring. Thoughs fears appear to have struck not your own caravan but instead the clerical pilgrims which had been spotted marking a good pace yester evening.

A careful examination of the rutted trail and surrounding brush suiggested the raiders made an effort to hide their efforts. A large band had struck the train hard from all sides, likely unawares or in such numbers that the priests failed to flee more than a few feet before meeting their deaths. Wise scout Merlimoot pointed out to anyone interested how it appeared the wagons stopped unexpectedly nearly centered within the small clearing, giving all advantage to those hiding among the tall trees and camouflaged trails along the roadway.

They covered themselves with prepared blinds of bushes and hedge trimmings. Spotters were likely perched among the higher branches, firing bolts while others rushed the outriders. Must have been over in moments...

The wagons had been led away from the road, along a makeshift path going deeper into the forest to the east. The bodies had been gathered and taken as well. Cart tracks mingled with the wagons before the woods thinned and traces faltered upon the flowing hills. The master and scout argued whether it was buchveer (bugbears) or kells (gnolls), rumors having indicated either could be growing in strength with the past winter.

While they argued, some folk fanned out, taking the moment's stop to rest and take an ease before pushing to reach the safety of Hommlet by nightfall. The master would certainly not want to wait another night under the stars when the quiet haven was but a hard stretch of road onwards.

It was only then that a soft groaning was heard. Overhead a spring storm was brewing, the wind taking on a slight wetness and with it the calls of a dying survivor...

Hidden off the track, curled up and bloody beneath a large holly bush a yeoman of the blades had escaped the battle. His side had been torn from armpit to navel a deep and jagged gash, barely held together by the tabard pulled close around him. A thin wooden sliver hung around his neck, a tiny crafted cudgel. Weakly his eyes focused, a moment's strength returning. He reached out, seeking assistance. They came from everywhere... Took the girls sire. They... they have them now. I failed you milord. Forgive... Saint forgive me...

Welcome to "Beyond the Tentacled Eye"

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In ages past primordial powers ripped asunder the aether and fashioned it's tattered remnants into that which was to become the cosmos. Powers rose, thundered across the heavens, trod into being the early dusts of Oerth, then faded into obscurity. Gods came and went, kingdoms rose and fell, peoples lived and died, each in their kind leaving their own marks upon the face of the lands. Echoes of their passing can occasionally be heard in places where once their might held sway, whispers of secrets, promises of powers long abandoned. The coach stop village of Hommlet is one such remnant of ages past, long fought over, seldom conquered, always born again with the spring of each new millennium.

This is a character recruitment thread for a Pathfinder rules interpretation of the Greyhawk super-module series T1-4, A1-4, G1-3, D1-3, Q1, S4, and WG4. Elements from the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Slavers, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, and related Dungeon magazine articles may be incorporated into the campaign as needed or appropriate. This will hopefully be a long and full campaign, reminiscent of the old grognard styles of play of my youth, when the singularly printed modules were shiny and new, eagerly devoured by a handful of teens crowded together around kitchen tables or in basement family rooms for long weekend marathons.

I am looking for players who can post regularly, minimum of once daily, and will give preference to role-players as opposed to roll-players or min/maxers. I understand that RL happens and can disrupt plans from time to time, so prompt communication of issues would be greatly appreciated by all involved. GM PC play will occur as needed. I myself have CF so I understand disruptions, though I work from home now which has improved my health somewhat.

Characters will be relatively new and inexperienced, so keep that in mind when creating your characters. Having beaten the ole' bugbear hermit of Badger Brier is fine, but having been the hero of Emridy Meadows is not. The campaign will begin in the spring of CY 579. Characters are travelling through the countryside around Hommlet, either following the caravan road from Verbobonc heading south, Dyvers tracing west, or Enstad moving north. With the spring season opening, many merchants have hit the roads to bring new goods to markets closed off due to the heavy snows of the past winter. Possible occupations could be as scouts, guards, couriers, or apprentice tradesmen working off passage, though other options will be entertained if reasonable and thematic to the campaign. Hommlet is not currently on the hot spots list for adventurers, the temple having been looted and sealed nearly a decade past.

I will be looking for player characters that can work together within the group to move the story along, provide support for one another, and become the kind of heroes that bards will sing ballads about for ages to come. Evil alignments, monstrous races, and really obtuse or niche concepts may find themselves parsed out of the running. I tend to run a game that can get dark or gritty; evil acts evil and does evil things. Monsters are monsters because they are genetically monsters; nurture changing the norm is difficult and rare enough to be the stuff of myths and legends.

The deadline for character submissions is February 17th at 11:59 PM EST. I am in EST, but may post at different times during the day. I will try to establish a standardized schedule for my minimum posting, yet to be determined.

Character Basics:

Pathfinder Resources only, no third party sources.

25 point buy – No ability lower than 8 or higher than 19 after adjustments.

I utilize Hero Labs software to track PCs, NPCs, combats, spell effects and related information. It will be used to verify and track game progress. I have found it beneficial for keeping my games moving and up to date.

Alias use – If selected I will require every player to create an alias for use by their character. Please use a format similar to this example.

Note on Approvals. Prior approval is mentioned not as a means to limit creativity, but rather to point out the changes a player wishes to make. If you mention it, and I approve it, then I am aware of it and we're both on the same page.


CORE races only without prior approval. If the concept seems appropriate I will allow the submission, but I don't guarantee final acceptance or selection. Greyhawk races may be thematically different but for game purposes will fit the parameters as outlined in the Pathfinder source material.

Alternate Racial traits can be selected as appropriate and with prior approval. These changes may be useful in altering the CORE race to fit as a Greyhawk racial stereotype.

Starting Age is determined by class and race, either chosen from the range presented in the source book or randomly selected. No age category adjustments will be permitted.

No size changes outside the category determined by race as selected. Can a be a tiny Ishfit newborn? Sorry, no.


Classes: CORE, BASE, and HYBRID options are available for submission, as appropriate and with approval. No OCCULT or ALTERNATE classes. I have had bad experiences with some classes, hence the ban. I am sorry, but I recognize my dislike for the material would negatively impact the game and thus the experience for all involved.

Starting Wealth set to Maximum as determined by class. One free outfit of less than 10gpv may be selected as well.

Hit Points start at maximum for first level, half die plus one for each additional level. Feats may adjust hit points as appropriate.

Favored Class selection will be used. This will allow for either a choice of One (1) HP or Skill point per level. Racial options may be chosen upon approval. Feats which modify Favored classes apply as appropriate.

Each character will receive Three (3) free skill points to be used for either Craft or Profession skills, to represent the characters background and heritage.

Feats and Traits:

Each player will receive Three (3) Traits which may be used to flesh out the character's background. They may be used to stylize a character to thematically fit a particular Greyhawk race, nationality, or ethnicity as appropriate. Any trait which is specific to a particular Golarion religion/region/location may be used with prior approval and discussion. Rhennee and Varisian may thematically work similarly, Magnimar may be acceptable as Greyhawk City, etc. No more than One (1) trait may be taken from each category, be it racial, regional, combat, etc.

An additional One (1) Trait may be taken if a player chooses and role-plays a Drawback, as outlined in Ultimate Campaigns.

Each player will receive One (1) Free Bonus Feat to be selected at first level. This is in addition to any which may be received from race or class selections. This feat must meet all requirements for selection, as per normal policies.

If a player wishes to do so, they may also select One (1) Free Story Feat for their character, as long as the feat is appropriate to the character's background and will not unduly alter the proposed campaign. Requiring the character to meet Istus face to face, recover the Machine of Lum the Mad, or otherwise engage in some gameplay beyond the overall story arc of fighting the cult of the mad god Tharizdun will likely by rejected. [/I]This is optional, players may opt out if desired.[/I]


Weight and Encumbrance will be tracked as appropriate, so plan accordingly.

Wealth will be tracked, but minor expenses will be waived as appropriate. If you have done a service for the town, you may receive a few free meals or a night's free lodging. After that you may need to start pulling out coins and trading in those well won gemstones.

Taxes and fees may crop up from time to time. Greyhawk was a well established campaign world, with small areas of settlement and civilization amongst ranging swathes of rough and rowdy wilderness. Laws and order cling strongly to their goals and fiercely enforce their needs upon those of means to provide for the common defense. Within reason of course, so don't fret, but don't be surprised either.

Item availability will be determined by the standards of the villages or towns in which you find yourselves. Purchasing magic is uncommon but possible. Brokers and agents exist which can work shifting channels to find particular goods and services, though their may be a time delay in the process. Typically an item costing below the Base Value of the location can be found within a day 70% of the time. An item costing above the Base Value but below the Purchasing Limit may be located within a week 30% of the time. Percentages are checked after the time has past, not before. Costs will typically be from Base Value to 130% of value, though haggling, bartering, or related skill checks may reduce this cost to 80% of Base Value.

Downtime Activities will be possible but the campaign will be a living one, with plans and timetables already in progress. Long delays may result in dungeons being repopulated, evil masterminds escaping for other locales, or revenge plots being activated against those who linger at unfortunate moments.

Reputation, Prestige, and Heroics:

I will generally track player reputations to determine how they are perceived and received by populations as they travel around the countryside. Characters by default will develop reputations based upon their class, attributes, actions and racial selections unless membership in specific groups or agencies is arranged.

Reputation or Prestige points - These may be earned by particular actions and achievements during gameplay. They may be spent as desired for appropriate vanities as outlined in Ultimate Campaign. Any player not interested in such matters may opt out of use. This is entirely optional.

Hero Points – Players will not start with any Hero Points but may earn them during the course of gameplay for particular actions or achievements. Characters are limited to a pool of One (1) Hero Point per level, up to a cap of Three (3) Hero Points. Hero Points and there use can be viewed here.

Each Player will receive Three (3) Action Points which can be used to adjust dice rolls or take additional actions as outlined below. Every even level will award the character additional Action Points equivalent to ½ the character's level, 1 at 2nd, 2 at 4th, 3 at 6th, etc.

You can spend 1 action point in a round as a Free Action to add a d6 bonus to a single d20 roll. When using an Action Point to improve a d20 roll, use must be declared prior to the GM's determination of the roll's success or failure.
Activate an Ability – A character can spend 1 action point as a Swift Action to gain another use of a class ability that has a limited number of uses per day. Examples include stunning fist, smite, channel energy, etc.
Take an Extra Attack – When taking a full attack action, a character may spend 1 action point as a Free Action to make an extra attack at the highest base attack bonus. Action points may be used in this way with either melee or ranged attacks.
Spell Boost – A character can spend 1 action point as a Swift Action to increase the effective caster level of one spell by 2. This must be decided before casting the spell, and effects all particulars of the spell as per the adjusted caster level.
Spell Recall – Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 action point as a Swift Action to recall any spell just cast. The spell can be cast again later with no effect on other prepared spells. Spontaneous spellcasters can spend 1 action point as a Swift Action to cast a spell without using one of their daily spell slots. These uses of an action point can only be done in the same round that the spell is cast.
Stabilize – Any time a character is dying, they can spend 1 action point as an Immediate Action to become stable at their current hit point total.

If I have missed something, which is entirely likely, or you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Here is where you can communicate with players, the GM, and discuss RL matters outside the In Character posts.

Incoming transmission from A Cell

Activating O Cell assets

Particulars to follow.

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While I know it is probably not likely, I was wondering if there was any interest in a Delta Green PbP game using the new rules set? I have some experience with the game system, nearly all the old and new materials, and while I would love to get back to running a Pathfinder AP campaign I know I don't have the long term health to stay with such a time commitment an adventure path would require. Delta Green on the other hand is a much shorter investment, with characters likely to go mad or fall prey to the Unnatural well before a PFRPG character reaches mid-levels.

Plus, a game like DG can be run well enough with only a few players and some non-DG assets, as long as you can explain the collateral damage or cover up the mess they may leave behind.

So, anyone interested in Delta Green, holding the line against things man was not meant to know?

An existing group is starting back up at the beginning of the 2nd book in the Giantslayer AP. They are wanting to replace an arcane caster who moved on to other games after this PbP paused for a short hiatus due to health issues. The game can be found here: DM Darkblade Giantslayer Campaign

Character Creation:

Starting Level: 4th level

Stats: 25 Point Buy plus 4th level boost- no stat higher than 18 or lower than 8 post-racial adjustments without express DM discussion and approval. Make sure to indicate which stat was boosted at 4th level.

Classes: First, only official Pathfinder content will be accepted, sorry. If in doubt ask before assuming, please.this AP. The group is only accepting applicants to fill the role of an arcane caster of some type.

Alignment: It should be mentioned this AP revolves around thwarting armies of orcs, ogres, giants and other evil sorts bent on world domination. The group has developed a good reputation and similarly leaning moral compass. Evil characters are not likely to be chosen.

HP: Max for 1st level; after that, you can either have the DM roll upon leveling up or take the average rounded up. This choice may be changed at subsequent levels.

Races: All Pathfinder material races will be accepted for consideration. If you choose to play something monstrous, like a goblin or orc, explain why you are tolerated in civilized lands, even those like Trunau.

Traits: Two traits plus one additional allowed, that being a campaign trait from the Giantslayer or other appropriate player's guide. You must meet all requisites for any traits, feats, classes, prestige options chosen for your character concept.

Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks for an additional Character Trait, and the use of Drawbacks will be monitored. If you have it, expect it to come into play at some point.

Wealth: Maximum 8000 gold pieces starting wealth. This is slightly below the existing party, mostly to reflect the group has been at this a bit longer than the newest addition.

Character Submission:
Please create and include all relevant information for the character just as you would for an actual character sheet.

Character Description:
Please provide a description of your character's appearance. This does not have to be greatly detailed, but should give someone an idea of what your character looks like. If possible, you should have an alias image in mind similar to your character concept.

Character Personality:
Please provide an explanation of your character's drives and motivations, in general and Trunau in particular. Any peculiar mannerisms, ticks, or drives should be mentioned and detailed.

Character Backstory:
I would like you to develop a compelling and good backstory. You may see the players guide for hints and pointers on where to begin character concepts. Feel free to go as in depth as you would like, but remember you are only fourth level. You are certainly better than the average soldier or town guard, but you have not done many great deeds nor won any major achievements, certainly nothing quite like what the existing players have achieved by saving Trunau. Joining the saviors of Trunau will be your opportunity to add your own heroics to their growing list of achievements.

You may be from any of the areas discussed in the Giantslayer Players Guide. Please consider why your character is in Trunau at this time. Origin choices outside these area listings should have a significant character concept to explain the journey to Trunau.

I do expect those with campaign knowledge to do their best to not use any out of game knowledge to drive character actions or decisions. Metagaming is frowned upon.

Recruitment will be open until July 7th at midnight EST. I will post the group's decision by Noon EST on the 9th. The chosen character will need to have their character ready by July 11th.

If you have any questions please let me know by posting here or PMing me on Paizo and I will check back with you as quickly as I am able.



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This is a check to see if there is enough interest in a Traveller PbP campaign. It would likely be a mix of mercantile trade, political intrigue, and good old fashioned shoot 'em up space opera fare.

Right now I am still trying to gauge what level of participation I can expect. Likely looking to put together a crew for a small to mid sized freighter with "protective" armaments and a loose mandate to travel openly through fringe space doing what they can to turn a profit and avoid the boredom that comes on long black journeys between other planets or systems.

PS: What brings this up is I ran into a collection of the Little Black Books for Traveller and it brought back the fun times I'd had in junior high and high school when the game first came out. Rolling up characters, putting together a crew, jumping out into space, fighting off too many enemies, dying in a vacuum, wash rinse, repeat.

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This post serves to open up the actual out of character thread for our Giantslayer Campaign.

Post here any updates, questions, concerns, or out of character discussions you wish to have.

While anyone is welcome to PM me, general points should be posted here, if they are to be shared with everyone. If you want to post something private or "eyes only", you may use spoilers, I think we can operate safely on the honor system. This is a game for everyone's enjoyment, cheating profits nothing in the end but stealing away that joy.

Welcome to Trunau and to the Giantslayer AP everyone.

This post serves to open up the actual in character thread for our Giantslayer Campaign.

The starting date is 16 Calistril 4715

Adir, Delia, and Leira:
You are all natives of Trunau, so you may begin play at your respective homes. You may have your residence, either private or with family, in either the Lower, Inner, or Upper Quarters of Trunau. Let me know which location you decide upon.

Morgrim and Groin:
You have been in Trunau over the winter, which for your goals has been blessedly short this year. A few snows still fall, but the cold is receding and soon you will be able to begin to range out further from town in pursuit of your respective goals. Morgrim may stay at either the Ramblehouse, the Longhouse, or take up rooms at Brinya Kelver's Lodgings. Groin is welcome at the Longhouse or Brinya Kelver's Lodgings. It was a short stay at the Ramblehouse before one too many knocks on the rafters led Groin to lodge elsewhere. Let me know which location you decide upon.

You arrived in Trunau at the height of the winter, a cold, ice covered catfolk scratching at the town gates. You were received, while not with welcoming arms, at the least with allowances and a warmer place to shelter for the time being. You remember the paladin Brantos Calderon from Firrine. He was not a friend nor acquaintance, but he remembered you from his time there and vouched for you with the townsfolk. You have done a few "odd jobs" around Trunau, earning a few coins, enough to get by. You have found a small bit of favor and may be residing either at the Sanctuary or the Killin' Grounds. Let me know which location you decide upon.

The dawns earlier than yesterday, cloudy with a bit of wind and chill, but no snow again last night. Today is a day of excitement, for a special someone will be taking her Standing Vow tonight. Ruby, the youngest daughter of Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades is turning twelve and the whole of Trunau is anticipated to turn out for the ceremony and festivities. Residents, family, friends, and visitors are all welcome to attend, for though Trunau can be a grim outpost on a violent frontier, it's peoples have learned that every day is to be cherished and celebrated.

Welcome to Trunau and to the Giantslayer AP everyone.

Soon begins the Giantslayer AP - Battle of Bloodmarch Hill

I have been watching for this campaign since my hopes for an Iron Gods AP fell through. I am currently running one PbP and play in another, as well as maintain a RL Wrath of the Righteous campaign. These games have all smoothed out leaving me with a bit of time to add one more campaign to my list.

After the last retreat of the forces of Lastwall, the residents of Trunau made a pact, known today as the Standing Vow (or simply “the Vow”): to hold their land against all comers, paying tribute neither to raiding orcs nor to the armies of neighboring nations. They would stand their ground and live free, no matter the cost.
For the last couple centuries, the residents have held to this oath, and it’s a matter of great pride that despite catastrophic raids and the rigors required by life in hostile territory, the town has never fallen. Even more important to some, however, is that unlike Freedom Town to the north—a town of criminals and exiles settled just inside the Hold of Belkzen in order to avoid Lastwall’s strict laws—the people of Trunau have never lost their fundamentally civilized nature, nor have they resorted to paying for protection from an outside entity.
While many have come to Trunau over the years looking to escape shadowy pasts, Trunau accepts no dead weight; only those who are willing to work and contribute to the community can share the safety of the town walls. When the orcs come, every man and woman, regardless of wealth or profession, is expected to aid in the defense. Those who acquit themselves well and conduct themselves with honor find that Trunau’s residents care little about who newcomers may have been in their lives before—only who they seek to be now.

Be warned, this will not be a Disney Presents "Against the Giants", this will fall somewhere between PG-13 and Rated R depending upon the orc, ogre, giant, etc. in question. Adult subjects and themes may arise, as is the want with Paizo products. Please consider this and conduct yourself accordingly.

Number of Players: I will be accepting Five (5) players for this PbP campaign.

Character Creation:

Starting Level: 1st level

Stats: 25 Point Buy - no stat higher than 18 or lower than 8 post-racial adjustments without express DM discussion and approval.

Classes: First, only official Pathfinder content will be accepted, sorry. If in doubt ask before assuming, please. To be upfront, I would prefer more traditional fantasy style character tropes, races, and classes for this AP. Exotics or unusual options are not banned but the character concept must satisfactorily grab the imagination if it is going to be worth the extra efforts needed to incorporate such "unusual" types into the environs of Trunau. I run a RL Wrath of the Righteous AP with a mix of Aasimar, Tieflings, and Catfolk; it is at times difficult to keep the balance together. I would like to get back to some old fashioned basic staples to maintain some normalcy and sanity, but I am open to new ideas.

Alignment: It should be mentioned this AP revolves around thwarting armies of orcs, ogres, giants and other evil sorts bent on world domination. I will likely allow any alignment, provided the character concept is compelling; however, expect your actions to have full and appropriate consequences. Evil alignments and acts are not sought nor encouraged but neither are they outright banned; perhaps it is best to suggest they are heavily frowned upon at the very least.

HP: Max for 1st level; after that, you can either have the DM roll upon leveling up or take the average rounded up. This choice may be changed at subsequent levels.

Races: All Pathfinder material races will be accepted for consideration but character concept, party and game balance will trump individual concerns. If you choose to play something monstrous, like a goblin or orc, explain why you are tolerated in civilized lands, even those like Trunau. Again see the above regarding compelling characters.

Traits: Two traits plus one additional allowed, that being a campaign trait from the Giantslayer or other appropriate player's guide. You must meet all requisites for any traits, feats, classes, prestige options chosen for your character concept.

Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks for an additional Character Trait, and the use of Drawbacks will be monitored. If you have it, expect it to come into play at some point.

Wealth: Maximum starting wealth per character class.

Character Submission:

Submitting a Character: Please create and include all relevant information such as this in the following profile format. This is for a character I play in a current PbP. I would like to ask that character submissions follow this format, albeit you do not have to follow it exactly, but it needs to be easy to read and contain all of the information requested.

Character Description: Please provide a description of your character's appearance. This does not have to be greatly detailed, but should give someone an idea of what your character looks like. If possible, you should have an alias image in mind similar to your character concept.

Character Personality: Please provide an explanation of your character's drives and motivations, in general and Trunau in particular. Any peculiar mannerisms, ticks, or drives should be mentioned and detailed.

Character Backstory: I would like you to develop a compelling and good backstory. You may see the players guide for hints and pointers on where to begin character concepts. I would like them, I will not need fully completed characters immediately but if you want to throw up an alias and have the time to do so that would be acceptable.
Feel free to go as in depth as you would like, but remember you are only level one. You are better than the average soldier or town guard, but you have not done any great deeds nor won any major achievements to date. You may be from any of the areas discussed in the Giantslayer Players Guide. Please consider why your character is in Trunau at the onset of the AP. Origin choices outside these area listings should have a significant character concept to explain the journey to Trunau. I do expect those with campaign knowledge to do their best to not use any out of game knowledge to drive character actions. Metagaming is frowned upon.

Recruitment will be open until February 28th at midnight EST. I will post my decisions by Noon EST on the 3rd of March. Chosen characters will need to have full characters ready by the 8th of March.

If you have any questions please let me know by posting here or PMing me on Paizo and I will check back with you as quickly as I am able.

This is the recruitment thread. Once your character is ready and accepted, post here to add your character to the game.

This will be the thread for our out of character posts. Any questions, concerns, comments or non-game related issues can be posted here.

This will be the thread for our in-character posts. If your character says it or does it, post it here.