GM_Alex's page

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Noticed something peculiar while prepping for Book 5 - full-blooded Orcs are the 4th-most numerous race in the city, even doubling the number of Half-orcs. If they were some fringe, last-place population, it wouldn’t seem so strange to me, but Orcs seem to be a fairly normal sight in Jolizpan. I did some research, but couldn’t find any setting material on it.

I guess what I’m looking for is how to portray these Orcs. Are they in some clustered community that keeps to themselves, so you actually don’t really see them that often, even though the population count makes it SEEM that they’re fairly common? Or are they really just mixed into the city? If the latter, I can’t imagine these are just default Orcs; do they follow different customs or adhere to different spiritual beliefs than Orcs as they’re known in the Inner Sea?

If anyone has a way to summon Luis, then even better!