Organized Play Member. 66 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Agathos wrote:
Zethorn wrote:

Clegg didn't make it either in the campaign that I ran for Second Darkness. We have one of the players running Return for us this round and we took a simpler method. We had Clegg have a brother who impersonated him on occasion and he was the one that was killed.

We did an introduction to Book 1 and Clegg had a bust of his brother in his place that was on display next to a plague that stated how he was killed by criminals (which was actually the party's heroes).

I thought it played homage to the original characters and players.

That's outstanding! I'm definitely going to use that in my campaign. Thanks for the excellent idea!!

You can thank the player (now, our GM) for the original idea.

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Clegg didn't make it either in the campaign that I ran for Second Darkness. We have one of the players running Return for us this round and we took a simpler method. We had Clegg have a brother who impersonated him on occasion and he was the one that was killed.

We did an introduction to Book 1 and Clegg had a bust of his brother in his place that was on display next to a plague that stated how he was killed by criminals (which was actually the party's heroes).

I thought it played homage to the original characters and players.

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Alni wrote:
Just popping to say the first session went very nicely. Quite impressed with my group! They killed the tanner and his dogs, and the old couple that came in right after cause they saw their faces. The fighter didn't buy too much into "collecting taxes at midnight" so he was a bit negative when they got called a second time but he loved the second job with the Cheliax sashes, and hopped right back in. At the gathering they just challenged the Knight. They spoke up saying she had no proof that the tanner was killed by agents of the regime and the necro started a discussion on the authenticity of the mask. The rest of the session went on without any killing either. They used non lethal on the deputies and threw them into a jail cell after accusing them of assault and treason.

I'm glad to hear that it went well. Ah the sashes -- we had fun at that meeting near the church. The group of players that I played with actually had some decent social skills and we caused a lot of disruptions. One of the funnier parts was that my character kept mispronouncing the name of the Glorious Reclamation and at one point, called it the "Glorious Flatulation" when speaking up from the crowd.

Good times!

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Asurie wrote:

I will also add one thing that may be perhaps more meta than some of the other suggestions.

Make sure the players buy-in to the understanding that a substantial amount of the arcs involve doing things other people tell you to do. This is not a sandbox (though a few books have some elements of it) and is possibly the second hardest railroad of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths. If the players don't buy into that style of game, you will have to do some not insubstantial rewriting.

Aren't they all railroads? ;) Just kidding and Asurie is correct. I can definitely vouch for the first three books.

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Alni wrote:
Zethorn wrote:

Hi, just came across your post. It's a shame that the players won't read the guide as it actually included some good information but what you listed in your original post should cover what the players need. If you don't mind a few suggestions:

1) Like with a group of good guys, give them a common theme or a good guy foe that may have been involved in their separate histories. Nothing brings a group of villains together like plotting to knock off a hated enemy.

2) I played in the first book as a player and our GM didn't spin it like a common robbery but for us to recover 'back taxes' that was owed to the Archbaron and the local government. Once we recovered, we were offered a percentage -- a pretty hefty one -- when this was turned in. This seemed to satisfy the LE players in the group. In OOC, sure -- we saw it as a robbery, but it satisfied keeping the plot train rolling.

That's really helpful. They all selected characters from Longacre so (1) could very well work. And (2) is great! Much easier to get two LE characters to play along if I spin it like that!

You're welcome! If they're all from Longacre, may I suggest the Sheriff as a possible foil? It would also be a good tie in for Cimri.

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Hi, just came across your post. It's a shame that the players won't read the guide as it actually included some good information but what you listed in your original post should cover what the players need. If you don't mind a few suggestions:

1) Like with a group of good guys, give them a common theme or a good guy foe that may have been involved in their separate histories. Nothing brings a group of villains together like plotting to knock off a hated enemy.

2) I played in the first book as a player and our GM didn't spin it like a common robbery but for us to recover 'back taxes' that was owed to the Archbaron and the local government. Once we recovered, we were offered a percentage -- a pretty hefty one -- when this was turned in. This seemed to satisfy the LE players in the group. In OOC, sure -- we saw it as a robbery, but it satisfied keeping the plot train rolling.

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Nicely written and as always, wonderful artwork from Wayne Reynolds to match. Out of the new iconics for the Occult, I think this one is my favorite.