
Froze_man's page

Organized Play Member. 124 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

I've been looking at building a Cavalier, and checking out the archetypes made me think of an interesting question. Are the Beast Rider and Standard Bearer archetypes compatible? The only cross over between the two is the Mount class feature, which Standard Bearer moves without altering. I'm just curious, because I'm not interested in mounted combat, and by combining the two, you get a mildly useful ability (Banner) early, and don't receive your mount until it can actually be something other than a horse.

Could this be a potentially PFS legal alternative to the Hound archetype from RPG superstar?

1: Since a Magus of at least 7th level can prepare any spell on the Magus' spell list using the Knowledge Pool feature, and scribing a prepared spell into your spellbook expends the spell, and has the normal cost in materials, but no spellcraft roll, what is to stop a Magus from learning his entire list once he hits level 7?

2: How is a Bladebound Magus' Black Blade's Special Purpose chosen, and does it get a Special Purpose power (and if it does how is it chosen?)?

Here's something that just occurred to me, couldn't you use the Two Worlds Magic trait to grab either Touch of Fatigue from the Wizard list or Brand from the Inquisitor? It does specifically state that it adds the cantrip to your spell list. Either of those would fill the niche of touch range cantrip for Spellstrike without requiring the Close Range Arcana.

I especially like the idea of using Brand with Spellstrike for Zorro-esque shenanigans.