About Friday DaudAmeiko: 0
HP: 37 1: 10+2+3 2: 6+2 3: 6+2 4: 6+2+1 5: 6+2+1 6: 6+2+1 Initiative: +9 MaB: +6+5=11
AC: 18/12/16
Fort: +5+2=7
Perception: +14
Stealth: +18
Craft (Paintings): +9
1st Favored Enemy: Human
Languages: Common, Skald
Ranger (Yojimbo) Class Skills
Skill Ranks per Level
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Enemy Clan (Ex)
Honor Bound (Ex)
Tough to Kill (Ex)
Favored Enemy (Ex)
Combat Style Feat (Ex)
Ancestral Bond (Su)
Swift to Act (Ex)
Warrior's Bond (Ex) At 4th level, instead of forming a hunter's bond, a yojimbo forms a bond with either his weapon or his mount. If the yojimbo chooses his mount, the animal becomes an animal companion. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability except that the yojimbo's effective druid level is equal to his yojimbo class level -3. The yojimbo gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks with his animal companion mount. If the yojimbo chooses to form a bond with his weapon, he chooses a specific individual weapon (not a weapon type) with which to bond. When using this weapon he gains a competence bonus to attacks and damage with the chosen weapon equal to 1/4 his yojimbo class level. When using this weapon against a favored enemy, its critical threat range is increased by one step. If the yojimbo decided to bond with a new weapon, he must forgo the bonus for one month before transferring the bond. Likewise, if the chosen weapon is lost or destroyed, the yojimbo may not form a new bond for a period of 1 month. Ancestral Discourse (Su) Beginning at 4th level, the yojimbo is able to directly attune himself to his ancestors. By meditating for ten minutes, the yojimbo may gain one of the following benefits: +1 to attacks, damage and saving throws, lasting 1 hour
This ability replaces the ranger's spell casting ability.
Feats & Traits:
Childhood Crush You’ve never had the guts to act on it, but for as long as you can remember, you’ve had a crush on one of the NPCs. Someday, maybe you’ll be able to earn the NPC’s love, but for now, you’re content to spend time in the NPC’s proximity, or even to do things for the NPC that might earn you a word of thanks or a smile. Once per day, you may attempt to earn a kind word or a smile from the NPC whom you have a crush on by making a DC 15 Charisma check. If you’re successful, the elation and joy at the attention gives you a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws for the remainder of the day. If you’re ever lucky enough to win the NPC’s love, this +1 trait bonus on saving throws applies at all times, as long as your relationship remains active. Note that gender isn’t an issue in the case of these three NPCs. Unless your GM says otherwise, all three of these NPCs are considered to be bisexual as far as this trait’s implications are concerned. Note that if you take this trait, you’ll likely want to coordinate NPC choices with any other player who chooses this trait as well, since choosing the same NPC could cause unwanted party strife. Of course... if that’s what you and the other player are looking for, go for it! In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls against foes that threaten your crush. Rest for the Wicked
Warded Against Nature
Skill Focus
Improved Initiative (Combat)
Power Attack (Combat)
Sorcerer A character who chooses sorcerer as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features. Bloodline: At 1st level, she must select a sorcerer bloodline. She treats her character level as her effective sorcerer level for all bloodline powers. Bloodline Power: At 3rd level, she gains her bloodline's 1st-level bloodline power. Improved Bloodline Power: At 7th level, she gains her bloodline's 3rd-level bloodline power Blood Feat: At 11th level, she gains one of her bloodline's feats or Eschew Materials. Greater Bloodline Power: At 15th level, she gains her bloodline's 9th-level bloodline power. True Bloodline Power: At 19th level, she gains her bloodline's 15th-level bloodline power. Vampiric While you don't experience the hunger of a vampire, you do enjoy power that originates from a necrotic taint that entered your bloodline sometime in the past. Bloodline Powers: You have mastered the art of treading so close to undeath—particularly the children of the night—that you nearly have become one of the cursed yourself. Vampiric Touch (Su)
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. •Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. •Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. •Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Focused Study All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait. Heart of the Wilderness Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces skilled. Works:
Distracting Researcher DC 7 Lady with Tea, Lady with Knife DC 19 Kaijutsu Star DC 10 A Peaceful Red DC 22 Equipment:
Mother's Necklace (Jade Holy Symbol of Tsukyio) 100g Longspear 5g Studded Leather 25 Art Supplies 45 Appearance:
Inspiration Standing at a lean 6'6" this pale man exudes an air of feralness, no small part helped by the dull red color of his eyes. Keeping his wild inky black hair pulled back into a ponytail adds some refinement to help cull this perceived aggression though. His eyes always being half lidded like one deprived of sleep helps and hinders in turns, being all too easy to compare him to a sleeping wolf all too eager to jump up and strike at any moment. Further dulling some of the sharp features universal among the Dauds is a certain softness he inherited from his mother's Min heritage, but even with all this that aura of atavistic aggression and feralness is still there, it runs too deeply in the Daud bloodline to ever be purged completely.
Possessed of a feralness that puts most others on edge this negativity is counterbalanced by the man always looking like he's about to fall over asleep. Aloof and mellow seemingly to the point of apathy Friday goes about his ways almost in a dreamlike flow. Keenly interested in anything to do with the supernatural (ghost stories in particular) due to his upbringing back in Ustalav he has found himself taken more towards artistic bents during in his stay in Sandpoint, a slightly more peaceful pastime compared to protecting the long dead that were too stubborn to stay in the ground. This is of course all trumped by his thirst for knowledge about the lands of the east, actually going there being a far flung dream he holds onto. Around others he tries to stay as quiet as possible, preferring to listen rather speak, though his training is still held tightly to him, making him quick to stand up to any he has believed insulted or threatened someone he cares about, with little regard for his own well being. Very much a well trained dog, loyal and easy to please, but beware should he start to show his fangs. Backstory:
Growing up in Ustalav was never easy, moreso if you grew up a Daud. Bred in the shadows of a tyrant the Dauds have always been shackled, even before birth, being poetically born into the grave. One such Daud, however, met a woman of incomparable beauty from across the seas in his travels, and together they had a son. This did not give the child an escape from his preordained life however since, for whatever reason, the child was soon brought to the Daud family estate were he was raised a Daud, lurking in the shadows and night, guarding secrets better left forgotten, and protecting those who walked in the night and should have left this world long ago. A cold and uncaring childhood followed by a grueling and uncaring adolescence. Despite this the child named Friday held onto one bright spot in his life. A beautifully exquisite necklace of silver and jade moons left to him by his mother, the only thing he had of her, the only thing he knew of her. He kept this trinket with always, wearing it against his heart through darkest nights and coldest days. Until he was introduced to Renton. Renton had been a noble for awhile, a century or two to be precise, and in that time he had found himself a collector of the foreign and the supernatural, of which he needed a guard to accompany him as he went about adding to his collection. He didn't trust agents to brings things to him, he went where the things were, and as a familial duty bid, Friday accompanied him, from one collector and purveyor of antiquities and oddities to the next. They traveled for months before Renton saw Friday's necklace. Laying eyes upon the jade sent revulsions through the creature, though he could not fathom why. When Friday noticed the distress his master was under he put the necklace away, only for Renton to angrily seize the jewelry and cast it away, ordering Friday to forget about it. And as familial duty bid, he did... for awhile. While the Dauds are trained to be unthinkingly loyal, they are not trained to be uncaring. Caring for one's master strengthens loyalty. Friday did not care for Renton, and now that not caring was turning into hate, which he hid. Until the sun came up. It was altogether effortless and without any aplomb that he slid the creature's coffin out of the carriage and into the daylight the very next day. Throwing open the lid Renton screamed as his body felt the warmth of the sun for the first, and last, time in decades. Doubling back to retrieve the necklace he was at a loss at what to do now until he went through Renton's belonging's to see what be of use. And there he found a list. And on that list a name. Kaijitsu. And next to that name sketches of items the noble had been interested in. Items that felt very familiar to Friday for some reason. And so the runaway Daud set forth for Sandpoint and this 'Kaijitsu'. Arriving in the sleepy seaside town Daud easily sold off everything of Renton's that wasn't of immediate use to him for much less than they were worth but still enough to rent an extremely extended stay at the Rusty Dragon. Charmed from the moment he met Ameiko he hid his boundless curiosity about Tian lands and culture behind his usual mellow countenance, merely asking her a question here and there about the occasional Tian piece of clothing she wore or her stringed instrument. And so this timid attraction continued on for awhile, and Friday was content simply being in communication with someone so close to his mother's homeland.
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