Freder1ck's page

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I recently watched this video by Smarter Everyday about learning to ride a bicycle where the handlebars turn the bike opposite to what's usual.

I literally spent about 12 hours creating my first level druid for Doomsday Dawn. This was 12 hours starting with a printout of pages 12-20 of the playtest rules, and then building the character using the book. For me, character creation goes from ability scores all the way through equipment and picking spells (even for prepared casters). This was not me taking 12 hours to read the book. I've only managed to read through various parts of the book after playing DD. I hadn't expected so much relearning, and I expect that there's a correlation between more experience and more relearning...

For part two, I created a cleric and fighter. The fighter took 90 minutes and the cleric took 2.5 hours. I'm glad to hear from Jason's Youtube video that I'm in the ballpark now.

Maybe I missed it, but how can one qualify for the Expeditious Search feat, that is, get Master level perception?

One of our players delivered this song before going underground in Lost Star:

The Tale of Kresh (sung to the tune of Gilligan’s Island)

Just sit right back
And you’ll hear a tale,
A tale of the Mudchewer Tribe
That started from Absalom,
My adventure I’ll describe.

The leader, Drakus the Taker,
A hobgoblin slaver cruel and stern,
Ten goblins set out to raid that day
To sack, steal, and burn!
To sack, steal, and burn!

Under Drakus things were getting rough
A coup we goblins planned,
The courage of Talga and Kresh saved us
When things got out of hand,
When things got out of hand.

Drakus murdered most of us
With bludgeon, stab and slash!
First Kegglebob,
Then Ripper, too.
Hellbender, and his wife (Doomscream)
DogScar, Grage, Krort, and Vark—
He killed them all!

So Talga and Kresh we ran away,
And hid for a long, long time.
We had to make the best of things
And agreed to pay for our crime.

The Star of Desna to return to Keleri,
We will do our very best,
Go to the Ashen Ossuary and find it in a chest.
But the Magnimar Sewers are dark and dank,
Not a single luxury,
A very dangerous place,
It’s as primitive as can be.

Please let me join your party, friends!
Let’s kill Drakus and save the day
With all my talents as a rogue
Well, what do you saaaay?
(Kresh smiles toothily and give a nervous goblin giggle)

So, a short bow with deadly d10 does:
1d6 + Str

Then, on a crit it does

1d6 + str + 1d10 + str

Then as a magic weapon:

2d6 + str

Then, as a magic weapon and on a crit:

4d6 + str*2 + 1d10

Leaf Order: "If you are a druid of the leaf order, your familiar has three powers instead of two."

Does this refer to Familiar and Master Abilities?

If so, does it mean a total of 3 abilities every day from both of the lists (so not 3 from each list)?

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* Your background (or class feature) can give you specific skill as trained.
* Your class says you get x+Int skills (druids get 5+Int).
* Are the class skills in addition to the background skills?
* And also, can you use the x+Int skills to advance skills received as trained from a previous source?

Would it work for one group to have different GMs for different parts of the story?

Also, what part of Doomsday Dawn corresponds to the typical AP Player's Guide? Page 3 or what?
