Sovereign Dragon

FrayedFlight's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I'm VERY bad at building characters...PFS for me seems to really involve a lot of planning out your character from 1-12 to not be underpowered or a drag on your party (don't get me wrong, I've always played with great people at events and have only had someone be nasty about it one time). I typically play strictly support characters, which is fine, but I wouldn't mind trying something new.

I have kind of a last minute PFS event coming up and we are making some new characters. I have spent the last few hours looking up threads, thoughts, comments and otherwise...and I just can't seem to make the pieces click together in my head.

I have access to Tiefling and really like the idea of playing an Oni-Spawn type character with a brutish bent from a visual and roleplaying perspective.

I see as a tiefling, I can gain access to natural attacks such as claw and bite via (I believe?) some trait swapping. I also see you can get the "tusked" trait from Orcs of Golarion for a bite (via "adopted," I would probably justify this by the character either having an orcish history or natural fangs they were taught to use)...and that some other classes have combinations that give natural weapons (Ranger-shapeshifter archetype/Witch-White Witch). I'd really love a build that utilized the usage of natural weapons in some way, either as the primary feature or something more secondary.

I think Ranger with the shapeshifter archetype has been my strongest choice so far (other aspects of the class appeal to my concept), but I saw recommendations for barbarian, oracle, witch, monk and I even considered an inquisitor.

I would be very appreciative of any PFS viable builds you could suggest for me in whatever detail you are willing and able to provide. I'm really not hardline on anything I've said here, it just sounded fun. And like I said before, I am REALLY bad at the building mechanics...I tend to think in terms of a roleplaying concept and go from there. Thank you again.