
For Great Justice's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I could use a bit of advice. I'm planning on having my little gnome pyromaniac research a new spell. Since I like setting things on fire... really, really like setting things on fire, I'm thinking I need a spell to protect from unpleasantness like smoke inhalation. There's not really much out there that does this aside from higher-level spells like "Life Bubble" which does far more than I want to do. I don't need to survive underwater or in a vacuum, don't want protection from cloudkills or stinking clouds, I just want to be just be able to walk through a burning building without keeling over from smoke inhalation.

I'm planning to base this off of "Life Bubble," but far weaker.

So what level should this spell be? I'm thinking 2nd. I'm also thinking the duration should be shorter than Life Bubble, maybe 10 minutes per level. Maybe, to keep the level down to something reasonable, reduce (or eliminate) the number of others who can be protected.

What do y'all think?