Fooma's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.

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I've only purchased pre-painted plastic miniatures in the past. I backed this knowing they were unpainted and was going to just use them in a game since options were so limited when starting starfinder. I figured I may just give some to a table-mates who may want to paint their favorites. Now I have to assemble small pieces together as well? two years later that interest has passed. What's being offered now is well beyond me, I have no idea where to begin on assembling these types of things. I had also thought that this would likely resolve with some sort of store credit, was going to use that to re-establish my subscriptions. Now I'll have a few dozen sheets of pewter or whatever it is now which does me no good.

I don't want to have Paizo go through long negotiations on this issue and have the new fulfillment company produce something that just won't be of use to me as the end user. If I could pass this pledge on to someone who actually has an interest into what this has turned out to be, it wouldn't be a total loss to everyone and not be a pointless effort.

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If Star Shamans are immune to the harmful effects of outer space and vacuum, does that include immunity to latent solar radiation (or lack thereof) drastically causing shifts in temperature while in space?

If they are immune to latent solar radiation, are Star Shamans able to ever get a sun tan? This is important.

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I want to be sure I'm handling these Haunts correctly. What are the official rules to handle Haunt destruction in this AP? Is it Knowledge (Religion) DC15+CR? Most of these have very specific conditions and it doesn't seem that anything less than implementing the research rules can give a clue, but I suppose that applies to any Haunt.

Either way I was thinking of using Dreams to hold clues to Haunt destruction. I know that after the first night outside the safe area my players are going to make sure they rest in safety in the future, but that also means they don't get clues to destroy or suppress some of these Haunts.

Seems thematic, that they must risk sanity (and security) for knowledge.

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Haven't seen much talk about the list in the first post. Can you give a bit more insight on:

Ravingdork wrote:

  • How to adjudicate interacting with illusions.
  • What the Bluff skill can and cannot get a target to do.
  • What happens when someone tells an implausible truth.
  • How to handle the Bluff skill in a group setting (such as when the rest of the party is present, but aren't themselves good liars).
  • How to better adjudicate Perception/Stealth skill interactions.
  • How to properly get a "hunch" using the Sense Motive skill.

Some of these things are coming up for me on the weekend game and would really like some clarity on what the current stance on these things.

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It doesn't stay that it acts as a Wall of Force, only treat it as a Wall of Force if the bridge is attacked. If the bridge or wall goes up, just attack what's on the other side instead of the bridge.

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Here are my suggestions for each of these tricks, assuming the following conditions:
The Hunter must successfully perform an Handle Animal check prior to the trick functioning; and,
The Animal Companion can use these tricks at 1/2 its HD + wisdom modifier

  • Aiding Attack (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this added effect. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod). However, the circumstance bonus will not stack so this is only useful if the first attack misses.
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action when he hits a creature with an attack. The next ally who makes an attack against the target creature before the start of the Ranger’s next turn gains a +2 circumstance bonus on that attack roll.

  • Bolster Companion (Ex): Animal Companion cannot use this trick. However, this is the type of trick the designer may have been intending to be used for the Hunter class feature, so a ruling may be that the Hunter may use this trick as an immediate action, as the Animal Companion is the one actually benefiting from the trick's function.
    The Ranger can use this trick as an immediate action when his animal companion is hit with an attack or a combat maneuver. The companion’s AC and combat maneuver defense increase by +4 for the purposes of that attack. If the attack still hits, the animal companion only takes half damage (if any). The animal companion must be able to see and hear the Ranger to benefit from this trick.

  • Catfall (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can use this trick as an immediate action when he falls 20 or more feet, ignoring the first 20 feet of the fall when calculating the falling damage. If the Ranger takes no damage from the fall, he does not fall prone.

  • Chameleon Step (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can move up to twice his speed as a move action. The Ranger does not take any penalty on Stealth checks for movement during this move. This move provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

  • Cunning Pantomime (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick (speech is not necessary as it is a pantomine. I'm considering "Timmy is stuck in the well?" situations).
    As a standard action, the Ranger can communicate with a single creature as if using the tongues spell for 10 minutes. Because the communication is slow and lacks subtlety, the Ranger suffers a –4 penalty on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks relating to the creature he is communicating with when using this trick.

  • Defensive Bow Stance (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick (Camel/Giant Slug spits).
    The Ranger can use this trick as a swift action. Until the start of his next turn, his ranged attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

  • Deft Stand (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can spend a move action to stand up without provoking attacks of opportunity.

  • Distracting Attack (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this added effect. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod).
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action before he makes an attack. If the attack hits, the target takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls for 1 round.

  • Hateful Attack (Ex): Restricted. Animal Companions cannot currently gain the Favored Enemy class feature, or gain any benefit from its master possessing this class feature.
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action when he makes an attack against one of his favored enemies. The Ranger doubles the threat range of his weapon for this attack. This does not stack with other abilities that increase a weapon’s threat range.

  • Heel (Ex): Animal Companion cannot use this trick. However, this is the type of trick the designer may have been intending to be used for the Hunter class feature, so a ruling may be that the Hunter may use this trick as an immediate action, as the Animal Companion is the one actually benefiting from the trick's function.
    The Ranger can use this trick as an immediate action when his animal companion moves. When the companion moves, the square it starts out in is not considered threatened by any opponent it can see, and therefore visible enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against it when it moves from that square. The companion must end this movement in a square adjacent to the Ranger. The animal companion must be able to see and hear the Ranger to take this movement.

  • Hobbling Attack (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this added effect. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod).
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action when he hits with an attack. The target of the attack’s land speed is reduced by 1/2 for 1d4 rounds.

  • Quick Climb (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can climb at his full speed as a move action without penalty.

  • Quick Healing (Ex): Animal Companion can use this trick, but the Animal Companion must have Intelligence of 3 to use Heal.
    As a swift action, the Ranger can make a Heal check to administer first aid on an adjacent dying character. Alternatively, the Ranger can administer a potion to an unconscious character as a move action.

  • Quick Swim (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can swim at his full speed as a move action without penalty.

  • Ranger’s Counsel (Ex): Animal Companion can use this trick, but the Animal Companion must be the one to have a point in the skill to be improved. I would suggest Intelligence mod skills and UMD be restricted.
    As a swift action, the Ranger can grant all allies within 30 feet that are within line of sight and can hear him a +2 bonus on skill checks with a single skill of his choice. The Ranger must have at least one rank in the chosen skill. This bonus lasts for 1 round.

  • Rattling Strike (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this added effect. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod). However, the Shaken effect does not stack so this is only useful if the first attack misses.
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action before he makes a melee attack. If the attack hits, the target is shaken for 1d4 rounds.

  • Second Chance Strike (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    When he misses with a melee attack, the Ranger may reroll his attack at a –5 penalty. Using this ability is an immediate action.

  • Sic 'Em (Ex): Animal Companion cannot use this trick. However, this is the type of trick the designer may have been intending to be used for the Hunter class feature, so a ruling may be that the Hunter may use this trick as a swift action during the Hunter's turn, as the Animal Companion is the one actually performing the trick's function.
    The Ranger can use this trick as a swift action. His animal companion makes one melee attack against an adjacent creature. The animal companion must be able to see and hear the Ranger to make this attack.

  • Skill Sage (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    As a free action, the Ranger can roll twice on any one skill check and take the better result. He must have at least 1 rank in that skill to use this ability.

  • Stag’s Leap (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    As a free action, the Ranger can attempt a running jump without moving 10 feet before the jump.

  • Surprise Shift (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    The Ranger can move 5 feet as a swift action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step.

  • Tangling Attack (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this free combat maneuver. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod). However, the Entangled effect does not stack so this is only useful if the first attack misses.
    The Ranger can use this attack as a free action when he makes an attack. If the attack hits, the target is entangled for 1 round.

  • Trick Shot (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick (Camel/Giant Slug spits).
    As a standard action, the Ranger can make a ranged attack that ignores concealment (but not total concealment), soft cover, and partial cover.

  • Uncanny Senses (Ex): Animal Companion can use and gains the benefit of this trick.
    As an immediate action, the Ranger gains a +10 insight bonus on Perception checks for 1 round.

  • Upending Strike (Ex): One of the Animal Companion's attacks allow this free combat maneuver. Can be used on multiple attacks in one attack round if the Animal Companion has sufficient trick uses left (1/2HD + mod). However, the Trip condition does not stack so this is only useful if the first attack misses.
    The Ranger can use this trick as a free action just before he makes a melee attack. If the attack hits, he may make a free trip combat maneuver against the target.

  • Vengeance Strike (Ex): Animal Companion performs this single melee attack.
    The Ranger can use this trick as an immediate action when an enemy adjacent to him hits an ally with a melee or ranged attack. The Ranger can make a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus against the creature who attacked his ally.

It's also still unresolved the DC for teaching these tricks to an Animal Companion using the Handle Animal skill, which is completely without anything to base it on other than DC20 being the standard for complex tricks, which I would suggest as a reasonable table ruling.