Mystic Theurge

Finn "Stitches" Thurrow's page

3 posts. Alias of Alchemical Wonder.

About Finn "Stitches" Thurrow

Human Wizard (Water) 1
Meduim humanoid (human)
Neutral | Male | 30 yrs | 5 ft 9 in | 140 lbs
Initiative +2|Senses -|Perception +3
AC 12|touch 12|flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +0 armor)
HP 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +4
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30ft
Melee Club(Staff)(Mwk) +2(1d6+1|20|x2)
Ranged None (-/-/-ft)
Special Attacks None
Wizard Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st|concentration +8|+12 when casting defensively or while grappled)
8/day - Cold Blast (Su) (1d6+1|Cold|5 ft. blast)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st|concentration +8|+12 when casting defensively or while grappled)
1st (3/day 1-Bonus) - Grease x2, Sleep, Touch of the Sea
0 (at will) - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Bloodline/School/Mystery/Etc Water
Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 13 (+1), Intelligence 20 (+5), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 12 (+1)
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Uncanny Concentration
Skills Appraise +9, Bluff +2, Craft(carpentry) +10, Craft(sculptures) +9, Heal +10 (+12 with Healer's Kit), Knowledge(local) +9, Knowledge(arcana) +9, Perception +3, Profession(sailor) +6, Spellcraft +9, Swim +2
Traits Precise Treatment, Ship's Surgeon
Languages Aboleth, Aquan, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Giant
SQ Arcane Bond (Staff) (Ex), Cantrips, Water Supremacy (Su), Cold Blast (Su)
Weapons Arcane Bond (Staff) (3 lbs)
Ammo None
Armor Scholar's Outfit (6 lbs)
Slotted None
Wands, Rods, Etc Arcane Bond (Staff)
Backpack (+2 lbs) Bedroll (5 lbs), Blanket (3 lbs), Healer's Kit (1 lbs), Ink (- lbs), Inkpen (- lbs), Iron Pot (5 lbs), Mess Kit (1 lbs), Soap (1/2 lbs), Spellbook (3 lbs), Trail Rations (5 days) (5 lbs)
Belt Pouch(+1/2 lbs) Flint and Steel (- lbs), Spell Components Pouch (2 lbs), Waterskin (4 lbs), 47gp 5sp 9cp (~1 lbs)
Mount None
Carrying ~42 lbs
Carrying Capacity 43 lbs/86 lbs/130 lbs
Favored Class Bonuses
1st - Skill Point
Ability Score Increases
4th -
SPELLBOOK (34/100 pages)

Level 1 Spells:
Conjuration: Grease, Mage Armor
Divination: Identify
Enchantment: Keep Watch, Sleep
Transmutation: Touch of the Sea

Level 2 Spells:
Abjuration: [url=][/url]


Physical Description:
Finn has dark brown eyes, long brown hair, and a deep brown scraggly beard with sparse grey whiskers. Somewhat tall and fit, he wears a sea blue robe with simple embroidery depicting sea creatures of mundane and magical nature. He carries a short staff set with a dark blue gem that if needed can serve as a cudgel in close combat. Well kept and groomed, Finn may not be a pretty boy but he can cast a dashing figure when desired.

Finn has an easy smile and a tranquil nature. He’s slow to anger and practical, but can rage fiercely when provoked. He views piracy as a dangerous but lucrative job and while he does not condone the more brutal aspects of his chosen profession, neither does he consider it his responsibility to intervene. The merchants and bounty hunters that his ship battles knew full well the risks they took to sail underprepared.

Finn, named Finningen by his father, grew up in a ship building port in a family of carpenters whose craft was, and is, to work the wood used in building merchants and warships alike. Though not privy to the more complex nature of ship design, the Thurrows were skilled enough to provide a more than adequate upbringing for their four children. Finn’s father, Daven, taught Finn early in life the value of knowing a craft, instilling in him all the knowledge Daven had acquired throughout his life, and that knowledge gained from his father before him. Finn’s mother, Melynna, taught Finn how to spot a good deal and how to bargain for a better one.

Finn has two sisters, one older, Myrrthistle, and one younger, Jewelynn. He also has a younger brother, Tyman. All are grown and have spouses of their own; Myrrthistle even has young children. Tyman works with their father in the shipyards, while Jewelynn is studying the arcane arts. Finn sends gifts and trinkets home regularly; both to keep the good opinion of his nieces and nephews, as well as because of occasional homesickness.

After spending some years woodworking with his father and brother, Finn decided that he would like to sail on a ship rather than merely build them. Joining a merchant’s vessel, Finn served three years without incident, learning how to be a sailor. He apprenticed with the ship’s surgeon and his deft hands, calm nature, and ability to learn and adapt quickly soon proved him to be an apt surgeon himself. The calm sea sailing did not last forever, ending in Finn’s ship being overtaken by the pirate Captain Fairwind and her crew. The Captain had need of a ship’s surgeon and pressed both Finn and his mentor into service, plundered the merchant’s ship, took a handful of the more able-bodied and experienced sailors, and killed the rest; towing the merchant’s ship back to Port Peril to be sold.

Finn has served many more years with Captain Fairwind, expanding his knowledge into the arcane; studying under Corrin, the ship’s wizard. These years have been full of excitement and plunder, leaving Finn with the impression of piracy as a rewarding if risky business. In Port Peril once more, Finn heads to the Formidably Maid for a drink; Captain Fairwind has decided to retire and has given Finn a letter of introduction. Considering which new ship Finn would like to serve on, he hears a commotion in a nearby alleyway. A damsel appears to be in distress and Finn foolishly decides to help. Waking up with a raging headache, that’s the last thing he can remember.