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Male Human 4 Druid

Balam is oblivious to the dialogue going on around him focusing on the demon right in front of him.

All attacks are done using power attack, and include +1 for flanking.
Bite Attack:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Damage:1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Claw Attack 1:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Damage:1d3 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Claw Attack 2:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage:1d3 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

If the demon dies from either the bite or first claw attack please apply the remaining attack(s) to the demon in front of Vykral

Edit: Crit Confirmation:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Re-Edit: Fixed the attacks for power attacking. I forgot my BAB isn't +4 yet :)

Male Human 4 Druid

Balam sees the approaching demons and shifts into a leopard. He tells Jyx to take a circuitous route and attack the demon from behind.

Male Human 4 Druid

"Jyx and I can make sure no one is following us." Balam walks to the end of the group and motions for Jyx to sweep out to the flank.

Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Male Human 4 Druid

"I can sail. I come from a small island chain and we all learn to sail between islands, as some things on our island are scarce. I don't think I'd be good for a trans-ocean voyage, but I can go up and down the coast or down a river, I think."

Male Human 4 Druid

Balam shakes Ash's hand and says with an easy smile "Nah, she's really good about not eating other people's nahaul. She won't bother the raven either. So does anyone know anything about these raiders we are scouting out?"

Male Human 4 Druid

As soon as Aldur enters the room the swarthy man stops his growling and takes a step closer to the wall, trying to remain unobtrusive. After Aldur leaves you hear him mutter to himself "Doesn't act like a god". The man is shirtless but is wearing doeskin breeches and calf high leather moccasins. He steps forward to the group and says "Sorry for remaining aloof. My name is Balam Ixhauy and this" he says pointing to the jaguar "is my Nahual Jyx. She and I were discussing where she put my armor" he says glaring at the lounging jaguar. We are quite excited about working with all of you, and I will be ready to go just as soon as I find my armor." At that moment the jaguar stands up and walks over to where Balam is standing revealing leather armor she was laying on. Balam growls something at the cat and puts on his armor. "All right, good to go!"

Male Human 4 Druid

Sorry everyone I was traveling. I was going to try and post while traveling, but that didn't work out. I'm back in the states now so posting should be more consistent.

Male Human 4 Druid

A short but heavily muscled man stands slightly apart from the others on the deck. He has dark skin with tattoos scrolling down both arms. His hair is dark as well close cropped on the sides with longer spikes on the top and back. In addition to the tattoos on his arms he has a tattoo around each eye.

The man is standing stiffly and gesticulating sharply at a large spotted jaguar. The man seems to be making growling and hissing sounds as he gestures between the cat and the crew quarters. The jaguar is sprawled languidly in the sun and if you didn't know better seems to be pointedly ignoring the irritated little man.

Male Human 4 Druid

@Crisk looks like witches are better healers than druids. Cure moderate is a 3rd level spell for me, so if anyone is really hurt that will be up to you. I have a wand of cure light and when I get 3rd level spells I'll memorize cure moderate. Thanks for splitting up the healing with me.

@DM my character is pretty much done. I need to add traits which I will do just as soon as I get off work. I will also probably add another wand or two. Let me know if there are any concerns.

Male Human 4 Druid
DM Ender wrote:

Ok, cool, now we're firing on all cylinders. First "real" DM post should be up by Wed 0900 EST or so. I'd like to see semi-final characters up by 1700 EST Tuesday, so I can review them over night.

If after reading the back story you have somewhere you would particularly like to explore, let me know. Otherwise, we board the rail road for a brief trip on Wed AM :)

Just as an FYI I will, likely, not be able to post until Thursday afternoon EST. I will (hopefully) be traveling from 1800 EST Wednesday night until 1300 EST Thursday. I will try and use the internet at the airports, but there are no guarantees. The good news, though, is I will be back in the states after that, and so will be posting from the same time zone.

Male Human 4 Druid

Boy did I mess up those HP rolls. They have been fixed in the character profiles.

Balam: +8 first level, +4 for Con, +4 Toughness, +4 Favored Class= 36HP
Jyx: +8 first level, +8 for Con, +4 Toughness= 31HP

The characters are mostly finished now. I still need to look through the APG for traits, and Sunken Empire for spells and gear.

Male Human 4 Druid

Ok AlQahir here. Character isn't close to done, but it's started and should be finished tonight (which for yall is afternoon) sometime.

Hit dice:3d8 + 8 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (4, 5, 7) + 8 + 8 + 8 = 40
+8 for first level
+8 for con bonus
+8 for toughness