
Fey Dawnglow's page

83 posts. Alias of feyrial.

Placeholder post. Players, feel free to dot and delete.

Welcome to my Kingmaker PF2e game!

(Almost) all of you know me relatively well, so I will keep my introduction brief:

You can call me Fey or Feyrial, don't care which - GM Fey was taken by someone else, so I went with my "full name" (randomly picked from a name generator way back when I was like...12 or 13). I'm an autistic/ADHD woman, my pronouns are she/her, and I work as a high school English teacher in the USA.

I started and finished The Fall of Plaguestone recently with four players and managed that pretty well. This AP will be a bit of a jump in terms of players - we will have around 7 folks (if everyone who expressed interest joins).

Barring any life-altering events, I am dedicated to seeing this through to the end. The life-altering events would have to be something that impaired my cognitive/physical ability to GM on PBP for me to be willing to give things up.


I'm opening the discussion thread so that you all can start talking about your character creation and backstory and such so you all can work things out.

Here is the player's guide link, if you need it (it will take you to the download): Kingmaker Player's Guide.

Note: I do not have the 1st edition bestiary, nor do I have the Kingmaker Companion Guide. I will need the majority of the group to be interested in me including these things for me to justify the additional purchase.

For those of you less familiar with me and my GMing style:

I strive to be on the side of the players. I am very much into the collaborative element of collaborative storytelling.

I will always give justification for rulings. I don't mind if you challenge my rulings, either. I am not perfect and will be happy to consider your points should something come up.


I have asked most of you for your "absolutely do not put this in my game" things, and here is what I have so far:

* Sexual assault is not something that will ever be used as a plot point by me, nor will it ever be used by another player. You are welcome to have it in your backstory, but it is not a plot device I like or will be using. It makes me very uncomfortable.

* Because this came up multiple times in the Skulls & Shackles game I was in, pregnancy is also not a plot device I will be using in the game. As in, I will never force it on a player and am not going to play around with it as a "consequence" for any actions in-game.

* If your character wants to romance another PC, be sure you've gotten consent from the player so nobody is uncomfortable. We have a few folks in here who aren't fans of romantic plotlines. You are more than welcome to hit on NPCs that I play. Keep things PG-13 in Gameplay. I will speak with you privately if I feel you are crossing a line.

* I operate under the rule that when a character snips at another character in the game, it is not reflective of the player's feelings outside of the game. That being said, it never hurts to reiterate that if there's a particularly tense dramatic moment.

Please PM me if you want to see something else on this list, or if you would like to privately let me know that you're not cool with something.


I'll be posting the adventure teaser and character creation guidelines shortly after I post this.

Placeholder post.

Posting to get this set up.