![]() About Felmor Traker[ Party: Inventory | Matrix | ToC: Book 1, Book 2 | Wiki | Personal: | List | Tracker ] Name: Felmor Traker
Str 15 ( ), Dex 18 ( ), Con 12 ( ), Int 13 ( ), Wis 11 ( ), Cha 15 ( ) Looks:
Dark brown Hair, Green eyes, tanned skin, Bite scar on the right side of his body from his upper thigh to his chest. Felmor is a handsome man, lean and rugged, but there are marks of his struggles in his eyes and on his face, which detracted from his good looks. With his newfound confidence, he has had to adjust to the affections of the opposite sex, with mixed results. Senses Perception +7
hp 59 ( HD: 7+4d10+4d8+8) Melee +1 Adamantine Longsword +9/+4 to hit, (1d8+3+1d6 fire, 19-20/x2, S)
Bard (Sea Singer) Class Features
Rogue (Rake) Class Features
Worn/Equipped: 20 lbs:
Magic Item Slots:
Non-Slotted Items:
Baldric/ Carried: 17 lbs:
Baldric: (1 lbs)
Belt Pouch (#1): 5 lbs:
Belt Pouch: (0.5 lbs empty)
Pack/Droppable: 22 lbs:
Backpack: (2 lbs empty)
Capacity (14) — light: 58, medium: 116, heavy: 175 Storage:
Large Chest: (100 lbs empty)
Felmor grew up loving the sea, probably inheriting it from his father Gerrold Traker, (along with his good looks, inherited from his mother Carlina) and when he first got his chance to leave Kelrinthi Keep on a ship, he took it. He sailed on several merchant ships, picking up the basics of swordmanship and the judicious use of the belaying pin. He served as a sailor and bodyguard on occasion, although he never distinguised himself, most of the crew and passengers agreed he is a good sailor and also a good person to have watching your back.
All of this came crashing down on him when he saw one of his good friends and a fime sailor contract the plague. No one is sure where he got it from and, although the captain did what he could for him (he was too poor to afford clerical healing), he did eventually die. Not long afterwards, the dreams started... Soon after this when, after taking a dare from another sailor he found himself addicted to shiver and then the debts started piling up. After running into a Varisian wisewoman, who advised him to kick the habit, he took that advice. Unfortunately, he found himself with a price on his head from the Cerulean Society, which is the local Guild of Kelrinthi Keep, and had to flee the Keep to avoid the Hellknights. He spent some time in the Darkmoon Vale working for the Lumber Consortium on the docks. He met a beautiful Chelaxian lady there, and was smitten with her. Lady Armandia, while returning his affections, unfortunately had a past to deal with and she broke off the relationship, and traveled back to Cheliax, to help the resistance forces there. His heart broken, he left Darmoon Vale soon afterwards. Now he works as a loader on the docks in Cassomir while he waits for his ship to be taken out of drydock, after suffering severe damage in a storm and dreams of hitting the open sea, and one day returning to his home city. Fortunately, his life has taken a detour into Limbo...His recent experiences. along with his love for the Surya-ka-Vahaak, Priyya, have strengthened his biggest personality flaw, a lack of self-respect, and brought out the dashing side of his personality. Now due to, what his friends the Kirmoon princesses, and his lover call his courage and valor, and he himself calls, 'jes doin' what needs to be done', he has been awarded a knighthood, with a ship being commissioned for him. In the meantime, he travels with his Beloved, who now walks with the Princess, along with her bodyguard Mal, and the beautiful succubus Lureene. Somehow, he knows his adventuring is not done yet...indeed it has just begun... Now, after his breakup with Priyya, he is coming to grips with the consequences of his actions in affairs of the heart. He fears he is walking down the same path that drove Armandia away from him. Maybe his father was right, he should have controlled himself better. Sailors have no need for relationships, he was told repeatedly. Of course, if Gerrold believed that, then what about his mother... Now everytime he sees Priyya, he is tormented by what might have been. Even though his mind tells him it would not have worked out, his heart refuses to listen. Something will have to be done soon, before he says something he will regret... Now he leaves his friends behind, and heads off to a brighter future, he hopes and prays. He will always carry pleasant memories of the times he spent with his Captain, and he vows to see her again... Heraldry Symbol:
Knight of Silverwake and a Captain of Estoria
On the scabbard is a large silver plaque etched with a heraldic coat of arms: On a field Azure, a sword Sable limned Or cleaves the memento mori Argent. Supported sinister the thorn-wrapped crystal Vert, supported dexter the lion Argent. In crest a sea serpent erased Vert, the neck pierced by an arrow in bend Gules flighted Tawny between sails Argent. The central field is blue, a black sword limned in gold cleaves a silver skull. The supporter on the left is the thorn-wrapped green crystal pillar of Ilmarond. The supporter on the right is the white lion of Estoria. The crest is the head of a sea serpent pierced thru the neck by a red arrow with orange fletching. To either side of it are the billow white sails of a ship. In motto on a scroll Proper, "Courage bears up hope.
16530/23000 Advancement:
Level History