I think that's an awesome idea! The reskinning of a wand to a blaster might make some GMs frown, but worst case scenario you downplay it if it becomes an issue. I sincerely doubt anyone will take offense to you roleplaying being an arcane clockmaker, or even saying in character that you crafted the objects you possess. A masterwork heavy crossbow could definitely be reskinned without complaint I imagine, even if the wand-to-blaster might not always fly. That said, if you're into magical clockwork, a really fun fit might be the Oracle of Time for future multiclassing. It benefits from your high Charisma, and a one level dip will give you access to high tech healing as well as blasting.
If you want to stay melee and still pump out some decent damage, you could become a flying dervish. You'd be ignoring Str and put it all into Dex and go for Dervish Dance at level 2. Your damage would suck at level 1, but a small price to pay. You'd have to use a scimitar and it requires Weapon Finesse, but grants Dex to attack -and- damage. The thematic Blade of Mercy Sarenrae trait could give you a +1 damage with unpenalized nonlethal. Your second trait could be Armor Expert to reduce the ACP. You would start with light armor (studded leather until mithril shirts). Even with low Str, you could get Power Attack through Piranha Strike. For the build I propose, the base fighter would be best to continue to benefit from the armor training so you could go for mithril breastplates. Mithril Platemail wouldn't really make sense with your high Dex, but you could swing it I suppose. 1st level stat recommendation after racial, all increases in Dex: Str 10
You could dump Str, but I wouldn't recommend it. You don't start with Common, so unless you put a point in Linguistics at level 1 I'd switch Wis for Int. Skills and Feats:
Skills (favored class bonus at level 1, then HP for the rest) 1: Fly, Perform (Dance-prereq) and Linguistics (common) 2: Fly, and Perform (Dance) 3: Fly and X (etc) Feats:
I'd also recommend the Tough or Nimble traits from the ARG to drop the Suspicious racial trait for a flat +1 to Fort or Reflex respectively. Reflex if you want to really specialize (and invest in a Ring of Evasion for sure)!
Hello, I just raised my first PFS character to level two last night, a Dawnflower Dervish bard that I plan on having as a Freebooter Ranger for the rest of his levels. I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed going forward in terms of combat styles, with my aim of being extremely supportive - protect allies, debuff enemies, deal moderate damage. I've got a bodyguard build with the adopted/helpful trait (good chance of +4 to adjacent ally's AC vs adjacent enemy as an AoO), and am going Freebooter because the at-will +1 to attack and damage for my allies sounds great (especially since my bardic performance would only affect my character). Three major options are what I see (if you see any other good ones, please advise!!) 1) Enforcer - at level 3 (1 bard/2 ranger) choose the Two-Handed Weapon style for Cleave (then Greater Cleave etc) and the Enforcer feat. My character has the Blade of Mercy trait for nonlethal scimitar use, but only a 12 Charisma and no Intimidate boosts (+5 at level 1). I'm thinking that getting a chance to shake up two enemies each round with Cleave, even without super high odds of success, might be nice. 2) Shapeshifter - at 3rd, choosing Natural Weapon style for Weapon Focus (then Vital Strike etc) and apply the Shapeshifter template (so at 4th (1 bard/3 ranger) I'd exchange favored terrain for a nice tactical benefit like the Jackal no AoO move. This route I could either go the same Enforcer at 3rd route or Dazzling Display, but same low Intimidate problem. 3) Shielded - a weird one - at 3rd, choosing Two-Weapon Fighting for Quick Draw, and selecting Saving Shield. Using a light darkwood quick draw shield, would as a free action unsling shield during his turn so as to be able to benefit from Dervish Dance, and at end of turn drawing the shield again as another free action. Off-turn I would take a hit to AoO power (using 13 Str instead of 18 Dex) including less of a chance of Bodyguard working (although it is only a DC 10, 3rd level would have a +4 instead of +7 for the aid another roll without situational mods), but I'd have the extra +1 AC (more with enchantment) and be able to grant the +2 shield bonus to a single ally once a round on top of the Bodyguard feat. I'm at a loss for what feats to choose besides Saving Shield or Enforcer for the protection/debuff I'm looking for that I can get early in the game. I wouldn't be opposed to going Fighter instead of Ranger if I could see immediate support boosts from it (like the Freebooter minor but typeless boost). I'd love any feedback!
Just a note - at the bottom, under the traits that provide Stealth as a class skill, Wisdom of the Flesh is listed as a regional feat and nto a religion feat (both in the table, and in the "best of" section). Edit: I notice Secret Knowledge is also listed as regional instead of religion in the Knowledge section.
I'm building a Varisian Pilgrim Cleric with the Azata domain, and I noticed something odd it. The description mentions affecting creatures, not a creature. "you can imbue creatures" and "The creatures touched" and "In addition, targets receive" - it's all plural, unlike the other touch based powers I've seen which specify a single target. WIth the rule that you can touch up to six allies with a full round action, would this power be able to be used to affect up to six adjacent allies normally? And with the Varisian Pilgrim ability, with a full round action would you be able to remotely "touch" up to six of those affected by your caravan bond with this power? It doesn't specify affecting multiple targets directly, but by using plural language where none of the other touch domain powers I've seen do makes me wonder. Anyone know?
I really like Bodyguard, but I've only played a single session with it. I'm trying out a 1st level Human Dawnflower Dervish Bard with the Bodyguard feat and the trait Adopted to get the Halfling Helpful trait (+4 instead of +2 when aiding another). WIth an 18 Dexterity, I just needed to roll a 6 (or a 4 when using Battle Dance) to protect my adjacent allies, and give them a +4 to their AC against an incoming melee attack, and I could do it 5 times each round. With the trait Blade of Mercy, I was doing 1d8+5 nonlethal damage (or +7 with the battle dance) as well. It was a lot of fun - I plan on abandoning the bard class to go to a Freebooter Ranger at level 2 to be able to boost my allies and myself at-will, and at 3rd level going for the Enforcer feat to do some free demoralizing, then Dazzling Display at 5th. I found a loophole with the ranger combat style, where I can use the natural style to get Weapon Focus (doesn't specify what I need to get it in, so scimitar it is) and Vital Strike later.
Perhaps have the character find a spellbook with spells he could use underground, maybe with a wood theme. For an indoor entangle effect, there is always web which is on the wood elementalist list. Or, you could houserule that entangle can use ropy tendrils of mold or fungus. Yes, entangle is powerful, but I'd say it's not game breaking if you fudge things and let it be used in non-natural environments. If it doesn't break anything, and the description itself is fun, I'd say go for it!
That seed is beautiful, and I agree that the creepy sexual subtext does add to the gothic horror quite a bit. Option 1b sounds the best to me, although I see it as the innocent seems to waver, temptation and guilt running strong, but eventually makes the right choice and dies for it. I definitely like the tree being thought of as a sign of ill omen, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of it actually causing bad events to occur. Elaine doesn't seem like the vindictive type, and her sadness and the horror of her death might be better as something that torments the players and haunts them, but doesn't in itself cause them misfortune. To up the creepy factor, perhaps have the dreams bleed into reality. Wake up with a mouth full of blood but no mouth wounds, hearing haunting music (Victor plays the organ perhaps?), and having shadows that plague the players (starting off as harmless, then shadows that cause minor changes to the world, then full on shadows from the Bestiary). Just some thoughts - great ideas all around!
Sorry to double post, but I got some good advice when I was asking a rules question, which led me to think I should focus on a more balanced build instead of having the 18 in Dex - a 16 or 17 could work just as well I imagine. Thought I'd reply instead of making a separate thread. Any thoughts on the following modifications so I can best benefit from the Lore Warden fighter archetype at 2nd level and beyond? Less Dex and Con, but an extra cure light wounds a day, three extra skills a level (+Scholastic), and the ability to get Improved (maneuver) feats. Also threw in a Step Up specialist Weapon Master for input! Str 13 [3]
Or Str 10 [0]
And level 2+ progression: Lore Warden - Trip Master Master:
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Agile Maneuvers, Scholastic*) 3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Improved Trip, Expertise*) 4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*) 5th level: Fighter 4 (Mobility, Spring Attack) 6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades) 7th level: Fighter 6 (Greater Trip, Lunge) 8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*) 9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive) 10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows) 11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker) 12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*) Lore Warden - Stand Still:
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Agile Maneuvers, Scholastic*) 3rd level: Fighter 2 (Stand Still, Dodge, Expertise*) 4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*) 5th level: Fighter 4 (Mobility, Spring Attack) 6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades) 7th level: Fighter 6 (Lunge, Second Chance) 8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*) 9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive) 10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows) 11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker) 12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*) Lore Warden - Whirlwind:
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Dodge, Scholastic*) 3rd level: Fighter 2 (Mobility, Weapon Focus- Scimitar, Expertise*) 4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*) 5th level: Fighter 4 (Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack) 6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades*) 7th level: Fighter 6 (Lunge, Wind Stance) 8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*) 9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive) 10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows) 11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker) 12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*) Weapon Master - Step Up: 2nd level: Fighter 1 (Weapon Focus- Scimitar) 3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Guard*) 4th level: Fighter 3 (Weapon Training - Scimitar 1*) 5th level: Fighter 4 (Step Up, Spring Attack) 6th level: Fighter 5 (Reliable Strike*) 7th level: Fighter 6 (Following Step, Step Up and Strike) 8th level: Fighter 7 (Weapon Training 2*) 9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive) 10th level: Fighter 9 (Mirror Move*) 11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker) 12th level: Fighter 11 (Weapon Training 3*)
Hello, I'm building a character with a 7 Intelligence as a bard (Dawnflower Dervish) to start, and then will become a highly dextrous fighter (Lore Warden) for every level after for Pathfinder Society play. My question: The Scholastic class feature of the Lore Warden gives two extra skill points per level that must be used on Intelligence skills. My character has -2 skill points every level, so with a normal fighter would only get the minimum of 1 every level without Scholastic. As a Lore Warden, would I get: 1) 2 skill points per level, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. Minimum 1. Then +2 from Scholastic that need to be Int based. I'd then get 1 skill point to spend on anything, and 2 skill points to spent on Int skills. 2) As option 1, but the minimum 1 skill point per level applies after all calculations, so I'd have no skill points I could use on anything, then 2 skill points I must use on Int skills. 3) 2 skill points per level, +2 skill points per level that need to be Int based, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. I could have my Int penalty take out the extra two Int skills, then apply my base two Int skills to whatever skills I want. 4) As option 3, but I would have to choose from Int skills only for the two skill points I'd get per level, as the penalty can only apply to general skill points I realize this is a weird situation (a stupid Lore Warden), and I appreciate if anyone can clarify this for me!
Greetings! I'm new to Pathfinder, but a long time player of D&D (2e, 3 and 3.5e, 4e), and I'm looking to hop on to some Pathfinder Society play. I was originally going to play a squishy sorcerer, but have decided to play for something a bit sturdier. Below is my idea for a 1 level dip of dawnflower dervish bard with all weapon master fighter planned afterward. I'd love some advice on improvement, especially from Pathfinder Society folk! My main questions are: will the Bodyguard feat, with the halfling helpful trait's +4 to adjacent allies' AC, be beneficial? I'm pretty fond of the concept, but I'm curious to what the community thinks. General thoughts would be appreciated too, especially suggestions for improvement - will I be able to contribute to a normal PFS group in being a tank/support with this build? As for advancement, the weapon master fighter appeals. Are there better fighter archetypes (or even other classes) to have the kind of mobile combatant/guardian that I'm proposing? Combat Expertise and the maneuver feats seem out of my league without the Lore Warden archetype or a stat overhaul ... is that a worthwhile choice? Without raising Int, it doesn't seem like it'll help much. Thanks in advance!! 1st Level:
Fas'rial Human (Shoanti human enthnicity) Bard [Dawnflower Dervish, Inner Sea Magic] Chaotic Good Osirion Faction Str 11 [1]
HP: 10 Saves:
Initiative: +5 AC: 10 + 3 (armor) + 5 (Dex) = 18 (19 when adjacent to two allies)
Favored Class: Fighter Racial Traits:
Class Traits:
Advancement Ideas: Weapon Master Fighter archetype
Favored Class increase: HP Stat Increases to Dex (23 at level 12) Skill increase: Acrobatic (-2 Int mod makes 1/level I believe) 2nd level: Fighter 1 (Stand Still)
Hello! I'm looking to do some convention games in a few months, and I'm hoping to get some feedback on the legality and feasibility of the character I'm planning. One of the characters I'm working on is a Half Elf Sorcerer with the Empyreal Celestial archetype (Ultimate Magic) and the Tinkering (Pathfinder Society FIeld Guide) archetype. They don't overlap in regards to abilities substituted as far as I can tell, and while I know I can use a legal archetype I don't know if I can start with two. Anyone know if it is possible? Mechanics-wise, I'm building a spell-casting trapfinder. Wisdom 20, using Wisdom as the casting stat as a sorcerer, with the trait (Wisdom in the Flesh) that allows you to use Wisdom for a single physical skill. It would allow me to start with a +13 to both Perception and Disable Device checks at level 1, as well as allowing the disabling of magical traps. My concerns is the AC of 10, the lack of Reflex, and the general poor combat ability (other than the 5 spells a day and the daze spell). Also not sure about the spell selections... ear-piercing scream and stumble gap seem like they'd help, but perhaps not as much as the crowd control of color spray and grease. Any optimizations in regards to PFS play anyone could recommend? Character: Half Elf (Arcane Training substitution [APG])
Sorcerer, Celestial (Tinkering [PFSFG.29] and Empyreal Archetypes [UM]) Lawful Good Str 8 [-2]
Favored Class Bonus: +1 skill point Racial Traits:
Class Traits:
Spells/Day: 5 1st level Spells known: