FamilyMan's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge

Good Day. There are about 6 active experienced players at our venue and 3 of them have volunteered to GM including myself. We have upped our player base to about 12 now with the addition of 8 new players. Issues I could use suggestions on:

Player death for 1st level newbies. I haven't killed a PC yet, but I have pulled punches. Some scenarios can easily kill 1st level pcs in one swing so I just put them at negt 1. Is this OK?

No one wants to run a cleric. I've come up with unique healing methods like pink paste that heals 1d6 but makes you glow neon pink. The more you use the brighter you glow. I do limit the amount to just under enough to heal everyone. How do I get someone to want to play a cleric?

The way I understand Society play is try to make sure the players have fun without straying from the rules or scenario mechanics. I want to be a good GM any suggestions.
