Midir's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Brett S.

The feat Shaping Focus came out in Ultimate Magic, before the Hunter class was created. (I believe)

It states that the feat has no effect if you're not a multi-class Druid.

A Feral Hunter gains Wild Shape 'as a Druid'.

So can a Feral Hunter take Shaping Focus, or is the 'druid only' restriction still in effect and thus, the feat not available to Feral Hunters?

In one of my first ever PFS sessions two years ago, a 4th level Alchemist went to Huge size with ludicrous bonuses and completely dominated the scenario.

When I asked the player and GM how it was possible, they both just insisted it was and brushed me off.

I've never seen this again in perhaps a hundred sessions.

Is such a thing even possible in PFS, possible for that level of character, or were there player-GM shenanigans going on at that table?