WILL: 3 =|3 BASE + 0 WIS|
MISC: +2 racial bonus vs. disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, nausea, poison, stunning and sicken effects.
+2 racial bonus to checks to remove negative levels and stabilization checks.
Humanoid (Living Construct Subtype)
Small Size - Those that choose to be Small Size get the standard +1 size bonus to hit and armor class and -1 penalty to CMB and CMD.
Base Speed: 30' for both Medium and Small.
Attribute Modifications: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Racial Traits:
----+2 natural armor bonus to AC. While this is usually provided by a combination of metal plating that covers the warforged body, it can also be done with darkwood plating as desired. It is still considered natural armor. Warforged can still wear normal armor as can other races. Once chosen, this material cannot be change. This does allow warforged druids or other classes that have a material based limitation.
----Warforged have a single slam attack: Medium (1d4) or Small (1d3). This follows the normal rules for natural attacks.
----Immune to paralysis and sleep effects.
----+2 racial bonus vs. disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, nausea, poison, stunning and sicken effects.
----+2 racial bonus to checks to remove negative levels and stabilization checks.
----Do not need to eat, breathe or sleep, but do need to rest for 8 hours to regain spells or similar abilities.
----Do not heal hit points or attribute damage naturally, but can be repaired with use of the Craft skill or with effects that repair constructs. Repairs made with the Craft skill take 8 hours and a warforged repair kit. The amount of hit point damage repaired per check is the result of the Craft check -15. Repairing a point of attribute damage requires 8 hours and a Craft check, DC 25. Repairing both hit point damage and one point of ability damage can done during the same 8 hour period, but still requires two different checks. Appropriate Craft skills include armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting and sculpting. A conscious warforged can repair itself.
----All applications of the Heal skill while used on a warforged are replaced with an appropriate Craft skill.
----Spells from the conjuration (healing) subschool or supernatural abilities that duplicate them are only half as effective, rounded down.
----Can be targeted by spells and effects that affect objects objects made from metal, stone and wood.
Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Gnome, Halfling and Orc
Favored Class Options: - Artificer: Add +1/4 to the caster level of any infusion cast that only targets yourself.
Favored Class: Artificer +4 Skill Pts
Class Abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, all crossbows, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). If the campaign allows for firearms or siege weapons, artificers also also proficient in these weapons as well.
Infusions: An artificer casts infusions, which are like spells but are neither arcane nor divine. Like spells, artificers have a limited number of infusions per day, based on their level. Similar to other spellcasters, artificers get additional infusions per day based on their Intelligence attribute and regain their infusions per day after a normal 8 hours of rest and 15 minutes of concentration. Like sorcerers and bards, artificers can cast any infusion he knows without preparing them ahead of time, classifying him as a spontaneous spellcaster. However, given how limited his selection is, he automatically knows all infusions on the infusion list of any level he is capable of casting. Should an artificer encounter some rare or ancient infusion that does not appear on the normal infusion list, he can learn it by studying it for 8 hours and making a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 20 + the infusion level. However, this is specifically not intended for artificers to reverse engineer normal spells to become infusions.
Infusions, like spells, are subject to concentration checks, using the same DCs as normal spellcaster and using his Intelligence modifier to the concentration check. Likewise, infusions have components (verbal, somatic and material) which must be met when casting an infusion. However, the somatic components are simple enough that artificers do not suffer spell chance failure from light or medium armor or from any shield, except tower shields. While rare, infusions that have saving throws have their DC equal to 10 + the infusion level + the artificer's Intelligence modifier. Infusions can be modified by metamagic feats spontaneously with the same alteration to the casting time as sorcerers. Like spells, infusions are identified using Spellcraft checks with same DCs.
Where infusions differ from spells is that no infusion qualifies for spells when making magical items or activating items, even if they are functionally similar when cast. For example, even though Light appears as both a spell and an infusion, the artificer does not have Light for the purposes of making magical items or activating a wand of Light.
Cantrips: An artificer automatically knows all 0-level infusions that appear on the infusion list, but unlike normal infusions, they do not require spell slots and can all be used repeatedly. In all other aspects, they act as normal infusions.
Artificer Knowledge: Unlike normal spellcasters, artificers count as both casters and manifesters for the purposes of creating magical and psionic items. Likewise, they can create spell trigger, spell completion, power trigger and power completion items without having the ability to cast the necessary spells or powers. They still need the necessary item creation feats, but each spell or power needed can be replaced with a successful Use Magic Device check with a DC equal to 20 + twice the spell or power level. Other item creation requirements can be substituted as well, with the exception of the caster or manifester level. The Use Magic Device DC is the same as needed to emulate the needed class features, ability scores, race or alignments. Only one check per requirement is allowed.
When determining the spell or power level of a spell or power that appears on multiple lists, the first thing to do is find the effect he is looking to duplicate. Search the spells and powers list that have the full 9 levels of spells or powers first (i.e. sorcerer / wizard, cleric / oracle, druid, witch and psion / wilder). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the choice of which list to take it from, notating the spell or power level and, in the case spells, whether it is arcane or divine. If, and only if, the desired effect is not located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 6 levels of spells or powers (i.e. bard, summoner, inquistor, psychic warrior, etc). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. If, and only if, the desired effect is located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 4 levels of spells or powers (i.e. paladin, ranger, etc). If the desired effect is one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. The choice of exactly which spell or power from which list will determine the spell or power level mimicked, the related DC for the UMD check for that particular spell or power and, in the case of spells, whether or not the effect is arcane or divine.
All other aspects of item creation remain following the same rules for item creation (feats required, time, cost, etc). The artificer uses his caster level as either the caster level or manifester level for comparing to the item's requirements. If a spell or power that is required for the item creation (like that for scrolls, wands, dorjes, etc) is not successfully emulated, the entire item creation process (time and construct cost) is wasted. After all Use Magic Device checks have been made, the normal Spellcraft check to actually create the magical or psionic item still needs to be made to see if the item is successfully created.
Thus, attempting to create a Minotaur Belt (a Wondrous Item with a CL of 4, requiring Bull's Strength and Feather Step) has a normal Spellcraft or Craft DC: 19 for someone that did not met either spell prerequisites. However, an artificer can make two UMD checks (first for Bull's Strength at a DC of 24, second for Feather Step at a DC of 22) to lower the final Spellcraft or Craft DC to just 9.
Artisan Bonus: An artificer gains a bonus to all Use Magic Device checks equal to one half his artificer level, round down, to a minimum +1.
Bonus Feats: As an artificer progresses in level, he gains the following feats as bonus feats. He does not need to qualify for the specified feats listed, but does for any bonus feat he gets to choose. Artificers gain Scribe Scroll at 1st level, Brew Potion at 2nd level, Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level, Craft Wand at 7th level, Forge Ring at 9th level, Craft Rod at 12th level and Craft Staff at 14th level. In addition to these specific feats, at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, artificers gain an additional bonus feat chosen from the following list: any metamagic feat, any item creation feat not already listed (like Craft Construct), Attune Magic Weapon, Extra Rings, Exceptional Artisan, Extraordinary Artisan, and Wand Mastery.
Trapfinding: An artificer gains a bonus to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks equal to one half his artificer level, round down, to a minimum +1. An artificer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps and this feature is in all other ways identical to the rogue's trapfinding ability.
Consume Essence: Can draw XP from magic items, rendering them non-magical.
Craft Homunculus: At 4th level, an artificer is considered to have the Craft Construct feat, but only for constructs that are of Small size or smaller and have a maximum Hit Die equal to his artificer level minus 2. Any attempt to create a construct larger than Small size or with more HD then his artificer level minus 2 still requires the normal Craft Construct feat. All other aspects of the construct creation process remain the same (time, money, skill checks, etc).