About Ezzemon of Blind Man's MillBasics:
Occultist Max Mental Focus: 7 Divination (writing board): 3 +1 to Perception Transmutation (warhammer): 4 +2 to Strength Spells (cast/max)
Implement school powers:
Divination Divination Resonant Power: Third Eye (Su) The implement allows its bearer to notice that which can’t easily be seen. The implement grants a +1 insight bonus on Perception checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 3rd level or higher and stores at least 3 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants low-light vision. If the occultist is 5th level or higher and stores at least 6 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants darkvision 60 feet. (If the bearer already has darkvision, the implement increases the range of the darkvision by 30 feet.) If the occultist is 7th level or higher and stores at least 9 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of see invisibility. If the occultist is 13th level or higher and stores at least 12 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants blindsense 60 feet. If the occultist is 19th level or higher and stores at least 15 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants blindsight 30 feet. Divination Base Focus Power: Sudden Insight (Sp)
You roll any ability check, attack roll, or skill check to gain an insight bonus on that roll equal to 1/2 your occultist level (minimum +1). You can use your foreknowledge only once per turn, and if it’s not used by the end of your turn, the insight fades and you gain no benefit. Divination Focus Powers
Transmutation Base Focus Power: Legacy Weapon (Su):
You can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from legacy weapon) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute. Transmutation Focus Powers:
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a creature to alter its size. You can increase or decrease the creature’s size by one step, as enlarge person or reduce person but not limited by the creature’s type. If the creature is hostile toward you, using this ability requires a successful melee touch attack, and the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the effect. This effect lasts for 1 round per occultist level you possess. You can’t use this ability on a creature that is already subject to an effect that alters its size.
Knacks (DC14): -/- Detect Magic (div) Mending (trans) Level 1 (DC15): 2/day
Deft Dodger: +1 to Reflex saves (moving through a working mill makes is a good school in not getting hit by cogs, wheels, beams and swinging sacks of flour suddenly coming through a trapdoor above you). Skills
Alternate Racial Trait: Dual Talented
-Warhammer 12gp -Handaxe 6gp -Sling+bullets (30) 3sp -Scale mail 50gp -Heavy wooden shield 7gp -Backpack, common 2 gp -Sack 1 sp -Waterskin 1 gp -Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1 gp -Rations, trail 5 sp -Bedroll 1 sp -Blanket 5 sp GP:19
Ezzemon was raised in a very small village called Blind Man's Mill. At its center was a recently built wind mill. The farmers from the area had chimed in with Lyktyr the Blind to build their own mill so they wouldn't have to travel to the far away mill in Kusnar. This way they could save on travel time and would only have to pay the miller a relatively low fee and enjoy the profits. Ezzemon was put to work in the mill at the age of 8 as his older brothers were already doing all there was to do on the farm of their parents. He didn't get paid much but it was better than nothing. Through his teenage years he worked at the mill and saw a small village grow around the mill. Ezzemon grew quite strong, which comes to good use when hauling sacks of flour, but he also found he was missing out socially. The people around him seemed interested in other things than he was. Lyktyr, the blind miller, wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. He would often complain about suggestions that Ezzemon made and had him beaten. Later on Ezzemon grew too strong and Lyktyr started to ignore him instead. The years went by and Ezzemon stayed to work at the mill. During these years Ezzemon sometimes had farmers offer him food or other goods instead of coin to pay him and the miller. It was with one of these payments, an old warhammer, that Ezzemon felt something strange. For the first time. It felt as if the warhammer was telling him on how to use it to draw strength from it. Ezzemon first thought it was a magical warhammer and told the miller about it. Lyktyr didn't believe Ezzemon but asked a visiting priest from Kusnar one day to check it out. The warhammer was just a warhammer according to the priest and Ezzemon felt ashamed when Lyktyr confronted him about it. Soon after that incident though, Ezzemon felt likewise powers in seemingly common objects and decided he was going to find out what they are. His parents had already passed away so he grabbed what little belongings and savings he had, said good bye to his brothers and started to travel to find other objects and learn about these and his ability to use them. Later information:
A rather unnoticable man, he must be in his thirties, watches you unscrupulously with his sky blue eyes. His sleek half long grey hair is hanging in disarray. Through the strands of hair his face shows a weathered skin, a weeks old short beard and you can see at least one large scar on his temple. His body is covered in all kinds of battered armour, latched together with leather straps, rope, nails and rings. Judging by the size of his armour and clothing it seems he's rather well built and probably capable of hard labour. Then you notice something odd: with one of his hands he's keeping a raggedy looking warhammer upright and the other hand is holding a dark red lacquered clipboard. Ezzemon is a laidback person. Perhaps too laid back and a bit of a pushover. Since most of his life he hasn't done much other than working for the mill, he now feels a bit of an urge to explore the world and himself but finds himself held up by people requiring his help.