Evildmn's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Any update?

Really looking forward to this!

This is my request for a city builder app. With the newest book out, Ultimate Campaign, I would LOVE an app that helped me build and calculate the stats for a city.

Am I the only person that would pay to have something like this on Ipad or anything?

Hey guys, I'm running a campaign in the River Kingdoms and the PC's will shortly be adventuring into Numeria.

Are there stats for Numeria barbarians or NPC's? What about equipment?

Thanks in advance!

This is old, but I'm interested if there's a chance!

Hey peeps,

It wasn't really clear to me in the rules... but if the players take a hex with a building in it, do they incorporate that building into their town?

The wording suggest that the building has to be part of a town or something....

I ask this because the players have taken the Stag Lord fort as their town, but they could expand to the hex below them and take the Swamp Witch hex.

Would they gain the Swamp witches hut as a building? What would it count as exactly?

Regardless either way, I'm certain they'd have to negotiate something out with the Swamp witch.

Any thoughts?

Oh, sorry guys, new to the forums. I'll repost in the Kingmaker forums.

Hey peeps,

It wasn't really clear to me in the rules... but if the players take a hex with a building in it, do they incorporate that building into their town?

The wording suggest that the building has to be part of a town or something....

I ask this because the players have taken the Stag Lord fort as their town, but they could expand to the hex below them and take the Swamp Witch hex.

Would they gain the Swamp witches hut as a building? What would it count as exactly?

Regardless either way, I'm certain they'd have to negotiate something out with the Swamp witch.

Any thoughts?

Cool, so the game is always bouncing from their Kingdom to the events in the other regions?

wraithstrike wrote:
They get to return. There is no need to establish a new capital.

Would you care to tell me when they would return? Is that in book 4? I don't have that one yet... Do they mostly just spend some time exploring in book 3 and then return at the end, or partially through?

Hey guys,

I've been running a Kingmaker campaign and I'm about to get through book 2 and into book 3... but I am curious. Do the players leave their capital city in book 3 and never return? Do they establish a new city in the Eastern portion of the Stolen Lands?

My players seem to be loving their capital city, I'm not completely sure they'll want to leave it when the time comes. Has anyone else come to this problem?

I appreciate it, thanks!

Duskrunner1 wrote:
What Nez said. Also you will find that out in the second module Rivers Run Red if you dont have it yet. The first module is simply to head out and explore what is there....and such.

Thanks for the help guys.

As for finding out in Rivers Run Red... any idea where its at in that book? I looked through it but couldn't find it.

I only ask because my group is desperate about getting money from it -right now- they even went so far to trying to chip gold from the wall with their weapons. They only stopped when I told them they were going to start getting damage penalties for dull weapons... heh

Hey peeps,

I am running Kingmaker online through Skype and trying to get to game table (Let me know if anyone wants to join!).

But that is not what I'm asking for help with. In the game, we've just gotten past the point where the PC's have found the underground cavern of gold. Where can I find out what they can do with the gold, how they mine it, and how much money they make?

pres man wrote:
Evildmn wrote:

Hello Peeps!

This is my first attempt at making a mini... Not that it was a hard one. I made a base and stuck a dragon on it.

It's a 6x6 dragon, so a great wyrm. The proportions might not look exact, but it was the smallest base I could fit this bad boy on.

Let me know what you think!










Paizo doesn't show pics directly.

Thanks man!

Also, apparently I am a noob to this forum. Whats the best way to post up pics? I never had problems on other forums with the coding like this :


It use to just post an image.

Hello Peeps!

This is my first attempt at making a mini... Not that it was a hard one. I made a base and stuck a dragon on it.

It's a 6x6 dragon, so a great wyrm. The proportions might not look exact, but it was the smallest base I could fit this bad boy on.

Let me know what you think!









DeathQuaker wrote:
Evildmn wrote:
Hey peeps! I'm just now getting into painting miniatures. Do any of you have any advice on the best places to buy paint or websites to give tips on painting techniques?

The place I order most from is the Warstore, though I also order from Paizo as well. Or buy at local hobby stores. For tools I go to Micro Mark.

For painting tip Websites, I like Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic. Google searches will give you many other results. Wargame communities are another place to look--a lot of people there are very serious about the painting hobby and can provide a lot of insight and advice.

One important thing to note is that there is no one right way to do anything. Experiment and find what works for you.

I know you didn't ask, but general advice I would give:

1. Remember in addition to paint and brushes you will also want the following:

- A needle file or two to remove mold lines
- A hobby knife (such as a standard Xacto knife) to remove "flash"--stray bits of metal or plastic that don't come off from the mold.
- Superglue (cyanoacrylate+) for metals and plastic glue for plastics. I hear good things about Gorilla Glue too.

2. Use good paint brushes for any work that isn't undercoating or drybrushing. I buy Windsor and Newton Artist Color Kolinsky sable brushes from places like Plaza Art and Michaels (online the best place is Dick Blick's), who often put their brushes on sale. These are expensive brushes but the thing is -- one $8.00 - $10.00 brush that is well cared for will last you a long long time. One cheap, synthetic $3.00 brush will lose its shape fast and need replacing within months--ultimately costing you more money in the long run. And moreover, the good quality brushes keep their point and make it much easier to apply the paint smoothly without brush marks and paint small details.

1 good quality #2 brush is all you need to start with. Again,...

Thanks a lot I took all your advise. I appreciate it!

Yeah I can't buy any of the dragon minis thats why I'm making my own :P hehe.

As for template, I mean like a download I can print out on card paper that would show what squares it should be standing in.

Right now I have a Green and Red dragon so I guess those proportions.

Hey guys, I'm trying to make my own minis. I'm working on a Dragon right now. What would be the correct proportions for an Adult Dragon?

And does anyone know of a template for bases or anything of that nature?

Thanks for the advice guys, can't wait to get started

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey peeps! I'm just now getting into painting miniatures. Do any of you have any advice on the best places to buy paint or websites to give tips on painting techniques?

darknerd wrote:
Jason S wrote:
William Ronald wrote:

Most of my conversions have been between 3.5 and PF. A lot of the time I just leave the monster stats as 3.5. Obviously you can't do that since it's 1E. So if it was me, I'd check the EL of all of the encounters before proceeding, maybe consider giving everyone a 3rd level character, so they can go farther.

Actually, B2 is DnD 0e. I start my players out at 2nd level.

Hey Dark Nerd, are you still in South Korea? Send me a message.

darknerd wrote:
Jason S wrote:
William Ronald wrote:

Most of my conversions have been between 3.5 and PF. A lot of the time I just leave the monster stats as 3.5. Obviously you can't do that since it's 1E. So if it was me, I'd check the EL of all of the encounters before proceeding, maybe consider giving everyone a 3rd level character, so they can go farther.

Actually, B2 is DnD 0e. I start my players out at 2nd level.

Hey Dark Nerd, are you still in South Korea? Send me a message.

Gorbacz wrote:

Followed by fightin' gods, fightin' Immortals, fightin' Galactus and fightin' reality itself.

Count me out. I'll be happy there in the corner, where a CR 24 monster means oh crap that's gonna hurt.

I don't know, the idea takes me to Greek Myth with Mortals opposing the Gods. Doesn't mean that a level 21 character can fight a God, but a level 40, maybe.

Anyways, if you don't like the idea theres tons of ways you could go about it, you could say that no mortal can go past level 20. Maybe level 21+ is for minor deities or whatever the like, something more than human.

I personally like the idea of seeing the PC's eventually get to a level where they are among the widest changing force in their world.

darknerd wrote:

I am starting a campaign in Seoul, South Korea. I was doing a study abroad here, and some guys grew nostalgic of DnD days. I used to run campaigns in DnD2e to DnD3e using the Mystara system (Karameikos and Soderfjord Jarldoms areas).

I wanted to run a game, and chose Pathfinder because the start-up time to get a game running was the best with Pathfinder. This is because I am familiar with DnD3e (and 3.5e) and I can order the PDFs. I must say I am impressed.

Other thoughts, is that there are tons of great DnD3e and d20 material out there, that I am considering using as the campaign gets going.

Oh wish I would have found this sooner

I am just outside of Seoul and a pathfinder player, send me an email sometime if you want to talk.


Put Pathfinder in the subject so I won't delete it as spam!

TarkXT wrote:
Sunderstone wrote:

Kordel Mordaen is my submission. :)

My post above answered the Background summary and Westcrown questions. The avatar contains his character sheet which includes appearance and a shorter background summary. Did I overlook something else?
sry my mistake.

Though I like the sorcerer, I am willing and able to take on Fighter / Cavalier / Wizard / Barbarian if you feel any of those would be more suitable and are in need of a brawler / meatshield

Submit a character with backstory and a brief description of physical looks, personality, class and race. In addition please answer the following questions in whatever way you see fit.

1. Why are you in Westcrown?

2. Given a chance would you hurl down the ruling houses and take their place? Or create a new form of government?

3. What will you be able to contribute to the group?

4. How do you expect the character to develop roleplay wise? Mechanically?

I'm a Hellknight about to lay down some police brutality down on you. What do you say to stop me from breaking off my spiked greaved boot in your butt?


First time PbP player here (But experienced in online chats and TT), I'll try and organize it correctly but I haven't quite got the hang of how it works yet.

Name: Kaydren Sulstep

Race: Human (Chelaxian)

Class: Sorcerer (Destined bloodline)

Physically: Kaydren has always garnered much attention as his features don't typical suit that of a Chelaxian. His hair is a blonde color while his eyes a vibrant green. While some would whisper behind his families back of the relations his mother may have held outside of wedlock, few would do so to his families face. Kaydren Stands at average height and seems to be a man of good health.

Personality: He is a kind man, but is often lead astray by women and his own desires to prove his worth to the world. Adventurous and cunning, he often leaps before he looks.

Background: Raised in Egorian, Kaydren wanted for nothing. Born of a noble house he had but only as for things he would want. But as he grew he felt this unpleasing and decided to leave his house to make his own way and write his name across the world upon his own power and abilities. Westcrown was chosen seemingly at random as something drew him in that direction, there he sets out now not knowing where he'll be tomorrow.

1. He has gone there to try and make a name for himself, feeling the inborn powers of a sorcerer and a destiny to be someone of importance to the world.

2. Kaydren has no interest in becoming a political leader, let the politics fall to the wolves that would tear each others throats for it. He would not try to establish anything new, nor try to take their place (At this point, but the character could change.)

3. From an OOC perspective, Kaydren will be a spellcaster. ICly, he will try to be humorous and caring to his allies.

4. I am unsure of at this point, I'd rather let the game take him in a direction that is natural rather than something I have planned at this point.

HellKnight: If casting a simple spell to turn him away wasn't possible, Kaydren would compliment him on his brutish looks and seek to engage him in stories of his victories.

If the character is approved, I will stat him out.

Hey peeps,

I live in Korea (Bundang Gyeonggi-do) and I'm interested in getting a few more players for a biweekly pathfinder game.

I doubt theres much interest, but figured i'd throw it out there anyways....

Anyone around here thats interested in playing?

I see your above post but figured I'd drop a line anyways... I live in Korea so I'm in your time zone.

Any room for one more? I can fill any class role