About Evelynda SurtovaEvelynda is crafty and aggressive, having been raised with the values of a family where murdering distant relatives to move up in the succession is not uncommon. She is fiercely loyal to her coven-mates, but has little love lost for her estranged noble ancestors. Like her hag mother, she is more than a little vindictive, and like her Varisian grandmother she has a healthy touch of wanderlust. A middle child, Evelynda focused on intellectual activities growing up, and was particularly interested in the arcane magic and cultural traditions associated with her father's mother, who she more than superficially resembles. She was given a bladed headscarf as an heirloom, and she practiced wielding it with a passion throughout her childhood. She's not sure what compelled her to seek out her true mother and learn the truth of her accursed heritage. Perhaps because it was a family secret, and she cannot leave secrets alone. Her noble father had long been unable to produce any heirs, and rumor held that he had visited a woods-witch to help with his problem. She cured him, but also cursed him to only produce daughters, and only three of them before he died, his life spent. His barren wife had lost her mind, and now lives out her remaining years cared for by servants in a tower. The eldest daughter, Evelynda's older sister, took over the estate. Their younger sister has only just come of age, and there has been talk of arranging marriages for the two of them. Unlike Evelynda, neither of them show any outward sign of their fey nature. Maybe that is why the fact Evelynda had joined the coven upset the new baroness so. It would not do, she had said, for her noble sister to belong to such a group. Evelynda had been given a choice: forsake their company or give up her title. Evelynda had lost her temper and fled the estate, and now that the coven has been destroyed she fears she can't go back. 10-minute background:
5 Important Concept Elements 1. Evelynda is a haughty noblewoman who believes she is inherently better than most other people, and is willing to fight and kill those who get in her way. 2. Having been effectively disowned by her older sister Angelica, Evelynda nurses a powerful sense of resentment. She also has a pervasive sense of entitlement that is almost as extreme. 3. For a long time Evelynda unreasonably disliked the other changeling members of her coven, with displaced feelings of blame for her loss of status. However, when disaster struck, these emotions were replaced with guilt for those who died. In particular, since Ahreni saved her life she now respects her like an older sister should be, or the mother she's never had. 4. Evelynda still keeps tabs on her younger sister Morgana, whom she loves and fears for, and wishes she could rescue from her sister's control. She is more of an earthy sort than either of her sisters, and Evelynda thinks she would rather die than endure an arranged marriage. 5. Evelynda's maternal grandmother was a fortune-teller from Varisia, who was quite skilled with the kapenia-- the bladed scarf. Wielding her family's ancestral weapon gives her strange comfort and skill in battle. 2 Goals
2. I'd like to be able to adopt Morgana (a Seducer Witch) as a cohort using the Vile Leadership feat. 2 Secrets
2. Angelica is actually working against House Thrune, with the idealistic and selfish idea that once they are toppled she and her allies can swoop in and take control. 3 People Tied to Character 1. Morgana, her younger sister, is truly a kindred spirit. If she had only been a little older when Evelynda went off to join the coven, she would have risked taking her along. In all the ways that Evelynda is cold and calculating, Morgana is warm and charming. She wraps people around her finger, and instead of intimidating them into helping her, she makes them want to help her. 2. Martyn, the halfling steward, lives at the estate and helps Evelynda's older sister manage the estate. A loyal servant, he is frightened of Evelynda, and has always gone out of his way to stay on her good side. He idolized her father, and disapproves of Angelica's decisions, though he would never speak against her. 3. Carrol, Martyn's cousin, is a member of the Bellflower Network and an agent of the resistance. He is the spy to whom Evelynda passed information about her sister. He is crafty and ruthless to his enemies, and not above exerting pressure on someone who he feels is weak or vulnerable. 3 Memories, Mannerisms or Quirks 1. Evelynda always wears her kapenia scarf on her head, tying back her hair, until she is ready to begin combat. Her hair is like an unruly possessed limb or a wild, malicious creature, and she must keep it tied down to keep it tamed. 2. Though she has effectively been disinherited, she still thinks of herself as a baroness and prefers to be called 'Lady Evelynda' and addressed as 'my lady'. People who refuse to do this irritate her. 3. Unless circumstances absolutely require otherwise, she prefers to sleep during the day and travel outside at night. She also wears expensive clothes with lots of layers, even when it is warm. Abilities Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14-2 (+1), Int 16+2 (+4), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 12+2 (+2) HP: 10/10 (1d8+2) Initiative: +2 Saves: +3 Fortitude / +2 Reflex / +1 Will AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +1 natural armor, +1 dodge) BAB: +0 CMB: +2 (+4 grapple) CMD: 15 Weapons white hair: +2 attack (1d4+7 damage plus grab, 20 x2), +6 grapple, +2 other maneuvers; kapenia scarf: +3 attack (1d6+2 1h or 1d6+3 2h, 20 x2), +3 disarm or trip, +2 other maneuvers; claws: +2 attack (1d4+4 damage, 20 x2) Alignment: Neutral Evil Racial Traits (Changeling): Claws (1d4), Darkvision (60'), Hulking Changeling (+1 melee damage), Natural Armor (+1), Witchborn (+2 Int instead of +2 Wis) Background Traits: Chelish Nobility, Magical Lineage (frostbite), Wicked Leader Arcane Malignancy: Your already pallid complexion grows unusually sensitive to the rays of the sun. Exposure to direct sunlight for more than 1 hour at a time makes you sickened for 24 hours. (22) Classes: Magus // Witch Magus (Greensting Slayer / Kapenia Dancer) Class Abilities: arcane pool (5 points, 1d6 sneak attack), canny defense (+1 dodge AC), diminished spellcasting, spell combat Witch (White-Haired Witch) Class Abilities: patron (Strength), white hair (grapple, 5' reach), witch's familiar (king crab, mauler archetype), +1 hp FCB Feats: Rime Spell (1), Weapon Focus: flail weapons* (bonus magus feat); Agile Maneuvers*, Combat Expertise*, Deadly Aim*, Power Attack*, Weapon Finesse* Skills: Intimidate 1+5, Knowledge History 1+7, Knowledge Local 1+4, Knowledge Nature 1+7, Knowledge Nobility 1+8, Knowledge Planes 1+7, Perception 1-1* (+2 when near familiar), Sense Motive 0-1* (+2 when near familiar), Spellcraft 1+7 Languages: Aklo, Common* (Taldane), Halfling, Infernal*, Shadowtongue, Sylvan Magus Spells Prepared: (cantrips, DC 14) ghost sound, prestidigitation; (1st, DC 15) blade lash Witch Spells Prepared: (cantrips, DC 14) daze, guidance, message; (1st, DC 15) frostbite x2 Magus Spells in Spellbook (cantrips) acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, grasp, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, spark; (1st) blade lash, chill touch, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, frostbite, keep watch, line in the sand, ray of enfeeblement, shield, true skill, true strike Witch Spells in Familiar (cantrips) arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, detect poison, grasp, guidance, light, mending, message, putrefy food and drink, read magic, resistance, spark, stabilize, touch of fatigue; (1st) chill touch, enlarge person, frostbite, ill omen, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, remove sickness Equipment: bladed scarf, dagger, familiar satchel, magus's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches x10, trail rations x5, waterskin), noble's outfit, potion of enlarge person, ruby brooch worth 200 gp, scroll of mage armor, signet ring, spellbook (in waterproof bag), waterproof bag x2, tindertwigs (x4) Progression plan:
Str 7, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 2
Familiar abilities: alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link Water dependency (Ex)
Evelynda is crafty and aggressive, having been raised with the values of a family where murdering distant relatives to move up in the succession is not uncommon. She is fiercely loyal to her coven-mates, but has little love lost for her estranged noble ancestors. Exiled from her birthright, she now aims to tear a new one out of the Stolen Lands ("Ours is the right" are her House words). Like her hag mother, she is more than a little vindictive, and like her Varisian grandmother she has a healthy touch of wanderlust. A middle child, Evelynda focused on intellectual activities growing up, and was particularly interested in the arcane magic and cultural traditions associated with her father's mother, who she more than superficially resembles. She was given a bladed headscarf as an heirloom, and she practiced wielding it with a passion throughout her childhood. She's not sure what compelled her to seek out her true mother and learn the truth of her accursed heritage. Perhaps because it was a family secret, and she cannot leave secrets alone. Her noble father had long been unable to produce any heirs, and rumor held that he had visited a woods-witch to help with his problem. She cured him, but also cursed him to only produce daughters, and only three of them before he died, his life spent. His barren wife had lost her mind, and now lives out her remaining years cared for by servants in a tower. The eldest daughter, Evelynda's older sister, took over the estate. Their younger sister has only just come of age, and there has been talk of arranging marriages for the two of them. Unlike Evelynda, neither of them show any outward sign of their fey nature. Maybe that is why the fact Evelynda had joined the coven upset the new baroness so. It would not do, she had said, for her noble sister to belong to such a group. Evelynda had been given a choice: forsake their company or give up her title. Evelynda had lost her temper and refused both choices, and soon it seemed the choice was made for her when the coven was driven out of Restov. The newly awakened witch chose to flee with them to the Stolen Lands, disguising herself as a Varisian fortune-teller. Abilities
Initiative (-2 when sickened): +2 Saves: +3 Fortitude / +2 Reflex / +1 Will (+1/+0/-1 when sickened) AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +1 natural armor, +1 dodge) Weapons (-2 attack when sickened)
Racial Traits (Changeling): Claws (1d4), Darkvision (60'), Hulking Changeling (+1 melee damage), Natural Armor (+1), Witchborn (+2 Int instead of +2 Wis) Background Traits: Magical Lineage (frostbite), Noble-born (Surtova, +2 melee damage with light or one-handed weapons vs flat-footed opponent), Tight Bonds (+1 Will vs charm and compulsion if family member is within 60', +3 if command harms family) Arcane Malignancy: Your already pallid complexion grows unusually sensitive to the rays of the sun. Exposure to direct sunlight for more than 1 hour at a time makes you sickened for 24 hours. (22) Magus (Greensting Slayer / Kapenia Dancer) Class Abilities: arcane pool (5 points, 1d6 sneak attack), canny defense (+1 dodge AC), diminished spellcasting, spell combat Witch (White-Haired Witch) Class Abilities: hex (coven), patron (Strength), white hair (grapple, 5' reach), witch's familiar (king crab, mauler archetype), +1 hp FCB Feats: Rime Spell (1), Weapon Focus: flail weapons* (bonus magus feat) Skills (-2 skill checks when sickened): Intimidate 1+5, Knowledge Arcana 1+7, Knowledge History 1+7, Knowledge Local 1+4, Knowledge Nature 1+7, Knowledge Nobility 1+4, Perception 1-1* (+2 when near familiar), Sense Motive 0-1* (+2 when near familiar), Spellcraft 1+7 Languages: Aklo, Common* (Taldane), Draconic, Giant, Skald, Varisian* Magus Spells Prepared
Witch Spells Prepared
Magus Spells in Spellbook
Witch Spells in Familiar
Equipment: familiar satchel, magus's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches x10, trail rations x5, waterskin), bladed scarf, dagger, spellbook (in waterproof bag), waterproof bag x2, tindertwigs (x4) Progression plan:
Str 7, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 2
Familiar abilities: alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link Water dependency (Ex)