Sanvil Trett

Evan Rivers's page

202 posts. Alias of oyzar.

Current Campaigns

Team Xantrius

Monster Mashup - Table 2 (inactive)

Goatling Battle Map
Hillside Ruins
Wilderness Battle
Regional Map
Night Ambush
Giantess Fight
Scepter battle

Party XP Total:
Longirus: 17680 (6th)
Goliath: 1960 (6th)
Everyone else: 21422 (6th)

Needed for 6th level: 23000

Party Meals Remaining: 38.5
Meals used/day: 4.75
(2 medium, 1 small, 1 tiny, 1 large)
Fed through day 13

Reign of Kingmaker (inactive)

With a Kingmaker Chassis this game mixes in Reign of Winter, Tales of the Old Margreve a variety of modules and tons fo custom content from the GM's company Flying Pincushion Games.

Team Love Game play (inactive)

Team Love is centered around Evan and Kejal's riomance and is rollicking around the stolen lands facing a mix from Kingmaker and Reign of Winter. Sometimes linking up with Team Rock and Roll

←~∋(。Ψ▼ー▼)∈Lets be Evil∋━━o(`∀´oメ)~→ (inactive)