
Etienne Olieu's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists. 1 alias.


I have a player who wants to go with Vital Strike. And we had a dsicussion as to whether or not he can use it in conjunction with Cleave? Anyone who knows?

Hello gang(s), I find myself in the situation that I would like to revisit Eberron with my Pathfinder group. As such I would like to know if there are any decent conversion rules, or even hacks that make Eberron viable? This would be awesome and also sparkly.

Ok. So basically the info about varisia is scattered over several supplements.

I'll probably end up buying the lot then :)

And thanks for the replies. Much appreciated.

Hi all, I am a new GM to Pathfinder, and I would like to know which book(s) are great for info about Varisia. I have bought the Inner Sea World Guide, but information there is sketchy.
I was somewhat considering the anniversary edition of Rise of the Runelords. But since I mostly make my own campaigns I am a bit iffy on shelling out for a product that might only be tangentially useful.