Elvish Fighter

Etgar Nostrum's page

417 posts. Alias of Nayr Trebrot.

Full Name

Etgar Nostrum




Investigator / 4 HP: 23 /25 AC 15 (17)/T 13 / FF 12 (14); CMB + 4 CMD 17; Initiative +3; F 2 / R 7 / W 6, Perception +10; LL vision, inspiration 1/6










Junior Historical Verifier

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Etgar Nostrum

Favored Class Bonus 1,2, 3, 4: +1 HP
Init +3; Senses Low light vision; Perception +9
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 25 (4d8+4)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Elven Branched spear +6 / 1d8+1
Ranged Javelin +5 / 1d6+1
Special Attacks Inspiration Pool: 6 (add 1d6 to skill Knowledge, ling, spellcraft - free; add 1d6 to other skills or ability checks - 1 point; add 1d6 to attack roll or saving throw - 2 pts)
Extracts known: Coin shot, comp languages, CLW, Long arm, Shock shield, true strike
Extracts prepared (3+1/day): 1st: Cure light wounds, shock shield, true strike X 2
2nd: (1+1/day): Aid, Invisibily

Crowd Dodger - add +2 trait bonus to acrobatics to move through another creature's space and move out of a threatened square

Pessimistic - 1/day as a free action, force an ally within 30' to reroll a saving throw and take better result
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10 (8), Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse, Phalanx Form
Traits Pessimistic, Crowd Dodger
Skills Acrobatics +9, Appraise +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device + 11, Knowledge Dung +10, Know Engineering +10, Know Geo +10, Know History +9, Know local +8, Know Nature +8, Know planes +9, Know religon +8, Perception +10, Spellcraft +10, Survival +3, UMD +6
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc, Necril, Dwarven, Hallit

Combat Gear: Leather Armor, Javelins (2), Elven Branched spear
Gear: Backpack, common; bedroll; Ink; hooded lantern; Lamp oil (3): Explorer's Outfit; Parchment (3); Rations (5); Rope - hemp - 50'; Formulae book; thieve's tools, common; waterskin
Special Abilities
Elven immunities - immune to magical sleep effects and gain +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects
Elven magic - +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify
Trapfinding - add 1/2 level to perception checks to locate traps and DD checks
Alchemy - DC15; 1 minute to make, potent for 1 day
Poison lore
Poison resistance +2
Keen recollection - all knowledge checks untrained
Trap sense: At 3rd level, an investigator gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, granting him a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).
Investigator talent - Alchemist discovery/Mutagenist - 1ea. Dex Mutagent / day (+4 Dex, +2 natural armor, -2 Wis for 10 mins/level)
Studied comabat - move action +2 to hit and damage
Studied Strike - free action +1d6 to damage

Etgar is abnormally tall and it is more than a little off-putting to many who see him. His skin is pale and his hair is stark white, which makes him look more sickly then mysterious. His nearly black eyes are large and often focus a bit too hard at whatever he studies, as if he is trying to look inside of it. He walks with a slight hunch out of habit, as he often has to lean down to speak with smaller folk.

Etgar is typically dressed for travel, as his job often takes him to many new places. His leather armor is almost always on over his simple grey shirt and blue pants, and he wears a cloak that is almost comically short on his tall frame. He always wears his badge of office, as it is something...maybe the only thing, that he is quite proud.

Etgar's parents were travelers, wholly and completely dedicated to Shelyn and seeing the natural beauty in all things. Before they started their small family, the couple left Kyonin to travel the world, citing it as their duty to see the beauty and art in all things. In their travels, they saw a multitude of wonders, all documented in sculptures, paintings, poetry, and prose. They had a young boy, Etgar, and had to settle. For many years as the boy grew, they had to settle down and chose to stay where they'd last set up shop - in Vigil. They'd planned this to be a short stop, but life does as it does, and years turned into decades.

When Etgar was still a boy, a party of raiders from Belkzen happened upon him and his parents when they were out on one of his parents' excursions of observance. His parents were killed, and the young elf barely escaped with his life. After this tragedy, Etgar grew dark, bitter, and pessimistic. He saw darkness, not light in most things, and began to dedicate himself to bringing truth to all things so that others can learn how truly harsh life really is. He dedicated his learning to the calculating studies of arithmetic, anatomy, engineering, the works of man, magic, and law. No longer did he follow flights of fancy like his parents had...instead, now such things made him bitter and angry.

After many years working internally in the historical archives of the local Pathfinder lodge, run by Venture-Captain Evni Zongnoss, Etgar finally got a "mission." He happened upon it, as he'd been searching through the land deeds owned by now deceased warriors of the Shining Crusade - admittedly something no one else really had the interest in. He came upon some unclaimed deeps from those interred in Roslar's Tomb...or at least that's what the ledgers hinted at. After bringing it to the Senior Historical Verifier, he was sent on his way!

Character sheet