
Eternia's page

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My company would go back to town at the end of each session. They ended up near fresh and leveled by the time they reached him. Rather than fight Hetuath outright I found them going back to town gave them the opportunity to see how the zombies kept creeping back to life.

When they did reach Hetuath and he spoke as he raised his weapons the diplomatic one of the group was screaming frantically after comprehend languages came into play, "No no no no you can talk! Whoa hey whoa you can talk! I can talk! We need to find this guy!" <insert holding up drawing> "We'll help you and your....people? The ones down there like you with whatever your problem is!" I now quote the last words before the spell wore off. "No killy killy stabby stabby!"

A while longer and an arrangement came to that if they can turn the dome's day/night cycle back on to break the curse of the God on them, he won't try to kill them. They mentioned it will take time he agreed knowing they need to pass through over and over, etc, etc. I'm tying this into the end of the book before they start Lords of Rust.

They came tot he robot fight at level 2 and had some difficulty, I changed it up so the tanks on the back held different meds.

Red: Healing Medication: Heals injected person for 1d8 after successful attack roll. Chance of a malfunction on attack loading said medication: 29%

Blue: Anesthesia as in book. 66% chance to load. Starts battle with it loaded.

Green: Ketamine(Anesthesia Overdose) 5% chance to load. Instant unconsciousness.

Just before the fight I had a random number gen ready between 1-100.
The players loved the fight, 'Oh you took no damage so far? get healed! I'm sorry your near death here's some more Anesthetic in your jugular.'

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D&D 1.0 My first Wizard came across a wand. Once finding out it was a wand of Paralyze with only one use I walked around with it forever and nearly forgot about it. Keep of the Borderlands campaign.
Cue accidentally finding the Minotaur cave without the Cleric or Warrior due to a magic door shutting in my face.
IC: "Oh man I'm screwed."
OOC: "Well guy time to roll a new-"
When the party finally finds me they find me smacking away at him with a +1 Quarterstaff and help kill the thing.
The campaign is on hold but the Minotaur's stuffed and on display in front of our Housing.

Rynjin wrote:
I have two Canadians in my group, does that count?

My current playgroup is all Canadian since we live here.

Viva LA canada ! Viva le Pathfinder!
For the record I don't do French. At all. Unless poutine eating counts.

Whatever class I'm playing I get the corresponding kit.
It's your classes survival kit with all the needed things like 5 days food rations, waterskin, bedroll, iron pot, traveler's outfit.

Personally I think of a Loremaster.
Lots of skill points per level if you go wizard first for the high Int.
Not based in skills for a 2 for 1 ranking but "True Lore (Ex)

At 10th level, a loremaster's knowledge becomes vast indeed. Once per day a loremaster can use his knowledge to gain the effect of a legend lore spell or an analyze dweomer spell. If used to create a legend lore effect, this ability has a casting time of 1 minute, regardless of how much information is already known about the subject in question."

Legend Lore

School divination; Level bard 4, inquisitor 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6; Domain knowledge 7

Casting Time see text
Components V, S, M (incense worth 250 gp), F (four pieces of ivory worth 50 gp each)

Range personal
Target you
Duration see text


Legend lore brings to your mind legends about an important person, place, or thing. If the person or thing is at hand, or if you are in the place in question, the casting time is only 1d4 x 10 minutes. If you have only detailed information on the person, place, or thing, the casting time is 1d10 days, and the resulting lore is less complete and specific (though it often provides enough information to help you find the person, place, or thing, thus allowing a better legend lore result next time). If you know only rumors, the casting time is 2d6 weeks, and the resulting lore is vague and incomplete (though it often directs you to more detailed information, thus allowing a better legend lore result next time).

During the casting, you cannot engage in other than routine activities: eating, sleeping, and so forth. When completed, the divination brings legends (if any) about the person, place, or things to your mind. These may be legends that are still current, legends that have been forgotten, or even information that has never been generally known. If the person, place, or thing is not of legendary importance, you gain no information. As a rule of thumb, characters who are 11th level and higher are "legendary," as are the sorts of creatures they contend with, the major magic items they wield, and the places where they perform their key deeds.

Adam B. 135 wrote:

You might want to consider the Beast Totem line? I am also in favor of Raging Vitality.

checked your math, you forgot that your first Hit Die is maxed out. So you have 1 automatic 12.

The Beast Totems are interesting to me I will admit my eyes keep passing over them slower and slower.

My math included my first HD at 12. The DM enjoys flexibility in leveling so we get to roll 2 die and take the highest roll.
My first was 12 since that is my max.
2nd: 12
3rd: 10
4th: 11
5th: 9
6th: 10
7th: 11
8th: 8

Updated OP with My pick of rage Powers to be suggested on, removed 1 trait which now need suggestion.

I love the Bastard Sword you showed, though the idea of a Large Bastard Sword version so the -2 to swing it from size difference is nearly negated would be more my aim, apologies for not saying so earlier.

No archetype at the moment. I kind of want to try my own style first before doing an archetype. See how I like the roll out before a semi premade build as it were.

For Rage Powers I'm looking at Powerful Blow, Reckless Abandon, Superstition, Surprise Accuracy.

Direction is mostly the beefiest, body separating, single hand swinging a two handed bastard sword frenzy blood happy female barbarian can possibly be. If I can swing to take out as much HP from one or more enemies at once is always a plus to me. Think of a smarter woman version of Groo kind of sort of.

Good Evening everybody,
I am currently attempting to make a Barbarian with Amiri as a template mostly for weapon and fighting style[mostly a maybe on this one.]
The real big thing is I love the idea of her alignment being NE but her deity to follow the most is Pharasma. Yes I know people don't like the Alignment Table but we play with it. I see the struggles of this given how Pharasma views death and such but I really want to find a way to make it viable.

I am heavily invested into Strength and Con to basically be a HP tanking brawler who swings to separate bodies at the waist or ribs.

25 Point Buy, DM rule is no stat can be lower than 10.
None of the listed Stats are while enraged.

What I need:
-Equipment recommendations, help with stat finalizing with said equipment.
-Weapon of choice would be like Amiri, 1 Large Bastard Sword. I need help figuring out all the stats on this final piece as well.
-Math double checked
-Second Trait Picked

Gold amount to buy with: 50k

Cassandra Eternan Female Human Barbarian 8 | [Neutral Evil]

Her current level is 8 with the following:
Str: 18[16+2 From Being Human]
Dex: 12
Con: 18[16+2 From Levels 4 & 8]
Int: 12
Wis: 11
Cha: 10

Init: +7

Exotic Weapon Proficiency[Bastard Sword]
Improved Initiative
Power Attack
Weapon Focus[Bastard Sword]

I know at this point I should have Cleave or Bull Rush/Improved Bull Rush but I feel ensuring a hard hit and acting sooner give me far more options. Even if I get the highest initiative to just "wait until the buff class buffs me."

Paragon of Speed
To Be Picked

8xd12[Rolling the dice manually] = 83
83 + (21[+3 Con bonus level 1-7]+4[level 8 Con bonus] +8[backtracking level 8 con bonus]) = 116
115 + 8[Toughness Feat:3+2{5th level & 7th level HD}+3{6th, 7th, 8th level HD}] = 123
123 + 8[Favored Class Points] = 131
Total HP: 131

Fort Save: +10
Reflex Save: +3
Will Save: +2

BAB: +8
CMB: +12
CMD: +23

For Rage Powers I'm looking at Powerful Blow, Reckless Abandon, Superstition, Surprise Accuracy.

Please, thank you and everything in between in advance.

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I made one to surprise the orcs in the group. The actual players were like 'do we hate him since he has elf blood? Do we fear his human resourcefulness? Oh god the ways of things!'
My only reply was 'Hello, I'm the Doctor. Just the Doctor. All of time and space anything that can ever happen and ever will. Where do we want to start?'
The barbarian: 'With this magically locked door weirdo'

Why not try to attempt building a loremaster as soon as possible if possible?
Tons of languages and knowledge's of life and secrets.