Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() The apprentice keeps his hood up and his ears open for a while trying to determine who is best for home to enter into a conversation with and learn bits of information from about the current situation in the area and places further off. Once he has made his selection, Erystelle begins plying one of the first arts he learned in preparation for navigating the courts of Silvanesti. Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Rechecking his book, Erystelle happily reports. ”Well I am happy to note that there are two Inns of possible interest for us.” ”The Prince’s Hole Tavern, which is a well renowned establishment in the town. It is said to be an upscale port of call, if you will, in the Harbor District and is frequented by ship captains. This building is a three story affair and is said to be owned by a half elf.” He reads on. ”Alternatively, The Burning Bow is a tavern that is frequented by sailors and day laborers. The furnishings of the place are said to be items salvaged from sunken ships and is very mismatched in an eclectic chic style of architecture. The smoky interior attracts a wide variety of people and the tavern is known as place to make deals that are not to be noticed by the local authorities.” He looks up. ”Do you think either of those two places might be a good place to start? I would love to see the interior of either. The Princes Hole does sound more hospitable, Albeit a bit bland when compared to the Burning Bow, which must be a sight to see.” ”We could find out more about our travel options or find out if there are any caravans headed south? The tower is south of us still, correct?” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Erystelle pulls out his travel journal and scans a page before speaking up. ”According to the newest intelligence and historical reference matter in the archive: The town of Crossing sits on the northernmost point of the Abanasia peninsula. It is a town known for its connections to Solamnia as it provides a ferry route. The town is situated on a natural deep water harbor, therefore, the town is one of the main destinations for merchants traveling to the area.” Gathering himself he continues on. ”In the years prior to the Cataclysm the location that would become Crossing was nothing more than a low point in the area. It was an unremarkable location that was settled by a few shepherds tending their flocks. No one imagined that this spot would one day become home to one of the largest towns in Abanasia.” ”With the Cataclysm, trade became very difficult to commence. With the increase in pirates and bandits it became clear to the surviving cities that a safe port needed to be created in Abanasia. It would be merchant houses located in Caergpth that would discover the harbor.” ”At first Crossing was no more than an unloading point for ships. A simple tent town that was flanked by warehouses. Unfortunately with trade goods flowing into the area, other kinds of people followed. In the turbulent century after the Catalcysm it became clear that it would take more then just a few sailors to guard the stored goods.” ”With Caergoth itself becoming a target from mobs seeking food and shelter.all the while placing the blame for every ill in the world the knighthood, Crossingb found itself alone. With no government to fall back on, the town quickly fell into chaos. The merchant houses that remained in the town quickly began to hire guards and toss the representatives of Caergoth on the first ferry north.” ”These merchants stylized themselves as princes and adopted the name Scales Society. They would oversee until present day the activities of every merchant and tradesmen takes part in contributing to the defense of the city. This has allowed an increase to the city’s defenses as it boasts a large militia and a navy.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Erystelle places his fingers and thumbs together and bows to Telerin. ”I am glad this day has come and that I am here to join you.” He pivots to face Captain Seabreeze and dips his brow to him. ”A pleasure to meet you Captain. I am Erystelle of House Mystic, thank you for giving me the privilege of coming aboard your vessel for passage.” ”House Mariner shall always have my gratitude for bearing many, including me, away to safety during the Great Flight.” ”May your sails always find wind and your compass always point towards safe harbor.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Telerin Quenya wrote: We will meet on the docks she replies. ”As you direct Wizardess.” Detecting the curtailed manner of her speech, Erystelle clasps his wrists and bows in manner servitor to his better. Straightening he says. ”I shall see you then.” As he is already packed, he returned to the Archives and attempts to research the ocean they will cross and information on their destination. Once this is done he pours over the maps he can find and looks for information about the regions the party will travel through. He looks for historical references and reports as well as the most current information he can find. Speaking to himself as he thumbs through sheafs of writings he ponders, ”Windsworn was very displeased that I request the Council have him make a questing oath. Perhaps I misunderstood the importance of the ceremony. What it would mean to him or others? I suppose it is a bit like those who simply take the colored robe of their fancy and wear it if their own accord rather than waiting to be granted the honor? . . . I don’t know, maybe it is simply he wants to cut his own path? He is only in his 20s I would assume? Only aware consciously as an adult for what? . . . Under a mere decade? Any way, it was an educational exchange at least.” ”Almost as interesting as what it is that drives Anatoli. I look forward to learning more of him.” He opens his journal and begins making notes on his findings. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Telerin Quenya wrote: We leave at dawn tomorrow says the white robe, ”Of course Wizardess, where would you have us meet in the morning? Shall I have the bulky gear delivered to you before hand so that you may pack it in the Bag of Holding?” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() These I would consider regular arms and armor and incidental gear
These I would consider special gear
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Chain shirt for khyber Some spare arrow making supplies Sword and clothing for Erystelle. Elven trail rations It’s awesome that the wizardess has a bag of holding so we can keep the bulky items in there. Maybe some lightweight rope? Rope is always good. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() ”Assumption are often the windows through which we see the world. Traditions need not be viewed as the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” Erystelle says evenly. ”Let us hope the time of spell leeching is behind us. The suggestion to purchase a wand is a good one. I shall go to the temple district and make some inquiries, if that is what the group believes we should invest our wealth in?” ”I trust Khyber’s instincts for the material logistical needs and to find the additional kit I need for the journey and to blend in.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Erystelle nods and opens his hands in acceptance. ”I believe your word is your bond and the custom has been observed. These elves have confirmed your status as Eldandili. You are currently a squire, but these traditions carry weight through knighthood and sometimes even after death itself.” Erystelle says simply. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote:
”Yes Speaker. I believe a pledge would be in order. Please have Windsworn Son of Galen Windborn partake in an Oath of Service in promising to faithfully see Telerin to her destination.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Erystelle’s heart swells with optimism yet his face remains passive. He bows at the hip, hands remaining concealed within the sleeves of his robe. ”With the greatest respect, I am honored at the invitation and shall graciously accept.” He straightens and waits for the response. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Standing stock still Erystelle allows only his eyes to shift briefly to the door hoping to see the dwarf and two other elves he had tried to recruit, he began despair. His eyes shifted back to Anatoli. Would the herbalist’s defensive reaction yesterday portend a refusal to enjoin this endeavor? He waited to hear his response . . . ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Checking his robes for crease marks, Erystelle prepares himself for his audience with the Elven Council. Where other elves court etiquette had become rusty, his was still well practiced and worthy of remark. His face was poised and ready for proceedings to commence. I think we roll with what we have. I am ready to get everyone together so we can move forward. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Erystelle started his work day taking his tea in the scriptorium with a little clover honey and cream. Swizzling the spoon around in the steaming liquid, he made mental notes of all of his current projects. What could be completed before tomorrow, what would need to be put off and what notes he needed to make for those continuing on with the most pressing pieces. Looking down at the white, blue and gold sleeve of his robed arm, Erystelle let out a small sigh. Erystelle did truly enjoy his work and his efforts were both meaningful and impactful. He had been free to indulge his own research interests while also archiving, collecting, organizing and preserving the amassed knowledge and culture here at the Central Repository. Erystelle was especially grateful to have something to pour his energy and talents into during the nearly 100 years since magic mysteriously fled the world. Without purposeful and intellectually stimulating tasks his classically trained mind would have been driven to despair. Now that magic had returned however, he was eager to face his destiny and test his potential. The rare Elves like him had to rise up or the darkness would swallow what was left of the combined civilizations of the surface elves. He grimaced inwardly. If what he had learned yesterday was true, the anger, displacement and suffering experienced by young elves gifted with magical talent was causing them to be seek power and revenge, driving them to the Black. He wondered if the Elven Culture was so broken that these elves no longer feared being shunned by it. Were things so bad that elves were willing to become like their enemies to defeat them? Did they not see they would also destroy what they sought to protect in the process? He shook his head there was so much that he did not know enough about yet to understand all the politics, but his studies had reinforced that evil begets evil, evil eventually consumes itself and not only does evil lead to ruin and woe, it also stifled and destroyed creativity. Finishing his tea he arraigned it for the steward to clear and excused himself from the table. After quickly gathering his belongings and staff, Erystelle walked to the market. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() The mage purses his lips. ”It is more than that. This is a matter that will see us go off Island and crossing large areas of . . . well a place that is notoriously easy to become lost in and that is after a substantial overland journey and who knows if . . . Well, I should not say much more. I have given up too much already. Please just come tomorrow morning to the meeting place and keep an open mind.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() ”It is not my place to say Woodswalker, but I can assure you this is a worthy endeavor and important for the future of our people.” ”And specifically I was bid to find a worthy team and I believe you are meant to be a part of this journey.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Anatoli Ghrymm wrote:
Erystelle bows in farewell, but watches as he goes. ”You will not have to go looking for strange happenings. Secrets are already coming to light and there is someone to lead us already. No, it came looking and already found us.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Anatoli Ghrymm wrote:
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 The elf wearing the blue gold and white robes of a scribe archivist smiles slightly in a knowing manner. ”When I was a much younger elf in Silvanost I had by chance met the Green Cleric himself. His voice was like leaves brushed by the summer breeze. He stood tall and lithe, firm yet flexible in manner and being next to him felt like one was being enveloped under the canopy of a weeping willow. A comforting feeling.” ”You have a presence like that Anatoli. You also have ample humility.” He pulls the sleeve of his robe back exposes his closed hand. Rotating it up, the palm opens revealing a miniature willow tree. ”I am obviously a scribe, but we are so much more than we choose to let the rest of the world know of us.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Windsworn son of Galan Windborn wrote:
Erystelle gives the slightest of smiles. ”I have strong confidence that you will find aims of this endeavor in-line with the Council’s own.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Anatoli Ghrymm wrote: right I will be there to hear the offer and see if I am interested. Thanks for thinking of me ”I may be wrong, but I sense an aura about you. It’s magic, not like mine, but magical none the less.” ”It is also my belief there are forces at play here far larger than it appears on the surface. In fact I know some of them. It is my sincerest hope that you will join us.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() He inclines his head to the herbalist. ”Yes, I am Erystelle with whom you spoke earlier. I will be trying to locate and recruit your alchemist friend as well. There will be a fair bit of travel involved, the compensation will come directly from a group in a very secure position and we shall embark the day after tomorrow. Are all these conditions amenable to you?” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Picking his way through the crowd, Erystelle sees the human he is looking for. The human stands at least a full head over the much slighter elves. Thus, he was easy to locate, but what luck! The would be night is speaking with the one potential group member he had fretted about finding, the woods walker known to him as Khyber. He moved up to them and bows to Khyber then a bit stiffly offers his hand to Mr. Windborn. ”I apologize for inserting myself in this conversation in such a direct manner and without the standard exchange of pleasantries, but I come to speak with you of an exciting quest, one that will be challenging and comes with the chance to prove one’s self while at the same time earning you coin to improve upon your knightly trappings.” ”My name is . . . In this place I am known as Erystelle of House Mystic. I extend my hand to you so that we may squeeze each other’s hands while shaking them vigorously. In the words of your people.” ”Put her there!” ”Perhaps on day you may teach me why you use the gender language of “her” in this ritual and where “there” is that you “put” her. Common, though linustically simple, direct, and sometimes brutal in its form, is very interesting to study.” Realizing he is going on a tangent he waits to see if the human will take his hand. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote:
”I hope I am understanding what you are asking. You are looking for capable companions willing to travel correct? If so, I know of several elves that may be be willing to go with you, including myself. I have also heard rumor of a human who aspires to become a knight. Such types are usually eager to embark on a quest of some sort. Shall I look into these persons for you?” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() ”I have indeed drawn his attention. He allowed me to see him wearing his black robes in the market, yet he was invisible to everyone else. A strange and beautiful light led me from the Market to a grand oak where he spoke to me in a voice that came from every direction.” ”The he refused to reveal itself to me saying it would become very uncomfortable for him if any White Robes were to know of his presence. He said, “Though we are bound by the Magic in the places common to High Sorcery, not so outside of the Towers. I would not want to decrease the number of any of the brethern, especially elven followers of High Soorcery.” He said that he was turning many elves and half elves to the Black and asked many questions of me.” ”I told him truthfully that I have a small ability with Necromancy, but the Red Moon rejects me wholly as I have no ability to cast illusion magic. But, I also told him truthfully that I believe The Red Moon knows my true heart which I believe will be dedicated to Solinari.” ”He said, “ My agents report that there are very few followers of Solinari in Baleph, and those that are present have only recently passed the Test of High Sorcery. Whether they are up to the challenge of teaching is something that they will have to do, if Baleph is to produce wizards for the defense of the elven people with Solinari's gifts. though there are others who would do what they could to protect the elven people and bring vengeance against our many foes.” ”I do not want to sound rude, but I need to find a willing Shalafi, I would wear White Robes if they were granted to me. I fear he is warning me to find a master or he will deal with me as he would a Renegade, which I do not wish to become.” ”Before I left he challenged me to ask you about his house.” ”He also mentioned I was rare as very few classically schooled Silvanesti remain. I suppose that’s true.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote: The White Robe wizardress's eyes grow large at the mention of House Uncito. She gives a smile and a sigh. House Unnctio was one of the more talented and powerful of House Mystic. Sadly. they are no more. The last 3 members were lost to us, two in the Summer of Chaos, and the other was...lost to us. ”Is there a member who would be involved in hunting down renegade wizards by chance?” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote: Erystelle finds a ranking member of the White Robes, a female Silvanesti. Erystelle approaches with solemn respect to the White Robe Wizardess. Dressed in his blue, white and gold trimmed robes he bows at the waist, nods his head while placing his left hand near his neck fingers crooked in the sign of the heart showing his sincerity while his right gestures and swished in the askance for a word of importance. ”I apologize for disturbing you on this night learned mistress, but I have a matter most disturbing to me that may concern you and your like as well.” He straightens, his face a study of calm set in porcelain. ”I am Erystelle formerly of The lands of the Silvanesti. Classically schooled in the arts and one hopeful to someday take the test at the Tower.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() In Elven: ”Should I join the Tower the revelation of who I truly am to myself will be almost as interesting as learning with whom it was I spoke with tonight. I believe our paths will cross and or mingle in the future.”
Solinari, please look down on me and preserve me. Mishakal, protect me and help me restore what was lost. If our people are truly flocking to the Black and there are few so few left to take the White and no one to lead us, I and others will tread a difficult path indeed. Kiri-Jolith, give me courage. Evil will seek to discourage and demoralize us. Please let this be no more than that. However if this is only the first of my tests, watch me rise to meet it and should I fall, take my soul to you. Erystelle prayed silently feeling as a mouse being toyed with by a cat. ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() In Elven: ”I do not know all of the ins and outs of the complex relationship between the Three Moons, but all Elven apprentices have been trained to respect each of The Three even though those who take the black are traditionally shunned. Forgive my ignorance, but outside of the Conclave are the White and Black Robes at war with one another? I understood that during the Dragon Wars many Black Robes fought for Takisis for the promise of wealth of power or in debt for the same. While Reds chose either side or stayed aloof. The Whites were said to fight for ideals and in defense, but I also assume they fought to preserve their own power.”
”Today the remnants of The Elven Nations are surrounded by enemies, we have been driven from our respective lands, the place we now huddle together in is our final refuge. We will either break out and reclaim our homes or we will fracture and fade from the face of Krynn. If you seek power I hope it will benefit our people in someway. Perhaps one day I will understand the true relationship between The Three.” ”It seems logical to me that many of our Brethren would turn to the Black after all that has happened. Those who felt powerless want power, to have a deadly and expedient weapon. Just as when our people sought to end all evil within the race they could not help , but spawn it and create new forms of it in the name of harmony and justice. I believe a more balanced approach is needed for the greater good of the people, but I am in no way neutral, which is why I assume the Red Moon gives me no grace at this time.” ”May I respectfully ask what you will do with your knowledge of me? Will you share my existence? Or will you keep the information close to your chest to further your own goals?” ”I could dream that should I make it into the Tower, my training could be of benefit to all elven candidates seeking the path of House Mystic, for as you said, there are few left like me that have learned in the traditional manner.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() With Determination: ”I will do my part for my people. As it has been since time immemorial, I have been taught respect for all three Moons. Strangely I have strangled access to Necromancy, though it taxes me. However, I had been given no talent whatsoever with Illusion, which is the strength of the Red Moon. The Veiled Maiden rejects me wholeheartedly at this time it seems. Perhaps she sees into my heart. I do not know a name of any of my line who have worn the Red.”
”In times such as these mages will rise as they did in the time of Magius. If I prove powerful enough the order will identify me and seek me out. What other course Is open to me? I have been given an incredible gift. It is both a heavy responsibility and a wonderful legacy which must be satisfied.” ”I believe this quote to be quite true for my current circumstance. ”You cannot hide from danger. Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger,. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died.” ”But also, ”A man with nothing to die for has even less for which to live.” I have both my people and the Magic to drive me forward on the path. I am a lucky man indeed.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() And it goes on: ”So I did see Black Robes. I know of only one Elf in living memory who took the Black. One who devoted himself to learning the most powerful magic possible from only the greatest Shalafi on all Krynn. I have often wondered where he would have lead if the greatest of his time wore the Red.”
”I do not know of a Wizard here looking for an apprentice. I learned all I could of the basics. I can now cast spells of the First Circle, but I know I must put my power to use if I am to grow in the craft.” ”If you know of one here, I would greatly appreciate your sharing of such knowledge.” ![]()
Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** The conversation continues: He responds in Elven, ”I would feel much better if you would reveal yourself to me, but I assume you have your reasons for concealing yourself. My house motto was Knowledge Is Power Guard It Well. However, I am under no illusion that you have the power to take what I would not willingly offer. My studies continued, I am quite proud of my Linguistic and Caligraphic abilities. If I had what was needed I can scribe scrolls and I have exhibited the ability to evoke power from within myself starting a year ago. I have also been able to craft my own magical focus, without spell leeching. As you no doubt realize it is hard for one such as me to purse studies in the classical manner.”