I understand the need to trim down all of the features and abilities that rangers had in PF1, but I honestly think they went a bit too far in PF2. Rangers appear to have become effectively second class fighters that can nearly approach what fighters achieve IF they (rangers) devote nearly ALL of their feats towards "catching up". For this, they give up a number of features like use of heavy armor, high accuracy and such. It just doesn't feel right.
What I would like to propose is that you take features such as Tracking, Animal Companion, Traps, Spell Casting and Favored Terrain and have rangers select ONE bonus first level feat from ONE of these categories, at first level. This would go together with whatever combat style feat they would choose at first level. From there on, the class would function as per PF2 rules. If you want to boost that additional ability, it will come at the cost of improving your core combat functions. This way rangers would get some introductory level competency in another function for having given up functions that fighters get.