Enocelot's page
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THAT was EXACTLY my question.... I had thought I had gotten something wrong, because Wights were seemingly to powerful for CR3....
Thanks for the answer, all.
But he can fight on for 24 hours before he has to make the check?
What happens when 1st level character fails a save on an energy drain?
Does he become "0-level" or does he die?
Are there any official rules for mining minerals or cave complex building to go with Ultimate Campaign?
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I think this explains why we will never be able to get some real immigration reform, even though we all know it is the right thing to do.
Thanks for pointing out the fire damage specification- I had spent my time looking for the fire bomb in the Discovery Section....
But I am confused about your BBB answer, the ARG says: " you deal an extra 1d4 of fire damage when you attack with fire from an alchemical or nonmagical source".
My question is: does that 1d4 add 1 to the (from the APG pg28) "Splash damage from an alchemists bomb is always equal to the bombs minimum damage"?
From the ARG do Goblin characters' +4 "size" and +4 "skilled" racial skill bonuses to Stealth, stack?
Does the Burn!Burn!Burn! feat add an extra point to the splash damage from a Goblin's bombs?
Under the Fire Bomber (Alchemist)Archetype, how does one specify, rules-wise, that the bomb the Goblin is throwing is a bomb that deals fire damage?
ARG says that plant companions can't learn Armor Proficiency feats, which is what lead me to believe that I must be missing something....Treant companions must be seriously inbred or something to have natural armor that is so low.....
Thanks for the assurance though.
I am building a Elf Druid with the Treant companion.
Am I correct that the companion starts with an 11 AC and maxes out at 12 AC at 4th level?
Do characters get to add at least one skill rank per level up, even if their intelligence penalty is higher than their Skill Ranks per level?
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I find it kind of silly that people are complaining about too much choice...
The answer to what to do if you don`t like a class seems too obvious to merit typing. I`ll probably never allow gunpowder in my campaign - "probably" being the operative, here.
In my humble opinion, if GMs stopped complaining about complexity etc. and instead took the new classes on as a challenge to incorporate into your storyline, it could actually enrich the gaming experience for everyone.
You don`t have to do all the classes at once - but challenging yourself to write an adventure that stars , say, an Alchemist one week, and maybe a Summoner the next may force you out of your comfort zone and actually inspire you to come up with a plot that goes beyond killing orcs and buying magic items...
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Wow, you guys gave me plenty to think about!
For starters I am going to base my Gnolls on Mike Welham`s Cackle of the Gnolls (see his link, above).
I`m going to use his base stats for barbarians and rangers, and the alternate Savant stats for the Druids and Clerics.
In the meantime, I am working on a Gnoll specific "Hyena/ Hyaendon Shaman" Druid Alternate, as well as Hyena Domain for Druids opting to go that route.
Also, I plan on factoring some sort of ride bonus racial trait for whenever a Gnoll`s mount is a hyaendon.
(There is a major plot-line planned for the gnoll/hyena/ nature relationship in my upcoming world).
If any of you have seen any of the above, Alternates/ Domains laying around anywhere please direct me to them.
If not I will probably post what I come up with here, and invite comments.
Thanks in advance!
I think its pretty interesting that you are watching RollPlay and using that to gain experience that you`ll be using to start your own campaign.
I truly wonder why Paizo doesn`t run something similar on this site either showcasing new products or running a long term Golarion campaign like a sort of TV series....
For those of you interested in seeing what I mean go to you tube ItmeJP and watch a few sessions. I`m addicted to the stuff.
Great stuff, Mike! And great job anticipating the customer`s demand! :) I will read it tonight, it appears to be exactly what I was looking for...
Blackblood, no this won`t be for Golarion. I`m building a world from scratch....
Dead, thanks for that. I can start with that as a base, and tweak. From the outset though, in spite of being the actual "sans HD" formula, intuitively that line seems a bit too tankish for a Hyaena based race.... especially for my purposes. The real-world animals are pretty reliant upon pack mechanics to hunt, and actually prefer to scavenge.
I am leaning towards moving some of that St bonus to Wis. This will especially fit (to what you could not have known) to the role of Desert Druid and Rangers that I`d like to have them fulfill (maybe).
Let me see what Mike has written, and will get back later.
Meanwhile, thanks for the helpful responses!
I plan on letting Gnolls take on a serious role in a campaign that I am designing.
Do any of you know of any solid Paizo or 3P stuff on Gnolls as PCs? (I mean more than the side-bar in the ARG). I am actually sort of disappointed that Gnolls weren`t covered in the ARG....
Or if any of you have home-brew suggestions, I`d be appreciative!
Odraude wrote: If you want a more realistic population generation, I'd actually look at Ultimate Rulership. It's by the guy that wrote the kingdom building rules in UCamp and has an alternative to population. In this, building a specific building increases the population by a small amount (double digits), and the type of settlement also changes how much population you have. UCamp assumes that the city you start building starts as a Small Town, which is fine for some. The Ultimate Rulership assumes that the city you start building starts as a Village, which is fine too. I'd definitely take a look at that. It's right up your alley.
Also, Base Value is more tied to the size of the city, rather than the population. It's always been like that, since the CRB. I personally prefer that.
Nice tip! I actually had UR in my downloads already, and haven`t devoted much time yet. I wanted to study the UC first.
You are right, UR has more of the sort granularity that I am looking for.
Thanks, for this.
What do you think about Base Value being "used to determine what magic items may be purchased there"?
I can`t see the logic thread in that one, and is actually why this population question bothers me (otherwise, I`d just take the pragmatic approach, and count the folks who`d logically be living in the towns I build, despite what the UC tells me...).
My problem is that Population is driving Base Value, which in turn drives a MATERIAL mechanical point with regards to magic availability.
And population doesn`t have a real basis....
So basically, you are saying that UC`s population assumptions only work with rather large cities?
Actually I am not sure why an attempt to tie population to lots on a "district" grid was made at all...
From a mechanics standpoint what is material is that population, on table 4-5, Drives Base Value, which in turn affects the max value of the available magic items in the conurbation.
It hard for me to see the logic in that..... I guess I asked the wrong question.
How can 250 population per lot be correct? (Page 212 of Ultimate Campaign)
I am using 18 to 20 population per lot (and even that is a stretch in small or new conurbations), in building my world, until one of you sages here explain to me what I am missing....and I certainly must be missing something.
Thanks in advance!
Drakkiel wrote: Well I tried to answer with a yes but my phone wouldn't post it...so I jumped on my laptop and decided to post the whole thing and forgot the "yes" lol thanks!
Thanks, Rickmeister.... sounds like an excellent method for building a feudal society to go along with the new Kingdom building rules in Ultimate Campaign.....
Yeah Drakkiel, I read that, but it didn`t explain what the "5" meant.... I assumed it meant 5 points per round, but I didn`t know what time segment it referred to, round, hour, day etc.
5 HP per round sounded a bit fast to me....
Thanks, Rickmeister.
Can a cohort take the Leadership Feat and gain a Cohort and followers of his/ her own?
For trolls, what does "Regeneration5" mean? Does it mean that the regenerate 5 HP per turn?
How about Tinker Bell? The faerie?
Why don't you guys start organizing and live-streaming some Skype sessions?
You could even sell GM services, and build some online campaign libraries.
It would be a great way to educate new players, plus you could probably lock some people in to coming and watching on a weekly or daily basis.
There'd also be some obvious advertising opportunities. Even if you just did Google Ads. Nevermind marketing your own products in session?
Personally, I could see myself tuning in once or twice a week for a couple hours to see a well run campaign unfold..... I can't be the only one who would.
I mean, Skyped sessions that are streamed on to YouTube.
I can find some D and D stuff, but no Pathfinder.....
Is there any place to watch some good skype-based Pathfinder campaigns on YouTube?
I haven't been able to find any- and I think it'd be a great way to learn the system better....
Where can I find the construction costs for buildings, forts, castles, dungeons etc.?
Thanks. How emebarassing, basically it means exactly what it says!
So basically at Level 5 he will have "maxed out" this bonus....
Thanks again.
What does, "a duellist adds 1 point of intelligenc bonus (if any) per Duellist class level to her Dextererity bonus to modify Armor Class" mean actually?
I am talking specifically as to how it pertains to a Magus Kensai Archetype who gains, at first level the ability "identical to the duellist prestige class ability".
Does this mean that my Magus, if he has a 20 Intelligence adds +5 to AC at first level and adds +5 x his Magus level to AC as he advances (which sounds too high)?
Or does it mean he adds 1 bonus to AC per Magus level "if any" (which sounds too low, to me)?
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I think those that believe "appraise" is a "worthless skill", have failed their checks.
Nor as advanced.
I think, in general, Elves are pretty much under-represented in Golarion.
So who best represents the Elves of Lothlorion?
chaoseffect wrote: "Neither is the true sun god; the sun works fine without gods. Why are they claiming to run the sun?"
If god's are dependent upon worship to survive in your setting, that pretty much sums up why they would pretend they are needed for the sun to keep on shining. If that's the case, that would explain why in different areas different gods are claiming to do the same thing; I'd treat those gods as rivals should their followers ever meet.
If your gods don't need worship, I'd probably go with either the same god, just worshiped different ways or with them being different aspects of the same god. If your gods are "closer to earth" and routinely interact with the world besides their clerics/paladins then I'd go with the alternate aspects. If they are more distant, I'd go with the same god period.
Did I ever tell you this one?
Well Allah, God and Yahweh walk into a bar....
The Catholic Church burnt their own paladins at the stake....

johnlocke90 wrote: Sitri wrote: Aelryinth wrote: Sitri wrote:
Which also speaks to my point in my last two posts here. There is a precedence of a moral authority selling indulgences. While subscribing to the one moral authority, there really is no way to argue there is anything wrong with it.
Sure there is. A little event called the Protestant Reformation started because of selling indulgences. It segued over sweetly into the Hundred Years War, and ended up breaking the power of the Catholic Church in Europe.
Moral authority can easily be contested, and a paladin is not beholden to a Church...he's beholden to his code.
oh, and btw, the original Paladin is not based on King Arthur's knights exclusively. The model for the D&D paladin is Rogar Carlson, the main Character from the novel Three Hearts and Three Lions.
As far as I am concerned Martin Luther could not be classified as a Lawful character. I am not saying his thoughts or actions were wrong, quite the contrary, but if I were going to stat him :) he wouldn't meet the requirements for a paladin until many years down the road.
I am not sure who Rogar Carlson is, but I don't see a problem with the drinking and oversexed paladin you mention so long as those aren't vises of the deity either. Whatever the tenets of the the deity is, a strict adherence to it and pushing those tenets on others is annoying. It leaves too little room for compromise and character development. I would disagree. Martin Luther sided with the nobility. He sided against Rome, but he wasn't in favor of getting power to the lower classes. He believed in a strongly centralized economy and took a strong stance against the peasant revolts. One could dispute whether or not either the Catholic Church or Luther were "good" to start with.

Aelryinth wrote: Actually, Charlemagne and his Peers were models for the original Cavalier class, not the paladin. KNights of the Round table, possibly. Roland himself is a particularly apt member of the cavalier class...so proud and arrogant he wouldn't call for help until it literally killed him to do so. NOT a paladin.
Also, there is absolutely NO support for a paladin being engaged in 'years of training'. They are divinely inspired class. if they answer the Call, they become paladins and pick up all the benefits thereby. It doesn't matter WHAT they were before...they get it all. No years of trianing needed. Which, to me, is actually the perfect way to play them. They are paladins...they don't need devoted teachers. Their training is as granted to them as all their other class abilities, which makes them all the more awesome.
If that commoner answers the call and can suddenly fight with a sword, wear heavy armor, and has a deeper knowledge of religion for never having swung a weapon or cracked a book in his whole life, it's because a paladin was meant to know those things, and they do.
Knights Templar are probably closer to paladins.
Or at least should have been.