
EnderBarney's page

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After my group missed a few treasures like this I put a post-it note up that said don't forget to loot the bodies. The only problem now is they strip every body (he he do you see what I did there) down to their skivvies looking for loot.

But to answer your questions
1. I spread it through out the dungeon with about 40% in the last room or encounter area.
2. I tailor some pieces that I know the PC's are looking for or what I think would make their characters more awesome. That being said if I have a pc that is constantly using one type of potion or scroll I don't provide one in every dungeon they should make/buy their own.
And back to the topic, the rest I roll randomly for which is why I can't wait for ultimate equipment
I'm excited to see what they do with a +1 human bane shovel.

Reasons i Prefer Point Buy
1. I can build the Type of character i want to play instead of getting locked in to something not quite what im looking for.
2. Points are consistent - its fun to be the super hero, but it sucks to play the gimp
Reasons i don't
1. I hate dump stats because they are rarely RP'd that way.
2. its easy to be a muchkin if you try

Have you looked in to going Dwarve.... sorry Stalwart Defender?

Amazing Work!

Skel Delissar:

Corsair/Sea reaver
an Oni-Blood Teifling With strait horns coming from the top of his forehead with no curve to them a few inches long(not going forward at all)
Black hair
the brow line has bony growths and a pronounced chin with more bony growths
Mouth with small fanges top and bottom
His Skin is yellow like mustard yellow
Oversized arms and hands missing his ring finger on his right hand
Super muscular
Clawed feet similar to dragon born from 4E
And open vest and shorts is all he wears

Panko Breaded Chicken over spaghetti

This may seem an odd question, but in Pathfinder Mythos are there male sylphs or is it an exclusively female race like changelings?