Shel Lupescu

EnWorlder's page

19 posts. 16 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Reviewed at five stars.

Reviewed at four and a half stars.

Reviewed at four stars.

Reviewed at four and a half stars.

Buh. Seconding that the original post is annoying.

Seconding that being "complimented" or singled out just for having the same interests as everyone else at the table is annoying.

Seconding that this thread makes me immediately have a negative opinion of the OP, despite the fact that the videos seem fine and he is probably a nice guy.

I have never seen a "Teaching a Hot Dude to Play Pathfinder" thread. Where is that? Seconding EntrerisShadow's idea.

Seconding that crap like this is why I hang out and "talk tabletop" on EnWorld (and other forums, like this one) instead of at my FLGS.

One vote in the "this is annoying and must stop" corner.

-Sarah McLean

PS: Oh, and yukongil? I get what you're saying, but there is a lot wrong with what is considered socially acceptable and polite.

Reviewed at four stars.

Reviewed at five stars.

Reviewed at four and a half stars.

Reviewed at three and a half stars.

Reviewed at four and a half stars.

Reviewed at four and a half stars.

Reviewed at five stars. This is the best Class Acts yet.

Keep going in this direction.

Riiight... how could Batman ever hope to beat a high-powered evil super-genius with high-tech weapons and/or incredible superpowers?

Oh wait, he does that all the time.

I tried.

Post monster ate the whole thing.

I rage quit. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'll do it again, later.


Reviewed at four stars.

Reviewed at four stars.

Reviewed at four stars.

Reviewed at five stars.

Reviewed at four stars.