Churgri of Vapula

Emoubu's page

277 posts. Organized Play character for Trscroggs.

Full Name



Kobold (Draconic Exemplar: Brass) Swashbuckler (Braggart) 4 | HP 54/54 | AC 21 (23 when parrying) | Fortitude (+9), Reflex (+12), Will (+8) | Perception (+8) | Hero Points 2 | Exploration: Avoid Notice


Speed 30 (35 w/panache) | Darkvision | Fire Resistance 2 | Special Rules w/Fear Effects | Conditions:

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Emoubu

HP: 54/54
AC: 21 (23 with Parry)
Fort Save: +9
Refl Save: +12
Will Save: +8
Class DC: 20
Perception: +8 w/Darkvision
Speed: 30 (35 w/Panache)

Hit Points: 6
Size: Small
Speed: 25 feet
Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Charisma, Free
Ability Flaw(s): Constitution
Languages: Common, Draconic, Aklo
You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Draconic Exemplar: Brass Dragon
You draw minor powers from your draconic exemplar. Choose a type of chromatic or metallic dragon to be your exemplar. This determines your scale color and appearance, and dragons sometimes look more favorably upon those kobolds who resemble them, at the GM’s discretion
Heritage: Dragonscale
Fire Resistance 2
Your scales are especially colorful, possessing some of the same resistance a dragon possesses. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) to the damage type associated with your draconic exemplar (see Table 1–1). Double this resistance against dragons’ Breath Weapons.

Ancestry Feats:

Dragon's Pressence:
As a member of dragonkind, you project unflappable confidence (that collapses catastrophically against the deadliest foes). When you roll a success on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. When you roll a failure against a fear effect, you get a critical failure instead.

In addition, when you attempt to Demoralize a foe of your level or lower, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the Intimidation check.


You are a digger from the Hookclaw kobold tribe, born beneath the streets of Absalom, with muscles and mind hardened by years spent tunneling through rock and earth and a confidence built upon your pride in your draconic heritage.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Crafting skill, the Mining Lore skill, and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Improvise Tool skill feat.

Class Features:

Key Ability: DEXTERITY

Hit Points: 10 plus your Constitution modifier

Perception: Expert in Perception

Saving Throws :
Trained in Fortitude (Now increase to Expert)
Expert in Reflex
Expert in Will

Trained in Acrobatics
Trained in one skill determined by your swashbuckler's style
Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 4 plus your Intelligence modifier

Trained in simple weapons
Trained in martial weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks

Trained in light armor
Trained in unarmored defense

Class DC
Trained in swashbuckler class DC

You care as much about the way you accomplish something as whether you actually accomplish it in the first place. When you perform an action with particular bravado, you can leverage this moment of verve to perform spectacular, deadly maneuvers. This state of flair is called panache, and you are either in a state of panache or you are not.

You gain panache by successfully performing the skill check associated with specific actions that have a bit of flair, including Tumble Through and additional actions determined by your swashbuckler's style. At the GM's discretion, after succeeding at a check to perform a particularly daring action, such as swinging on a chandelier or sliding down a drapery, you also gain panache if your result is high enough (typically the very hard DC for your level, but the GM can choose a different threshold).

While you have panache, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speeds and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Tumble Through or to take any actions that give you panache due to your style. The precise strike class feature also causes you to deal extra precision damage while you have panache. Powerful finisher actions, including Confident Finisher can be used only while you have panache and cause you to lose your panache.

Normally, you gain and use panache only in combat encounters; when an encounter ends, you lose panache.

Precise Strike
You strike with flair. When you have panache and you Strike with an agile or finesse melee weapon or agile or finesse unarmed attack, you deal 2 additional precision damage. If the strike is part of a finisher, the additional damage is 2d6 precision damage instead.

Swashbuckler Style:

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 84
You boast, taunt, and psychologically needle your foes. You are trained in Intimidation. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you successfully Demoralize a foe.

General Feats Level 3 (Toughness)
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general feat.

Great Fortitude Level 3
Your physique is incredibly hardy, granting you increased endurance. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert.

Opportune Riposte Level 3
You turn the tables on foes who fumble, capitalizing immediately on their mistake. You gain the Opportune Riposte reaction.

Opportune Riposte Reaction
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 86
Trigger A foe within your reach critically fails a Strike against you.
You take advantage of an opening from your enemy's fumbled attack. You either make a melee Strike against the triggering foe or attempt to Disarm it of the weapon it used for the Strike.

Skill Increases Level 3 (Acrobatics)
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this either to increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you're untrained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which you're already trained to expert.

Stylish Tricks Level 3 (Terrifying Resistance)
At 3rd level, 7th level, and 15th level, you gain a skill feat. This feat must be for Acrobatics or the trained skill from your swashbuckler's style.

Vivacious Speed Level 3
When you've made an impression, you move even faster than normal, darting about the battlefield with incredible speed. Increase the status bonus to your Speeds when you have panache to a +10-foot status bonus; this bonus increases by 5 feet at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels. When you don't have panache, you still get half this status bonus to your Speed, rounded down to the nearest 5-foot increment.


Confident Finisher
You gain an elegant finishing attack you can make when you have panache. The finisher trait is described on page 87. You gain the Confident Finisher action.
Single Action
Key Words: Finisher, Swashbuckler
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 85
You make an incredibly graceful attack, piercing your foe's defenses. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that would apply your precise strike damage, with the following failure effect.

Failure You deal half your precise strike damage to the target. This damage type is that of the weapon or unarmed attack you used for the Strike.


Dueling Parry (Swashbuckler)
Single Action
Class Feat 1
Traits: Swashbuckler
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 88
Requirements: You are wielding only a single one-handed melee weapon and have your other hand or hands free.

You can parry attacks against you with your weapon. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn as long as you continue to meet the requirements.

Improvise Tool
Feat 1 (From Background)
General, Skill
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 206
Prerequisites trained in Crafting
You can jury-rig solutions when you don't have the proper tools on hand. You can attempt to Repair damaged items without a repair kit.

If you have the raw materials available, you can Craft a basic caltrop set, candle, compass, crowbar, fishing tackle, flint and steel, hammer, ladder, piton, rope, 10-foot pole, replacement thieves' picks, long or short tool, or torch without consulting a basic crafter's book.

Marshal Dedication (Intimidation)
You've combined your social skills and combat training to become a talented combat leader. Choose Diplomacy or Intimidation. You become trained in that skill or become an expert if you were already trained in it.

In addition, you're surrounded by a marshal's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear.

Intimidating Glare
You can Demoralize with a mere glare. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language.

You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.

Terrifying Resistance
The spells of those you have Demoralized are less effective on you. If you succeed in Demoralizing a creature, for the next 24 hours you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against that creature's spells.

Nimble Crawl
You crawl half your speed.

Dread Marshal Stance (Class Feat 4)
1 Action
When you use this action, attempt an Intimidation check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check.

Critical Success Your marshal’s aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and allies a status bonus to damage rolls equal to the number of weapon damage dice of the unarmed attack or weapon you are wielding that has the most weapon damage dice. When you or an ally in the aura critically hits an enemy with a Strike, that enemy is frightened 1.

Success As critical success, but your aura’s size doesn’t increase.

Failure You fail to enter the stance.

Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can’t take this action again for 1 Stance

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics + 12 (Expert)
Crafting +7
Diplomacy +9
Intimidation +12 (Expert) (+1 when Demoralizing a foe my level or lower)
Occultism +7
Society +7
Stealth +10
Thievery +10
Lore: Engineering +6
Lore: Mining +6
Lore: Legal +6 (From School Training)

Weapon Stats:

Rapier +1 Striking
To hit: +11
Damage: 2d6 (With Panache 2d6+2)
Traits: Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse
Runes: +1 Fundamental, Striking

Hand Crossbow
To hit: +10
Damage: 1d6
Range: 60 feet
Reload: 1


Swashbuckler Kit
Armor: leather armor
Weapons: 20 bolts, hand crossbow, rapier
Gear: adventurer's pack
Fine Clothing, Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools, Replacement Picks
Demon’s Mask (Attuned)


[Dice=Strike 1]1d20+10-4[/dice][dice=damage]2d6[/dice]
[Dice=Strike w/Panache]1d20+10[/dice][dice=damage]2d6+2[/dice]

Add +2 if the aura is up.