Silverblood Werewolf

Emersohn Strange's page

56 posts. Alias of Clebsch73.


SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 3/4


Hunting Rifle 6/6 (22) Hail Pistol 19/20 Azimuth Laser Rifle 17/20 Standard Battery (13)


M Vlaka Grifter Mechanic (Exocortex) 3 EAC 13 KAC 14

About Emersohn Strange


Former Smuggler: You have a checkered past; for a time, you smuggled illegal weapons, drugs, and other contraband in and out of the Pact Worlds. After you attracted the attention of the Stewards, they briefly incarcerated you aboard the Steadfast, their flagship. There, you met Xegas Xervanas, a young Steward who’d grown disenchanted with his career path. In conversations with you, Xegas became enthralled with the idea of the smuggler life; he broke you out of the brig and became a smuggler himself, under the codename Jinx. You left that job for something with a bit less heat attached, and although you’ve heard Jinx works as a transport pilot now, you haven’t seen him since.

Grifter Though you feel comfortable among all sorts of lowlifes, you rely on your intellect to defraud others. Whether you work the streets alone, in a small group, or as the brains behind a larger organization, you analyze opportunities and unapologetically exploit the system to achieve your ends. As a grifter, you’re an expert in one or two trades, but you also have the knowledge and confidence to convincingly pass as an authority in just about any profession.

Vlaka Wolflike creatures with thick fur, vlakas hail from a doomed planet called Lajok, an arctic world in the Vast that is the most distant from its system’s dying star. Life is barely sustainable on Lajok, and as its sun grows dimmer, it might be able to sustain an ecosphere for only a few more centuries. Some vlakas respond to this knowledge by building strong communities that can last as long as possible on their home world, but others travel among the stars seeking a longer-term solution.

Vlaka fur is usually white with large patches of pale blue, gray, or black, and it provides them protection against all but the most bitter cold. Around twothirds of vlakas are born blind or deaf. Although they have long had access to magic and technology that can mitigate or remove such conditions, not all vlakas choose to do so, valuing the cultural touchstones such as language and perspective variances that are associated with differing ways of sensing the world. A typical vlaka stands 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 feet tall and weighs between 175 and 250 lbs.

Vlakas can appear unnervingly serious, but they’re acutely attuned to the emotional state of others, and they offer friendly encouragement when they sense it might be helpful. Vlakas emphasize on the well-being of the group over the individual, a practice that evolved from survival strategies required to thrive in the tundra of Lajok. While not wholly self-sacrificing, vlakas go to great lengths to assist, protect, and encourage their friends, colleagues, and kin. Vlakas frown upon self-aggrandizing leadership, and they respect those who display wisdom, listen the most, and speak the least.

Most vlaka groups are led by councils whose members rotate between roles and dutifully carry out the will of their constituents rather than seeking political power for themselves. Vlakas who travel with other races often find themselves thrust into leadership positions thanks to their penchant for working for the benefit of and listening to their allies. Most vlakas accept such responsibilities but deflect any unwarranted respect afforded them solely due to their title.

A few vlakas who visited the Pact Worlds before the Absalom Pact was signed served as a bridge between Eox and other worlds. Vlakas have since become famous as dependable go-betweens for groups seeking genuine accord. A vlaka might even work with clients who have been bad actors in the past, hoping to find a situation beneficial to all sides and to see ethical improvement in future behavior.

Many sapient creatures find themselves drawn to the camaraderie vlakas offer, but others try to take advantage of their openness. Vlakas who grow weary of the strife among other races might withdraw to focus on working with animals or machines. However, most vlakas seek well-intentioned groups of like-minded starfarers to do some good in a galaxy that can be callous and brutal.

Vital Stats
Average Height
5-1/2 to 6-1/2 ft.
Average Weight 175–200 lbs.
Age of Maturity 3 years
Maximum Age 30+4d10 years

Emersohn left his home planet Lajok as soon as he reached maturity, around 3 years. He left the planet as most of his race did, in a small pack of like-minded Vlaka males. They signed on as workers for a mining company. After doing a stint of manual labor on asteroid mines, Emersohn distinguished himself as a good deal smarter than the rest of his pack and he was promoted to various management jobs, eventually getting a job as a resource scout, flying with a team on a small starship to look for prospective sources of minerals that had not yet been claimed. It was during this stint that he convinced his team to make some money on the side smuggling goods as they traveled on their scouting missions.

During this time, Emersohn also honed his skills dealing with machinery and computer programming, investing his early earnings into an exocortex that he programmed himself. He utilized this to improve his skills at engineering and computers, which became his secondary job in addition to scouting for goods to smuggle.

After a time, however, the team got caught, and he did a stint in The 'Fast, as the inmates of the Steadfast called the Stewards' prison ship. While there he met a steward whom Emersohn convinced to help him escape and join forces as a smuggler team. They stayed together for a while, but got separated when a job went pear-shaped.

Chastened by the experience, Emersohn decided to give up the high-risk trade of smuggler and look for more legitimate ways of earning money, although he never truly gave up his interest in con jobs and working outside the law. He found he missed the company of friends. Smugglers generally don't form deep bonds due to the harem scarem nature of constantly breaking the law. Smugglers always have to watch for a partner who wants to betray others and avoid splitting the goods with others.

While on Absalom looking for work, he met one of his former mates in smuggling who said she was working for EJ Corporation. She suggested he apply there. When he reminded her that he was an escaped convict, she wave that off and told him the Company would actually find that a positive, since they did some things that were not strictly legal. They'd let him in on such work, knowing he could not snitch on them for fear of being reported to the authorities. So Emersohn applied and was surprised to get assigned as the mechanic and trade rep of a freighter.

Age: 6 (three years past maturity)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lb
Appearance: White fur with blue-grey patches, white eyes, handsome features. Lean and graceful.

Male Vlaka Grifter Mechanic 3
N Medium Humanoid (Vlaka)
Init +3; Senses blindsense (scent) 30 ft., Low-Light Vision Perception +9
DEFENSE ...SP 18 HP 22 RP 4
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Resistances Cold 5

Save Dice:

[dice=Fortitude]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Reflex]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Will]1d20 + 2[/dice]

Speed 30 ft. (25 ft. in armor)
Melee Survival Knife +4 (1d4 + 1 S) or Tactical Dueling Sword +3 (1d6 + 3, S)
Ranged Subzero Hail Pistol +4 (1d4 + 1 C & P, critical Bleed 1d6)(Range 20) or Azimuth Laser Rifle +5 (1d8 + 3 F, critical burn 1d6)(Range 120 ft.) or Stickybomb Grenade I +4 (explode [10 ft., entangled 2d4 rounds, DC 11])(range 20) or Frag Grenade Mk II +2 (explode [2d6 P; 15 ft., DC 13])(range 20)
Offensive Abilities Exocortex (Combat Tracking +1)
Combat Dice:

[dice=Survival Knife]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Damage, S]1d4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Dueling Sword]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Damage, S]1d6 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Azimuth Laser Rifle]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Damage, F]1d8 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Critical Damage]1d8 + 3 + 1d6[/dice] Target gains the burning condition
[dice=Subzero Hail Pistol]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Damage, C & P]1d4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Critical, Bleed]1d6[/dice]
[dice=Stickybomb grenade, AC 5]1d20 + 4[/dice]
DC 11 Reflex save, [dice=Rounds]2d4[/dice]

[dice=Survival Knife, Combat Tracking]1d20 + 4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Damage, S]1d4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Dueling Sword, combat tracking]1d20 + 3 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Damage, S]1d6 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Hunting RIfle, Combat Tracking]1d20 + 5 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Damage,P]1d8 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Azimuth Laser Rifle, Combat Tracking]1d20 + 5 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Damage, F]1d8 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Subzero Hail Pistol, Combat Tracking]1d20 + 4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Damage, C & P]1d4 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Critical, Bleed]1d6[/dice] DC 11 Reflex

Str +0; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +1; Cha +1
Base Atk +2
Feats Versatile Focus, Weapon Focus (Longarms), Weapon Specialization (class)
Skills Acrobatics -1, Athletics +4, Bluff +1, Computers +10 (ranks 3), Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Engineering +10 (ranks 3), Intimidate +1, Medicine +9, Perception +9, Physical Science +12, Piloting +5 (ranks 1), Profession (Merchant) +6, Sense Motive +3, Stealth -1, Survival +1
ACP -2
Theme Knowledge: You dabble in multiple professions and have the connections and deep knowledge of each occupation’s inner workings, allowing you to exploit colleagues and paying customers alike. When attempting a Culture or Profession check to recall knowledge about commercial organizations or businesses, reduce the DC by 5.
Languages Common, Elven (Drow), Goblin, Vesk, Vlaka
Skills Dicebots:
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 - 1[/dice]
[dice=Athletics]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Bluff]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Computers]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Computers, Thieve's Tool kit]1d20 + 10 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Disguise]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Engineering]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Engineering, Thieve's Tool Kit]1d20 + 10 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Intimidate]1d20 + 1[/dice]
[dice=Medicine]1d20 + 9[/dice]
DC 25 [dice=Medicine to treat deadly wounds]1d20 + 9[/dice] Cures [CR] points.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 9[/dice]
[dice=Physical Science]1d20 + 12[/dice]
[dice=Piloting]1d20 + 5[/dice]
[dice=Profession (Merchant)]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Stealth]1d20 - 1[/dice]
[dice=Survival]1d20 + 1[/dice]

Lashunta Ringwear I(EAC +2 KAC +4 Dex 2 ACP -2 Speed -5, Up 0), Survival Knife, Dueling Sword, Azimuth Laser Rifle, Subzero Hail Pistol, Standard Battery (20) (x2), standard battery (14), Thief's Tool kit, Flashlight, Basic Medkit, Industrial Backpack, Engineering Kit, Hacking kit, Stickybomb Grenades (x2), Serum of Enhancement (scientist) (x2).
Carrying Capacity 6
Current Load Carried 5.5
Money 3.5 Credits

Buoy As a standard action, a vlaka can spend 1 Resolve Point to restore 1 RP to an ally within 30 feet. A vlaka can’t use this ability again until she has taken a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points. This is a sense-dependent, mind-affecting ability.

Cooperative Vlakas gain a +2 bonus to skill checks for the aid another action and to attack rolls to provide harrying fire. A creature using the aid another action to assist a vlaka gains a +2 bonus to the skill check.

Artificial Intelligence (Ex): You construct an artificial intelligence (or AI), a sophisticated program of self-motivated code that you can access for help in a variety of endeavors. This AI is the product of your own genius, far more advanced and complicated than any available for sale to consumers (though it falls short of being truly self-aware), and only you know the secrets of its creation and operation. Your AI can take one of two forms: a drone or an exocortex. You must pick one of these forms upon taking your first level of mechanic, and once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.

Exocortex: You begin play with an exocortex, an artificial processor that interacts with and augments your biological brain’s cognitive functions, which can aid you in a variety of tasks, from combat to digital infiltration. Your exocortex is implanted within your physical body or brain, similar to a piece of cybernetic hardware, allowing your AI to access your mind and feed you information. As you gain levels, your exocortex advances in sophistication and processing power—see Exocortex on page 79. Only you can access or interact with your exocortex.

Combat Tracking (Ex): Your exocortex provides you with enhanced combat ability, granting you proficiency with heavy armor and longarms. At 3rd level, you gain weapon specialization in longarms just as if your class granted proficiency. As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe for your exocortex to track. As long as that target is in sight, the exocortex feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing you to make attacks against that target as if your base attack bonus from your mechanic levels were equal to your mechanic level. Designating another target causes you to immediately lose this bonus against the previous target.

Memory Module (Ex): You can use your exocortex’s memory module to enhance your own knowledge. Once per day, as a reaction while not in combat, you can reroll a failed skill check (see page 243) to recall knowledge (see page 143). In addition, your exocortex grants you the Skill Focus feat as a bonus feat. You can’t use your exocortex’s memory module while combat tracking is activated. Every time you gain a mechanic level, you can rebuild your exocortex’s memory module, replacing the exocortex’s bonus Skill Focus feat with Skill Focus in a different skill.

Mechanic Tricks
Overclocking You have augmented the performance of your AI for maximum response timing. You gain a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks, and you gain a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves.

Overload (Ex) - 3rd Level As a standard action, you can cause a short in an electronic device, including most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons with the powered special property, or a single armor upgrade. This makes the device nonfunctional for 1 round. Overload doesn’t cause a locked door, safe, or other device to open, but it prevents anyone from opening it for 1 round. You must be adjacent to the device to use this ability. If you have a drone, you can instead use this ability on an electronic device adjacent to your drone. If you have an exocortex with the wireless hack ability, you can instead use this ability on any electronic device within range of your exocortex’s wireless hack. If you use overload on an item or armor upgrade in someone’s possession, the owner can attempt a Reflex saving throw to negate the effect (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). Overload doesn’t affect androids, cybernetics, drones, powered armor, robots, or creatures with the technological subtype (all of which have shielding against this sort of attack), or items larger than Medium. Once a device has been successfully overloaded, a residual static charge prevents that device from being overloaded again for 1 minute.

Weapon Specialization (Ex) - 3rd Level You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with.

Gear Descriptions:
Hail Pistol, Subzero
Source Starfinder Armory pg. 34
Level 1; Price 120
Hands 1; Proficiency Small Arms
Damage 1d4 C & P; Range 20 ft.; Critical bleed 1d4
Capacity 20 charges; Usage 1
Bulk L; Special —
One of the most popular lines of cryo weapons are zero weapons, including zero cannons, pistols, and rifles. In common parlance, avalanche-class cryo weapons are the coldest and most dangerous, followed in descending order by blizzard-class, hailstorm-class, and frostbite-class cryo weapons.
On a critical hit, it does the listed damage and the target gains the bleeding condition: You take the listed amount of damage at the beginning of your turn each round until this condition ends. Your bleeding can be stopped with a successful DC 15 Medicine check as a standard action, or through the application of any ability that restores Hit Points. If you take two or more bleed effects, you take only the damage from the worst effect.

Hunting Rifle
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 176
Level 1; Price 240
Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms
Damage 1d8 P; Range 90 ft.; Critical —
Capacity 6 rounds; Usage 1
Bulk 1; Special analog
This basic rifle is used mainly for personal defense and hunting. More advanced rifles have military uses.

Azimuth Laser Rifle
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 176
Level 1; Price 425
Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms
Damage 1d8 F; Range 120 ft.; Critical burn 1d6
Capacity 20 charges; Usage 1
Bulk 1; Special —

Dueling Sword, Tactical
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 171
Level 2; Price 475
Hands 1; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 1d6 S; Critical —
Bulk L; Special analog

Medkit, Basic
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 100
Hands 2; Bulk 1
The basic medkit has spray antiseptic, bandages, and handheld instruments designed to examine, explore, and treat common ailments. The basic medkit allows you to attempt DC 25 Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds.

Serum of Enhancement, Scientist
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 222
Level 5; Price 475; Bulk L
This vial of performance-enhancing serum unlocks or enhances aspects of your body and mind. Imbibing this serum grants a living creature bonuses based upon the type of serum imbibed, as described below. The effects of a serum of enhancement last 1 hour.
The creature gains a +2 insight bonus to Computers, Engineering, and Physical Science checks and can attempt checks with all three skills untrained.