
Emerald Cat's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.

My brother and I decided that we want to play Pathfinder together online. We plan to do this by using MapTools in conjunction with Skype. The group size we want is up to 8 PCs + the GM.

I've talked with my brother, and we'd rather be in a homebrew campaign than go the PFS route of jumping from module to module. In other words, we're looking for a more narrative, player driven campaign. But neither of us has GMed before and this is a difficult style for a beginner to pull off. Would anyone be willing to GM? I'm willing to GM if no one else is, but I will have to pause the session to look up rules from time to time.

Both beginners and veterans will be welcome in this group. Some more experienced players who are more familiar with the rules would be nice if I end up GMing. The only restriction on character creation is that we won't allow evil alignments.

As to setting, that will be up to the GM, with group input. I would either use the Inner Sea setting or create my own setting if I were GMing. But I'd only create my own setting if my players wanted something radically different.

Emerald Cat