
Cicero Aldoran's page

128 posts. Alias of joker 27.

Full Name

Cicero Aldoran


N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

About Cicero Aldoran


Cicero was born in a small border village between Andoran and Cheliax in the Aspodell Mountains. when Cicero was 14 his father joined a freedom fighter group and ventured into Cheliax to do his part in freeing the world from their menace of slavery. Cicero's mother waited to hear back word from her husband but never did. Cicero matured quickly and by 16 was manning his mother textile shop. when Cicero was 87 his mother succumbed to her grief over her husband. Instantly Cicero resolved that he would end the scourge that had taken his family from him.

He sold his mother's shop and joined another band of freedom fighters. the group taught him how to fight and how to get around noticed, they also introduced him to a new goddess. A weaver who had been in servitude to the other gods before breaking her chains, Grandmother Spider. Armed with this newfound skill and devotion Cicero fought for years at the sides of his brothers and sisters in arms. He knew that they could end this horrid practice.

17 years and countless hundreds freed into his stint as a freedom fighter Cicero heard whispers of possible slave rebellions in prominent Chelaxian cities. Knowing this was a chance for real change. Cicero and his band of freedom fighters reasoned to put themselves into these cities so they could all aid the rebellions and try to get them to all take place on the same day two years later. They put on a bandit encounter with half of them playing the role of bandits in order to be arrested and put into enslavement, that went off without a hitch and the group was in servitude. they were scattered to the wind.

Cicero ended up being placed in a small town named Pezzack in western Cheliax. He rallied a number of the slaves there around the power they had and the possibility of a successful uprising. He preached of Grandmother Spider and taught them tactics. after two years he led the revolt. Though the rebellion in Pezzack was put down swiftly some of the other rebellions were more successful, none of them fully succeeded but they were able to create a conversation.

Cicero managed to hide in the crowd to avoid execution for leading the revolt. He was shifted again to Kintargo where he served as a weaver and entertainer for 7 years before Ravounel seceded from Cheliax and he was freed. He then sought to find a group to return with and fight the scourge of slavery with again.

Recently he has heard of the Call for Heroes in Breachill and thought that he could make a name for himself there and possibly find others of a similar mind. So, he ventured out to Breachill a few days ahead of the Call so he could gather his bearing.


Cicero is an Interesting looking elf. He has long black hair that is partially tied into braids and partially loose. He is tall and thin with a long face. He wears leather armor with crisscrossed bandoliers whenever he isn't asleep because he is still not used to not being under threat at all hours. He carries with him a backpack as well as a few pouches. He also carries daggers and a harp which he is hesitant to play as it can bring him back to his time in Kintargo. He keeps his holy symbol of Grandmother Spider under his clothing as in many areas near Cheliax her worship is at best looked down on.



Cicero is fiercely defensive of those he trusts or considers to be good people. Until you prove yourself to be a threat or to have no concern for human life he will be quite friendly with you. If you show yourself to have little concern for human life or to engage in or agree with slavery he will do all he can to oppose you without damaging his own or his companion's interests. He is willing but hesitant to "Play Nice" with slavers or slave owners in any circumstances.

STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 18, WIS 14, CHA 10
Elf (Ancient heritage)
Medium Size
Witch lvl 2
Emancipated background

Perception (t): +6

Combat stats::

AC 18
HP 18
Fort +4
Ref +7
Will +8
Worn: Leather Armor
Trained: Light Armor
Speed 30 ft
Dagger: +7 (1d4) (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S)
Trained: Simple
Trained: Occult Spell Attack, Occult Spell DC

The Occult::

Patron Theme: Fate
DC: 18
Spell Attack modifier: +8

Hex Spell: Nudge Fate, Phase Farmilar, Needle of Vengence

Prepared spells
Spell level (slots): Prepared
Cantrip (5): Detect Magic, Sigil, Message, Ghost Sound, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (3): Summon Fey (0/1), Soothe (2/2)

Cantrip (10)
Guidance, Mage Hand, Message, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Light, Telekinetic Projectile, Detect Magic, Shield, Sigil

1st level (5)
Summon Fey, Soothe, Animate Dead, Liberating Command, Thoughtful Gift, Phantom Pain, Alarm, Mending

Focus points 1/2

Focus Spells
Focus Cantrip: Nudge Fate
Focus Spells: Phase Familiar

Feats, Skills and Languages::

Ancestry (1st level) - Ancestral Longevity
Skill (background) - Terrain Stalker (Rubble)
Dedication (Heritage) - Rogue Dedication
Skill (Rogue Dedication) - Specialty Crafting (Weaving)
Class: Cauldron

Acrobatics (t) +7
Arcana (t) +8
Crafting (t) +8
Lore (Kintargo) (t) +8
Medicine (t) +6
Nature (t) +6
Occultism (t) +8
Performance (t) +4
Crafting (t) +8
Religion (t) +6
Society (t) +8
Stealth (t) +7
Thievery (t) +7
Ancestral Longevity:
Survival (t) +6

Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Draconic, Gnomish, Infernal


Magical gear
Predictable Silver Piece

Normal gear - Bulk (5-2) = 3
Leather Armor - 1
Dagger x3 - 3L
Bandolier - -
Bedroll - L
Rations 2 weeks - 2L
Thieves' Tools - L
Writing Set - L
Backpack - -2
Small Harp - 1
Material Component Pouch - .1
Artisan's Tools (Cauldron) - 2
10 Wooden Holy Symbol of Grandmother Spider - 1

Money left: 2 SP
Total Bulk: 4

Money transactions

Money is tracked in sp. Decimals are cp
147 - Starting gear
1 - Donation to the great dreamhouse

150 - starting money

Special Abilities::

Ancestral Longevity: You have accumulated a vast array of lived knowledge over the years. During your daily preparations, you can reflect upon your life experiences to gain the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. Since this proficiency is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat.

Rogue Dedication: You gain a skill feat and the rogue’s surprise attack class feature. You become trained in light armor. In addition, you become trained in Stealth or Thievery plus one skill of your choice; if you are already trained in both Stealth and Thievery, you become trained in an additional skill of your choice. You become trained in rogue class DC.

Special You cannot gain another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the rogue archetype.

Terrain Stalker (Rubble): Select one type of difficult terrain from the following list: rubble, snow, or underbrush. While undetected by all non-allies in that type of terrain, you can Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy at any point during your movement. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren’t actively Searching or on guard.

Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, choose a different type of terrain.

Specialty Crafting (Weaving): Your training focused on Crafting one particular kind of item. Select one of the specialties listed below; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Craft items of that type. If you are a master in Crafting, this bonus increases to +2. If it’s unclear whether the specialty applies, the GM decides. Some specialties might apply only partially. For example, if you were making a morningstar and had specialty in woodworking, the GM might give you half your bonus because the item requires both blacksmithing and woodworking.
Specialty Crafting
Specialty Applicable Items
Alchemy* Alchemical items such as elixirs
Artistry Fine art, including jewelry
Blacksmithing Durable metal goods, including metal armor
Bookmaking Books and paper
Glassmaking Glass, including glassware and windows
Leatherworking Leather goods, including leather armor
Pottery Ceramic goods
Shipbuilding Ships and boats
Stonemasonry Stone goods and structures
Tailoring Clothing
Weaving Textiles, baskets, and rugs
Woodworking Wooden goods and structures

* You must have the Alchemical Crafting skill feat to Craft alchemical items.

Cauldron: You can use the Craft activity to create oils and potions. You immediately gain the formulas for four common 1st-level oils or potions. At 4th level and every 2 levels beyond that, you gain the formula for a common oil or potion of that level or lower (a 4th-level potion if you're 4th level, a 6th-level potion if you're 6th level, and so on). If you have a familiar, you can have your familiar learn these formulas rather than storing them in a formula book. Your familiar can learn new formulas in the same way it learns new spells, and these formulas are transferred from a slain familiar to a new familiar in the same way spells are.

You can brew a great deal of magic within your cauldron. When you Craft a batch of oils or potions, you can make up to six in a batch instead of the usual four per batch.

Basic Lesson Your patron grants you a special lesson, revealing a hidden facet of its nature. Choose a basic lesson. You gain its associated hex, and your familiar learns the associated spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.

Lesson of Vengence (Basic Lesson) You gain the needle of vengeance hex, and your familiar learns phantom pain.

Recognize Spell If you are trained in the appropriate skill for the spell’s tradition and it’s a common spell of 2nd level or lower, you automatically identify it (you still roll to attempt to get a critical success, but can’t get a worse result than success). The highest level of spell you automatically identify increases to 4 if you’re an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 10 if you’re legendary. The GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast. If you’re not trained in the skill, you can’t get a result better than failure.

Critical Success You correctly recognize the spell and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw or your AC against it.
Success You correctly recognize the spell.
Failure You fail to recognize the spell.
Critical Failure You misidentify the spell as another spell entirely, of the GM’s choice.

Familiar: Your patron has sent you a familiar, a mystical creature that teaches you and facilitates your spells. This familiar follows the rules here, though as it's a direct conduit between you and your patron, it's more powerful than other familiars. Your familiar gains an extra familiar ability, and gains another extra ability at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.

Your familiar is the source and repository of the spells your patron has bestowed upon you, and you must commune with your familiar to prepare your spells each day using your witch spellcasting. Your familiar starts off knowing 10 cantrips, five 1stlevel spells, and one additional spell determined by your patron's theme. You choose these spells from the common spells of the tradition determined by your patron or from other spells of that tradition you gain access to.

Each time you gain a level, your patron teaches your familiar two new spells of any level you can cast, chosen from common spells of your tradition or others you gain access to. Feats can also grant your familiar additional spells.

Your familiar can learn new spells independently of your patron. It can learn any spell on your tradition's spell list by physically consuming a scroll of that spell in a process that takes 1 hour. You can use the Learn a Spell exploration activity to prepare a special written version of a spell, which your familiar can consume as if it were a scroll. You and your familiar can use the Learn a Spell activity to teach your familiar a spell from another witch's familiar. Both familiars must be present for the entirety of the activity, the spell must be on your spellcasting tradition's spell list, and you must pay the usual cost for that activity, typically in the form of an offering to the other familiar's patron. You can't prepare spells from another witch's familiar.

If your familiar dies, your patron replaces it during your next daily preparations. The new familiar might be a duplicate or reincarnation of your former familiar or a new entity altogether, but it knows the same spells your former familiar knew regardless. Your familiar's death doesn't affect any spells you have already prepared.

Patron (Fate): You weren't born with the power to cast spells, nor have you spent years in devotion to tomes, deities, or mystical secrets. Your power comes through a potent being that has chosen you as their vessel to carry forth some agenda in the world. This entity is typically mysterious and distant, revealing little of their identity and motivations, and they grant you spells and other magical powers through a familiar, which serves as a conduit for their power.

A patron might be a deity or demigod, a coven of powerful hags, a fey lord, an archdevil, or a similarly powerful entity, or perhaps multiple such figures working in tandem. As you gain more of your patron's power, you might learn more about who or what they are—certain combinations of themes and lessons suggest particular patrons or agendas—but patrons empower witches for their own secretive reasons, which they rarely reveal in full.

At 1st level, choose your patron's theme, which determines your spellcasting tradition, a skill, a special cantrip you gain, and a spell added to your familiar.

Through your patron, you gain glimpses of the future and insight into the ever-woven tapestry of time.

Spell List occult
Patron Skill Occultism
Hex Cantrip nudge fate
Granted Spell true strike

Witch Spellcasting: Using your familiar as a conduit, your patron provides you the power to cast spells. You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic, and verbal components when casting spells.

At 1st level, you can prepare up to two 1st-level spells and five cantrips each morning from the spells your familiar knows. Prepared spells remain available to you until you cast them or until you prepare your spells again. The number of spells you can prepare is called your spell slots.

As you increase in level as a witch, your number of spell slots and the highest level of spells you can cast from spell slots increase, as shown in Table 2–7: Witch Spells per Day.

Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is Intelligence, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Intelligence modifier.
Heightening Spells
When you get spell slots of 2nd level and higher, you can fill those slots with stronger versions of lower-level spells. This increases the spell's level, heightening it to match the spell slot. Many spells have specific improvements when they are heightened to certain levels.
A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. A cantrip is always automatically heightened to half your level rounded up—this is usually equal to the highest level of spell you can cast as a witch. For example, as a 1st-level witch, your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level witch, your cantrips are 3rd-level spells.


Cicero's Familiar is a wolf spider. Her name is Fawn.

Current abilities: Climber, Partner in Crime, Speech

Climber: It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.

Partner in Crime: Your familiar is your criminal associate. Despite being a minion, your familiar gains 1 reaction at the start of its turns, which it can use only to Aid you on a Deception or Thievery skill check (it still has to prepare to help you as normal for the Aid reaction). It automatically succeeds at its check to Aid you with those skills or automatically critically succeeds if you're a master of the skill in question.

Speech: It understands and speaks a language you know. (Common)

Common Ability combos for easy swap out


Climber, Touch Telepathy

Climber: It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.

Touch Telepathy: Your familiar can telepathically communicate with you via touch. If it also has the speech ability, it can telepathically communicate via touch with any creature if they share a language.

Climber, Speech

Climber: It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.

Speech: It understands and speaks a language you know.

Climber, Resistance

Climber: It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.

Choose two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. Your familiar gains resistance equal to half your level against the chosen damage types.

Climber, Share Senses

Climber: It gains a climb speed of 25 feet

Share Senses: Once every 10 minutes, you can use a single action with the concentrate trait to project your senses into your familiar. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your familiar's body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect.

Party Loot:

Overall Party Loot:
Minor Potions of healing
thieves' tools
shortbow w/ 2 arrows
2 vials
leather armor
vial filled with ruby-red liquid (A3)
2 flasks filled with a liquid as clear as water (A3)
small stoppered jar with a strange symbol emblazoned on it (A3)
Wooden Sheild (A3)
a small pouch with a strange symbol. (A3)

Party Loot Held by Cicero:

Party Loot Held by Futin:

Party Loot Held by Talina:
Wooden Sheild (A3)

Party Loot Held by Villar:
Minor Potion of Healing
thieves' tools (Calmont)

Unclaimed Party Loot
shortbow w/ 2 arrows* (Calmont)
2 vials*(Calmont)
leather armor* (Calmont)
dagger* (Calmont)
a small pouch with a stange symbol. (A3)
vial filled with ruby-red liquid (A3)
2 flasks filled with a liquid as clear as water (A3)
small stoppered jar with a strange symbol emblazoned on it (A3)
Wooden Sheild (A3)
*=may be magical