Enhanced Senses: Elvish physiology is blessed with enhanced vision and hearing. Elves can see farther than humans in just about every circumstance, including torchlight, and can see clearly enough to read a road sign or spot a shield device up to two miles distant when outside in the day. They can also hear very well, and receive a +2 bonus to all checks involving listening.
Twilight Vision: Even under starlight, moonlight or torchlight,
elves have exceedingly good vision. They can distinguish color
and detail under these conditions for up to one mile but only if
they are outside.
Move Silently (Dexterity): This ability allows an elf to move
silently in wilderness areas. The elf can move up to one-half
normal speed at no penalty. At more than one-half, and up to
the character’s full speed, the character suffers a -5 penalty
to the check. It’s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to move
silently while running or charging.
Spell Resistance: Elves are particularly resistant to spells and
spell-like abilities that charm or unnaturally cause sleep. When
making saving throws against these types of spells, an elf receives
a +10 bonus. Elf spell resistance allows a saving throw against
sleep, even though sleep normally does not have a saving throw.
Spot Hidden Doors (Wisdom): Elvish vision and keen senses
allow them to spot secret, hidden and concealed doorways. An
elf merely passing within 5 feet of a secret, hidden or concealed
doorway is entitled to a wisdom check to spot the door, as if the elf were actively looking for it. When an elf actively searches for
such doorways, the bonus to the wisdom check is +2.
Weapon Training: Composite longbow.