ElvenDancer |
I fully admit I am still only a casual fan of Pathfinder. I've been a Forgotten Realms fan for years, and was introduced to Pathfinder during a brief time I played with a group that disbanded. But I became curious enough about the setting to do some casual research, and, being a bookworm (or, as I like to say, bookwyrm), I was happy to see there were Pathfinder Tales. Of course, now the novel line has been on hiatus. I stopped paying attention to Pathfinder. With 2E out now, I am slowly poking my nose back in lol, but I am curious about something that those more knowledgeable will hopefully be able to answer:
My understanding was that souls went to the Boneyard, where they then went to their deity, or were judged by Pharasma. They would then spend their eternity in that afterlife (or, I know elves were sometimes reincarnated).
In Lost Omens World Guide, it says this: "When most mortals speak of the afterlife, they're talking about the Outer Sphere--realms ruled by gods and the transformed souls of the dead. Here the River of Souls ends in the Boneyard, where the godddess Pharasma judges each individual and assigns them to a realm according to their morality and beliefs. These souls eventually become outsiders, or fade into the very fabric of the planes themselves." (pg 10).
It's this last sentence that is tripping me up, and seems to contradict things a bit from P1. What does it mean by outsider, and why do they eventually fade into the "very fabric of the planes"? This kind of reminds me of the Planescape model, where a soul sometimes becomes either part of the plane, enriching it, or becomes a part of their deity. But in these cases, according to On Hallowed Ground, they maintain a sense of consciousness and personality. But at least in the World Guide, the description is so vague I can't really get a sense of what they meant.
I'm not very religious irl, but I love gods and afterlife stuff in fantasy, so I was intrigued by the descriptions in P1, but I don't really like the idea of "fading into the fabric of the planes". And again, what is meant by the outsiders?
When it coems to P2, I only have the World Guide, so I don't know if this is elaborated on elsewhere. Any explanation would be helpful. TIA.