Elrox gave a dismissive wave. "Whether I live or die means nothing to me. While I consider it my obligation to continue to exist in order to pursue justice, I would undoubtedly give up my own life if it were to be necessary. Of course, if that was an order, rather than a suggestion, then consider it done. I don't care much for rank nor status, but you certainly desire it. Someone has to be at the bottom, and even you must admit that you would rather have it be someone who will follow you. But know I don't follow you, but Cheliax. It is the greatest honor to serve this great collective, and don't think even a persuasive individual such as yourself can pierce my resolve."
"If you wish to know why I am in the Navy, it is nothing more than coincidence." He glanced off into the distance. "Nay, more of a sabotage. I could serve anywhere, it does not matter. I used to help train squires - those that showed any aptitude to becoming real warriors. My methods were effective. Such noble poppycocks, seeing their weak sons come back with not even permanent wounds, threw their influence around. My superiors decided to be rid of me - it was certainly an easy method. But, above all else, I showed some usefulness. So, rather than being thrown back to the peasantry, I was moved to the Navy." Elrox breathed a deep sigh. "It wasn't a bad change, but certainly not a good one. I see too many men like you who would like to see their leaders die to simply fill their positions. But at least you have tact, and would never admit it. Much like Our Dread Lord to which we serve."
Outside of the tavern, Elrox ran up to the leaving Mathur. "Wait up, sir."
Giving a moment to gain Mathur's attention. Elrox spoke again. "I did not have much time to speak with you in the tavern, so I wished to speak with you again here. I have not heard much of your exploits, though if you meant to keep them well hidden, then by all means, continue. If you would not mind me asking, I would want to converse on your purpose here. What do you wish to get on this journey? I feel a man of your stature could get equally well off far from the Navy."
Elrox noticed the marines about the port, his looming gaze jumping between them. "They seem to be able, and certainly have the experience on the sea to deal with pirates." He murmured to himself. There were a few that looked far too individualistic. That would need to be stamped out; the rest would fall in line after the threat of punishment.
That would have to wait, however. It would do no good to simply go down there now and order them. It was better to let them do as they wished for some time, let them think they have some security, before showing them who was truly in charge.
Elrox gave a salute. "Yes, sire." Refusal did not cross his mind - even if it had, it would not mean much. The orders were clear. "It would be my greatest honor. The pirates are but scum that dare walk upon the Earth we too stand on, and make mockery of society with their gangs."
"If you would grant me the permission, I would like to meet these marines myself - while I have no doubt they will fulfill their duties, I would like no... temporary hesitation."
Elrox nodded to the fall of the Grand Admiral. It certainly explained as to why they were here. Anyone who could avenge the loss would certainly gain some influence with House Thrune, and with it, a higher position.
Thus, he was puzzled by the man's calm demeanor. Certainly, he believes that the other Admirals will fail. But for what reason? he thought.
Elrox stayed silent, for it was clear the Admiral was not quite finished giving his piece.
Elrox shuffled into the office nearly half an hour before the sixth bell, handing the scroll to the secretary. "A meeting, with the Admiral." was all the words he was willing to partake. The scroll was enough of an instruction, a direct order. After being returned the scroll by the secretary, Elrox quickly made his way to the meeting room.
In his haste, he makes no notice of Nebdel, nor any others who watch him.
Elrox woke from bed with a sting in his head and tired eyes. Should have held off of the drink. Always do have more than I can handle. he thought. With a lurch, Elrox forced himself from his bed, and directed himself to looking presentable for meeting the Admiral. Making sure his armor was nice and polished (for he was wary that the servant-boy had shirked his duties. Though it had only occurred once, with the punishment being quite severe, Elrox had met many a man that did not learn from the first time), Elrox proceeded to call the servant to help him put it on. Donning his robe, he chose to forsake his weapon. It was a mere visit to the office for orders. No sense in bringing such a large and blunt object. And if something came to blows, a dagger would still do nicely.
Exiting his home, he realized he had yet to have eaten breakfast. There was no time, unfortunately, for Elrox had to be at the office as soon as he could. He would be much rather early and hungry than the alternative, which would no doubt be quite horrible.
Making his way through the streets, he pondered exactly what these orders were to be, and exactly why were they of such importance. There was no point to questioning, however, as Elrox concluded. He would find out soon enough.
Our chief weapons are devils - devils and snakes - snakes and devils... Our two weapons are devils and snakes - and an army of Hellknights... Our three weapons are devils, and snakes, and an army of Hellknights... and an almost fanatical devotion to House Thrune - Our four - no... Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry... are such elements as devils, snakes - I'll come in again.
Sorry, I've been a bit busy and did not have time to post after the initial one.
Elrox suddenly stood from his stool, and marched toward the table. Taking a swig of his ale, he spoke. "Not a bad tale, and I can see in your eyes the grit to back such claims.
"I must admit, when I first heard this group speak, I took you all for pretentious nobles or forgettable scoundrels. Politeness can ordinarily be found in such pretenders. Yet I see now that your words mask strength, not weakness.
"I am Elrox, a Hellknight Armiger. Although, I hope to be a true one soon." He says, with a light chuckle. "From how it sounds, you will be with me on this next voyage."
Elrox continued to speak: "If you wish for a story, I have one to give. It was on a voyage to put down some thieves that enjoyed marauding the seas only north of here - mostly a predator to merchants who ventured outside of the normal trade routes. Still, orders were orders, as likely some noble was tired of his trade goods being stolen.
"Finding them was quite easy - divination magic goes a long way, and there were plenty of victims that were able to disclose where they had met them." Elrox grins, and paused for a drink before he continued. "We met them in the middle of a storm, and while the thieves felt more inclined to flee due to the weather, we persevered through it. It was funny, actually. You could tell that morale on the ship, despite the storm, was at an all time high. The crew did not fear the thunder or the waves. There was only the rising tension of battle. Despite each man's silence, there seemed to be a mob of battle cries and shouts."
Elrox waved his hand, and looked to the side. "The combat itself was paltry, at best. Rather, that feeling right before that was the most exquisite I had ever felt. Years of discipline came to fruition at that moment. Shame it was squandered on so weak a foe."
Returning his field of vision back to those at the table, he spoke once again. "That's all I have to say. Perhaps not so glorious, but it amused me."
Elrox pointed his finger at Malen and Morrigyn. "You two... seem close. May I ask what that is about?"
Elrox viewed Mathur's snake in somewhat disgust, then embarrassment."I will ask you to put that creature away. I am not too fond of snakes, both the animals and the people."
He turned toward Nebdel, and seemed to stare in appreciation towards him. "A man who has seen battle and is not afraid to show it. I hope you will trust me, for you have already earned mine."
Elrox sat near the end of the bar, his ears directed towards the table behind him. A previous cautious glance had revealed one as a Captain, standing near a beautiful woman and a man with artistic wounds. Elrox would have thought little of it, if not for another man joining them. Malen? Elrox thought, recognizing the roguish fellow. He had seen the man from time to time, and, from what he had heard, had used less... savory methods to reach his status.
What reason could such a group meet, especially here? I had heard rumors of Malen becoming a captain, which no doubt are true seeing him now. But who are these others? Elrox shifted uncomfortably, feeling himself begin to sweat. I should not be eavesdropping, especially considering they are my superiors. Yet my curiosity gets the better of me. Is this group to join me on the seas? Elrox motioned to the bartender for another drink. He felt as if eyes were clawing at his back, but dared not turn around to see them. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and began to wipe his sweat.
This is Pixels, submitting Elrox Rofain, an armiger that seeks to become full-fledged Hellknight. Took Aurilous' idea for what he wanted his first mate to be and sort of just ran with it from there.
Most of the crunch is in the alias, but I'll put the background here for ease of access.
Elrox was born into the route of a Hellknight: his father, a wealthy noble, demanded that his second son join the cause in order to increase his own fame. Elrox complied, knowing his father would only beat him if he did not. While the training was harsh, and the instructors were far more severe, Elrox thought of little else than avoiding his punishments from his father. For while he could slack off his work for a day or two, his family he could never avoid.
Elrox worshipped Asmodeus as his father did - devoutly, but only born through fear rather than praise. His superiors smiled upon him as he did, and deciding him a model armiger, put him in charge of punishment for further trainees. Such a role was revoked when it was found that most of the trainees had either died from exhaustion or fell into nihilistic despair, covered in wounds from whips, blades, and blunt objects. When questioned as to why he had followed through with his actions, Elrox replied that the student’s punishment was under his jurisdiction, and as there was no further instructions, he believed he was to do anything within his power to “cull the strong from the weak, through pain strengthen their bonds to servitude.”
While many of the families of the trainees called for the execution, or at least removal, of Elrox, there was little argument among the Hellknight leaders that such ruthlessness could be used to greater ends. It was concluded that Elrox was perfectly following of orders, and only required direction in his cruelty. Proposing a reassignment to the Navy, Elrox was pushed out of the public mind. Seeing The Penitence and its crew to be similar members of faith, or at least aspires to the Godclaw, made a formal letter of request to be upon the ship.
Planning on really driving the lawful evil angle - while Elrox is a Hellknight through and through, he certainly comes on the cruel end of things.