
Ellery Turner's page

293 posts. Alias of Vashalgrim.

Full Name

Ellery Turner




Rogue (7) | HP: 39/39 | AC:24 T:17 F:16 | Init: +7 | Per:+ 13 (+1/2 level vs traps) | CMB: 6 | CMD: 23 | Fort: 4 Ref: 12 Will: 5 | Active Spells:










Common, Sign Language, Orc, Goblin, Elven, Giant, Abyssal, Infernal, Aklo, Undercommon, Necril

Strength 12
Dexterity 21
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 9

About Ellery Turner

Ellery is a scrawny androgynous looking human swaddled in a cloak or perhaps it is a discarded burlap bag, either seem a fair guess. His face is generally smudged with dirt which makes two things stand out: stormy eyes and the piece of leather laced through the lips causing the mouth to be pseudo-sewn shut. Closer inspection will show that the lacing is not new, the holes which it slides through are gauged to prevent them from closing.

Init: +7; Senses: Lowlight Vision, Perception +13 (+15 vs surprise attack)
AC: 24, Touch: 17, Flat-Footed: 16 (Armor: +5 (attuned), Shield: +0, Dex: +5, Size: +0, Dodge: +1, Natural:+0 , Deflect: +0, Misc: +2)
HP: 39
HD: d8
Fort: +4, Ref: +12, Will: +5
Resist: None
Speed: 30 ft.
Ranged: Shortbow To Hit: +10, Damage: d4(S), d6(M)/x3
Melee: (Attuned) Red Destiny To Hit: +10, Damage: d4+5(S), d6+5(M)/ 18-20 x2
Dagger To Hit: +10, Damage: d3+1(S), d4+1(M)/ 19-20 x2
BAB:+5, CMB: 6, CMD: 23

Class Skills:
Finesse Training (Ex): 1st level – gain Weapon Finesse feat
3rd level – Rapier – Use Dex mod instead of Str mod for damage
Sneak Attack: +4d6
Trapfinding: Add 1/2 level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Evasion (Ex): Successful Reflex save = 0 damage
Trap Spotter (Ex): (Rogue Talent) Whenever a rogue with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, she can attempt an immediate Perception check to notice the trap.
Danger Sense (Ex): +2 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. In addition, +2 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A rogue with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.
Debilitating Injury (Ex): (Bewildered) The target becomes bewildered, taking a –2 penalty to AC. The target takes an additional –2 penalty to AC against all attacks made by the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty to AC against attacks made by the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).
Quick Disable (Ex): (Rogue Talent) It takes a rogue with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable a trap using the Disable Device skill (minimum 1 round). When she uses Disable Device to open a lock that would normally take a full-round action to open, she reduces the duration to a standard action.
Rogue's Edge (Ex): Skill Unlock: Perception
5 Ranks: You remain alert to sounds even in your sleep, and the normal DC increase to Perception checks when you are sleeping is halved. The distance modifier on the DC of Perception checks you attempt is reduced to +1 per 20 feet.
Ledge Walker: (Rogue Talent) Move along narrow, uneven, or slippery surfaces at full speed using Acrobatics. Not flatfooted when using acrobatics. Retains dex bonus to AC
Combat Swipe: (Rogue Talent) Gains Improved Steal feat. Treated as meeting all prereqs for Greater Steal.

Weapon Finesse: Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons
Nimble Moves: Ignore 5 ft. of difficult terrain
Acrobatic Steps: Ignore 20 ft. of difficult terrain
Dodge: +1 Dodge bonus to AC
Combat Expertise: -2 to melee attack and combat maneuver checks, +2 dodge bonus to AC, (increase by 1 at +4 BAB and every 4 BAB
Improved Steal: Do not provoke an AoO when performing a steal combat maneuver. +2 bonus on checks to steal an item. +2 to CMD when someone tries to steal from you.
Gang Up: You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Acrobatics: 15
Appraise: 8
Climb: 11
Disable Device: 15
Escape Artist: 15
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 12
Linguistics: 12
Perception: 13
Sense Motive: 13
Sleight of Hand: 15
Stealth: 15+5(cloak of Elvenkind)
Swim: 11
Use Magic Device: 9

Twitchy: (Campaign Trait) +2 Initiative, +1 Reflex Save
Blood of the Dragons: +1 Perception, lowlight vision
Suspicious: +1 Sense Motive

See Treasure sheet