Young Master

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43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Oh, yeah - H.P. Lovecraft, for anyone who may be wondering. Thanks!

One of my players raised the question - since remove disease can kill a kyuss worm after it has invaded a body, will a periapt of health make you immune to the kyuss worms as well as all diseases? They've already spoken with Manzorian and are gearing up to check out the Spire of Long Shadows.
Thoughts? And thanks as always.

I'm trying to figure out how to supply the party for the trip from the Free City to Magepoint - no teleport spells in my world. We're playing the AoW in Greyhawk - any ideas on whereabouts MagePoint would be? Same question for Redhand. Thanks.

Presuming the party is successful in killing Ilthane and surviving the Wind Duke tomb, I'd like to have a surprise waiting for them just as they emerge, weary but triumphant, from the Whispering Cairn.
I need a CR of anywhere between 17 and 20, as they are already pretty high-level, and smart, and lucky. I'm not looking for a TPK by any stretch, but I do want to give them a good fight. Any thoughts on what kind of encounter should be waiting for them? I was thinking about bringing Ilthane back as an undead, or maybe having a couple of young black dragons show up - her children, looking for vengeance?
I figure it has to be something specifically attracted to Ilthane's corpse - if it was something local to the area all along, they would have found traces of it their first time through, verdad?
Thanks in advance!!! And thanks to everyone who helps make these boards such a great experience!!!

On some of the Dungeon message threads, we've been discussing whether and how nit-picking a DM should be - do you track arrows/bullets fired, days' rations eaten, that kind of thing. Along these lines, I'd love to see some articles on the often-overlooked or ignored details.
An article on weapons care - how many spare bowstrings should an archer carry, and how much do they cost? How long should a bow string last? How long does it take to sharpen a dagger with a whetstone? How often should it be done? How many times can it be done before the blade wears down and becomes unusable?
I'd also love to see an article on the care of mounts - there has to be more to it than you hop on your horse, ride at a gallop all day, then hop off and fall into your bedroll. What kind of equipment does a PC need to carry for daily care of a mount?

Waaaay back when I was playing 1st ed., one issue of Dragon featured an article on non-magical healing. The premise was that a half-dead fighter stumbled across an old woman's cottage and collapsed in her herb garden. He gasped out that their cleric had been killed in the first rush, so he had no way to heal himself. She proceeded to take care of him and teach him first aid and wound care without magic - using wine or vinegar to sterilize bandages, using moss to soak up blood, etc.
I'd love to see a re-print of that article or a re-write of it.

I've ordered several PDF's and seem to be having problems downloading them. I"ve tried to download one PDF, the Temple of Elemental Evil, 3 times now. Each time the d/l seems successful, but Adobe Reader 4.0 is giving me a "viewer cannot decrypt this document" error. Any thoughts? Thanks.

For the first time in my D&D life, my gaming group contains 17-18th level characters, so I've been reviewing the Epic Player Handbook for ideas on how to continue to challenge them. Over all, I am not really impressed with the whole epic concept. Once a PC attains 21st level, something magical happens and he sudden has access to +7 vorpal flaming keen swords of sharpness? Also, there are a number of the epic feats that I have a hard time rationalizing.
I'm considering disallowing the entire concept in my world, and coming up with save/attack/ability progressions beyond 20th level, but I'm looking for opinions, experiences, etc. for or against the whole epic concept. I'd particularly like to hear from anyone who played high-level characters back in the days before epic levels. Thanks in advance, and as always my apologies to anyone who has already seen this topic done to death.

Did the Survival skill become Wilderness Lore somewhere between the 3.5 Player Handbook and the the Epic Player Handbook? The latter mentions Wilderness Lore as the skill requirement for Track, which the PH bases on Survival. Apologies if this was previously covered and I missed it. Thanks.

I've introduced my son to D&D, and he now has a sorceress with the Craft Magic Armor feat. He asked me a pretty basic question, but I can't seem to locate the answer. What spell does the caster use to add an AC bonus to armor? The DM guide lists the spells that add abilities, such as energy resistance, but not the spell that adds the +1, +2. etc. Is it magic vestments, or a version of magic weapon, or something else? Thanks. Apologies if this topic has already been covered to death elsewhere.