
Eldred Steel's page

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

But look at that example, it's an old answer, and it was what sparked my curiosity.

James Jacobs wrote:
Rudy2 wrote:

Hi James,

If a Bard is using a Perform (Oratory) bonus to make a Diplomacy check, and has an ability that lets him re-roll Diplomacy checks, can he use it? What about if he has an ability that lets him re-roll Perform checks? In other words, is he making a 'perform check' or a 'diplomacy check'?

Rules as written, no, he can't.

Rules as they SHOULD have been written, yes he can. It's best to treat a versatile performance check as the skill in question AND as the perform skill in question; let the bard make the better choice for the result at the time. It's supposed to be versatile, after all.

By the logic of this, you use your Perform to substitute everything, you can't use your ability to re-roll a diplomacy check, but you could re-roll a Perform check if you had that option.

Does someone knows how to answer these 2 questions? I tried to run it by JJ but he redirected me to here.

If I selected Versatile Performance: Oratory, and I have the ability to take 10 in Perform, can I take 10 when I use Perform (Oratory) in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive?

If so, and I have the Magnum Opus feat when I take 10 in these skills, can I use the take 15 option the feat grants?

Thanks and sorry about my english, it's not my first language.

But you answered lots of questions about Versatile Performance before (you created it), the purpose of this post changed?


If I selected Versatile Performance: Oratory, and I have the ability to take 10 in Perform, can I take 10 when I use Perform (Oratory) in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive?

If so, and I have the Magnum Opus feat when I take 10 in these skills, can I use the take 15 option the feat grants?

Thanks and sorry about my english, it's not my first language.

A combination of Unchained Rogue (Kitsune Trickster) and Investigator (Empiricist) can make your Int really shine.

Inquisitor (Infiltrator) can do exactly what you want. You can make that she was an agent that went in so many missions and became so many people that she lost herself.

James Jacobs wrote:
Eldred Steel wrote:
Can I use Versatile Perform (Act) to substitute Bluff when I use Pageant of the Peacock to attempt a Bluff check in place of an Intelligence check or Intelligence-based skill check?
Ask your GM. I wouldn't let you if I were your GM, since the point of an ability that lets you use Intelligence for Bluff is different flavor entirely from something that lets you perform (and use Cha) for Bluff.

But Pageant of the Peacock asks for a Bluff check, I was under the impression that Versatile Performance would let you use a Perform (Act) check everytime a Bluff check was needed (you even suggested a house rule where the ranks are redistributed).

"For the duration of the effect, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks, and may attempt a Bluff check in place of an Intelligence check or Intelligence-based skill check."

What in the rules forbids that interaction?

Thanks for the answer and sorry about the english, not my first language.

Can I use Versatile Perform (Act) to substitute Bluff when I use Pageant of the Peacock to attempt a Bluff check in place of an Intelligence check or Intelligence-based skill check?

Rysky wrote:
Rysky wrote:

No, he said "in games he runs" for starters (he even made another post right below the one you quoted where he said he "was tempted" to allow doubling up on things like traits and Skill Focus, but didn't state this was something you could actually do), and secondly, that was back in 2009 when the game was just coming out.

He also prefers people not to use his answers as a way to strongarm arguments.

So I would say no, they don't stack, because it's replacing the Diplomacy.

(As an aside, Racial bonuses are one of the few bonuses that do stack)

Case in point, here's a post of his 3 years later where he says the bonuses to the skill you are replacing would not be applied.

That was very enlightening, thanks. But it is still a good ability.

It does. James Jacobs (he worked in the adaptation of the Bard from 3.5 to Pathfinder)said that when you use Versatile Performance you still are doing a Diplomacy test, so you can add bonuses to diplomacy, like magic items, etc.

I was reading about Versatile Performance and found this answer from James Jacobs.

Aasimar Musetouched receives +2 diplomacy and +2 performance. So with Versatile Perfomance (Oratory), when I use it in place of a diplomacy test, can I apply both bonuses or they don't stack because they come from the same source?

I think you're right, that really makes sense, Sean H!

This is bugging me for some time now. The Bite Evolution reads as:

Bite (Ex):

An eidolon’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite.

And Tyrannosaurus has Powerful Bite:

Powerful Bite (Ex):

A tyrannosaurus applies twice its Strength modifier to bite damage.

How the two abilities interact? Do my T-Rex companion get 3 times Strenght modifier in his bite? 2.5x?
