Eldred Steel |
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But look at that example, it's an old answer, and it was what sparked my curiosity.
Rudy2 wrote:Hi James,
If a Bard is using a Perform (Oratory) bonus to make a Diplomacy check, and has an ability that lets him re-roll Diplomacy checks, can he use it? What about if he has an ability that lets him re-roll Perform checks? In other words, is he making a 'perform check' or a 'diplomacy check'?
Rules as written, no, he can't.
Rules as they SHOULD have been written, yes he can. It's best to treat a versatile performance check as the skill in question AND as the perform skill in question; let the bard make the better choice for the result at the time. It's supposed to be versatile, after all.
By the logic of this, you use your Perform to substitute everything, you can't use your ability to re-roll a diplomacy check, but you could re-roll a Perform check if you had that option.