Boa Constrictor - Gift from his father - Animal Companion
Items of importance (Gifts from his family upon his coming of age ceremony)
Masterwork Chainshirt - Gift from his mother
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Str +1) - Gift from his brother
Alchemical Arrows and Formula Book with the process of creating those arrows - Gift from his sister
Boa Constrictor - Gift from his father
Defining moments
Upon reaching the age of 9, his father, who was uncertain of how quickly half-elves grew, started to take him out into the jungle with his older brother and sister. There he started to learn about the various plants and their uses from his sister, while his father and brother taught him how to hunt and interact with the indigenous wildlife.
His coming of age ceremony. Despite the fact most half-elves achieve maturity at the age of 20, his mother unfamiliar with the decelerated growth rate of half-elves threw it for him at the age of 15, the human age of maturity. Out of respect for his mother’s wishes, his immediate elven family presented him with gifts at that point in time.
*His brother presented Elastriel with an elven made bow that he still uses to this day. (Masterwork Composite Longbow [Str +1])
*His sister presented Elastriel with a quiver of alchemically treated arrows that would not break when used along with a formula book detailing the process of creating various kinds of arrows. (20 Durable Arrows [One of which was lost in his escape from Nightfall Station.] and a Formula Book with detailed instructions on how to make various arrows.)
*His father presented Elastriel with a young boa constrictor so that he might train the animal to server as a companion.
*His mother presented Elastriel with armor to help protect him during his time in the jungle. (Masterwork Chainshirt)
The siege of Whitebridge Station and Nightfall Station. During the siege, in an attempt to protect himself and his mother, Elastriel wound up unknowingly killing his brother’s betrothed. This is an act that Elastriel mourns and has made him hesitant to attack elves. Having fled from Nightfall Station shortly after this act, Elastriel is unaware of his elven brother’s hatred for him. While he was not present during the act, a choice made by the elders of the Ekujae to prevent inner conflict in the clan, he was able to piece together what happened when he identified the arrow that slew his love as one of the gifts his sister had presented to their brother at his coming of age ceremony.
His years in Bloodcove have been harsh. Having lived in an outpost with no one of his own age around, Elastriel had held Bloodcove out to be a wondrous place where he would finally be able to interact with his peers. However, this dream was quickly corrected as he started to realize that while he was accepted as a family member within the confines of Nightfall Station, here he was considered an outsider to both the Humans and Elves that lived within the city. This very matter has led him to covering his ears while in public so as to prevent unwanted attention.
Currently Elastriel works for the Aspis Consortium as an alchemist and jungle guide. While he has learned of their fault in the destruction of his hometown, he makes use of their funding and resources to not only further his understanding of the alchemical arts, but to make himself ready for his eventual return to Nightfall Station in hopes of finding his Elven family once more.
Character Mechanics:
Half-elf hunter 3
N Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
--------- Defense ---------
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
Defensive Abilities elven immunities
--------- Offense ---------
Speed 30 ft.
dagger +3 (1d4+1/19–20)
mwk composite longbow +6 (1d8+1/×3)
dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
0-Level Spells
detect magic (v and s)
detect poison (v and s)
light (v and df)
mending (v and s)
purify food and drink (v and s)
spark (v or s)
1st-Level Spells
abundant ammunition (v, s, and df)
hanspur's flotsam vessel (v, s, and m [driftwood branch or river rat's tail])