About ElarinyaCulture: High Elf of Rivendell
Common Skills
BODY...................HEART....................WITS...............SKILL GROUP Awe: 2...................... Inspire: 0............... Persuade: 0............... PERSONALITY......OOO
Weapon Skills
-Rewards-: Lesser Ring
Endurance: 29 Starting Endurance: 29 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 13 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 13
Wisdom: 2 Valor: 2
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 1 Against the Unseen: High Elves can perceive creatures that dwell in the wraith world, be they spirits or ghosts, even when they are normally invisible to the eyes of the living (including Unclad and Invisible Ringwraiths). Additionally, High Elves are considered to succeed automatically at any Fear test forced upon them by an undead creature. Artifcer of Eregion: You are studying the ancient craft of the Elven-smiths of Eregion, the greatest craftsmen of your kin. You learn how to Evaluate Treasure when you first select this virtue. You may later master the secret of how to Enhance Weapons as your undertaking, and spending 1 Experience point during a Fellowship phase; finally, you discover how to Enchant Weapons by spending another Experience point as another undertaking during a later Fellowship phase. Evaluate Treasure: You recognise the runes and secret symbols employed by the artificers of old to mark their work. When you are allowed to make a Magical Treasure roll, you may roll 1 additional Success die. This bonus die does not count towards the expenditure of Experience points in the case of the discovery of a Wondrous Artefact or a Famous Weapon and Armour. Enemy of Sauron: All creatures of any kind recognise you as an enemy of Sauron. His servants fear you, and will avoid confronting you, unless confident in their superiority. When facing the proof of the presence of the Enemy, you cannot refrain yourself and must take action. Eriador Lore: You may call upon your knowledge of an area when planning to traverse it as part of your journey. Fair-spoken: Your speech and manners are naturally pleasant and respectful. Keen-eyed: The keenness of your eyesight surpasses that of most folk. Lesser Ring (Andvaraunat, Wits): You have inherited a lesser ring, one of the many magic rings that the smiths of Eregion made as essays in their craft before it was fully developed. While certainly not comparable to the major works of those gifted craftsmen, this magic ring is a powerful and dangerous artefact, to be kept secret and safe. Choose one of your Attributes, among Body, Heart or Wits. As long as you wear your lesser ring you gain a bonus of +1 to the basic rating of the chosen Attribute (and therefore its Favoured attribute is also increased by +1). Additionally, you also gain 1 point of permanent Shadow. Rhymes of Lore: Rhymes of Lore are brief compositions in verse created by many cultures to remember significant facts from ancient history. Your knowledge of them can supplement a test of Lore, but is used especially in conjunction with any Custom skill (Courtesy, Song or Riddle). Scholars may credit much of their knowledge to rhymes. Background:
Elarinya is of the house of Glorfindel, and proud to belong to such a noble entourage. Her family have been ever faithful, hearkening back to the First Age of the world. Since she was a child, Elarinya has been told of the wonders of the West, of the mighty works of their people in years past, not least of which Glorfindel's mighty works. Elarinya knows, however, that her people are fading. She feels it, deep within her bones, and it is at odds with her own spirit, which burns bright, as yet undimmed by the weariness of long Ages.
Many of the Elves are beginning to look to the West, to preserve themselves before they fade within the confines of the world. Eralinya, however, knows that there is yet time, and that the Elves have relaxed their vigil before...and the Enemy has prospered because of it. Eralinya has made up her mind. She will go forth, with the might and skill of the Calaquendi, and work against the evils of the world. She will reclaim what relics she can and record her own journeys, ensuring that the struggles of the Eldar against the Enemy are never forgot, and that the world they leave behind is not a slave to the Shadow. Character Advancement:
Experience Point Total- 4
Spent Experience- 4 Personality (Awe, Inspire, Persuade) Advancement Points-
Tarandor's Questions:
1) What is your near term goal in life? Elarinya is a young Elf, in her fifth century of life, and wishes to explore Eriador and prove the valour of the Eldar in the face of an Enemy that is gathering strength. 2) What long-term goal do you envision pursuing if adventure doesn't sweep you away?
3) What do you think about adventures in general?
4) What is most precious to you?
5) What would cause you to give that up?
6) Are you married? Do you want to be?
7) Goblins, wizards and walking trees? Do you think they really exist?
8) You carry an item that is precious to you. What is it?