Rage Prophet

ElGrandeRage's page

Organized Play Member. 101 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Horizon Hunters

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M Elf LG Elf(Inventor 1); THP 0/4; HP 14/14; hero 1/1; minor healing potion 1/1; AC 18; Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7; Perc +5; Conditions:
Gnavy wrote:

"I like the bow, I can see some orcish children use it." he responds to Zelen

"But that metal tin does not look sentient"

Gnavy looks once again at the notice and he nods his head ...

Zelen's face falls into a frown, deeply unimpressed by this Orcs attitude.

"Not sentient? What a coincidence, I was thinking something very similar"

"Shall we just get this over with then so we can carry on with our lives?"

The Concordance

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Male Oread Druid 1

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