Verik Vancaskerkin

Eisen Helstrom's page

47 posts. Alias of the loreweaver.

Full Name

Eisen Helstrom




Alchemist 1








Neutral Good




Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Sylvan

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Eisen Helstrom

Eisen is a tall and handsome man in his early twenties with chopped dark hair. Vague Tian features suggest the blood of mixed human cultures. A slight frame would suggest a frail bookworm if his toned limbs and rough hands didn’t betray his acclimation to occasional field work. His hands and forearms seem to be permanently stained in a rainbow of colors and his attire, despite being neat and relatively clean, often exhibits a mottled assortment of mysterious discolorations.


Initiative +3
Base Speed 30ft
BAB +0
CMB +1 (+0 BAB, +1 STR)

shortspear +1 (1d6+1) range 20ft
sickle +1 (1d6+1)
bomb +4 (1d6+4 fire) range 20ft


AC 16 (10 +3 armor, +3 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 13
CMD 14 (10 +0 BAB, +1 STR, +3 DEX)

Hit points: 9 (1d8+1)

Fortitude +3 (+2 base, +1 CON)
Reflex +5 (+2 base, +3 DEX)
Will +2 (+0 base, +2 WIS)

Special Qualities:

Special Abilities:
Alchemy (Su)
Bombs (Su) 5/day
Mutagent (Su)

Brew Potion
Armor proficiency, light
Point-Blank Shot
Simple weapon proficiency (all)
Throw Anything
Weapon proficiency (bomb)

Child of the Temple
Foster Child (Jade Regent Player's Guide, p.12)


Skill Bonus [+Ability +Ranks +Class +Misc -Armor]
Acrobatics +2 [+3 +0 +0 -1]
Appraise +4 [+4 +0 +0]
Climb +0 [+1 +0 +0 -1]
Craft (alchemy) +8 [+4 +1 +3]
Disable device +6 [+3 +1 +3 -1]
Heal +8 [+2 +1 +3 +2]
Knowledge (arcana) +8 [+4 +1 +3]
Knowledge (history) +8 [+4 +0 +3 +1]
Knowledge (nature) +8 [+4 +1 +3]
Knowledge (nobility) +8 [+4 +0 +3 +1]
Knowledge (religion) +5 [+4 +0 +0 +1]
Perception +6 [+2 +1 +3]
Sleight of hand +6 [+3 +1 +3 -1]
Spellcraft +8 [+4 +1 +3]
Survival +8 [+2 +1 +3 +2]
Use magic device +6 [+2 +1 +3]

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks

XP 835/2000


Armor: Studded leather
Weapons: Shortspear, sickle
Attire: Traveler’s outfit
Carried: 20gp, 8sp; backpack (formulae book; 3 flasks; flint and steel; ink; inkpen; rations, 10 days; thieves' tools, masterwork; waterskin); holy symbol of Desna, wooden; scroll case (parchment, 5 sheets); spell component pouch

Weight: 52.5 lbs. (23.5 lbs. carried in the backpack)
Carring capacities: 0-43lbs. < 44-86lbs. < 87-130lbs.

Formulae Book:
Extracts per day: 2 (1st)

1st level: cure light wounds, endure elements, jump, keen senses, shield, true strike


The origins of Eisen Helstrom are a mystery, even to the young man himself. His earliest memories of a family are of his foster-mother, Koya Mvashti. When asked about his birth parents, Koya only shrugs and retells the few facts that she knows. His mother arrived in Sandpoint with a caravan nearly three decades ago clutching a half-Tian babe to her chest. When the caravan departed a few days later, so did Eisen’s mother - without the child. As she’s wont to do, Koya stepped up to the task of caring for the newborn when it was discovered what had happened. In all the years since, no one has ever returned for the child.

Eisen was an intelligent child and Koya saw that he received a strong education. He was educated in a variety of subjects including history, politics, and theology. However, it was an interest in Koya’s own healing arts that drew his real interest. He went he came of age, he was sent away as apprentice to an apothecary where he learned the secrets of identifying plants, gathering reagents, and brewing elixirs for a multitude of purposes. He communicated regularly with is foster mother through the years and she would visit on rare occasions when Sandru Vhiski's caravan passed through, but somehow he never managed to return to Sandpoint.

Until now.

With his apprenticeship completed, Eisen began pondering what to do next. Although he loved his craft, wanderlust had begun to set in. Certainly there were countless rare and exotic reagents he had come to learn of and he was anxious to find and gather them for himself. Recently, a letter reached Eisen from Koya informing him that she was intent on taking a long journey away from Sandpoint - mostly likely away from Varissia altogether. The opportunity to reconnect with the woman that raised him while traveling beyond the lands he had grown familiar with was too good to pass up. Gather that which he could carry, Eisen set off for Sandpoint.


Koya Mvashti (friendly) 6
Ameiko Kaijitsu (friendly) 2
Sandru Vhiski (competative) 2
Shalelu Andosana (TBD) 2