| HP 18/18 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +0 (+2 vs. disease/M-A)| Init: +10 | Perc: +7 (low-light, darkvision 60 ft.), SM: +3
| Speed 30 ft. | Active conditions: none | DO NOT CURE
Male LN dhampir unchained rogue (bandit, knife master) 3
About Egavreis
Male Dhampir Unchained Roge (Bandit, Knife Master)
LN Medium Humanoid (Dhampir)
Init +10; Senses Perception +7 (+8 in dim light or darkness), Sense Motive +3 (low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.)
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 18 (3d8)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0 (evasion; +2 vs. disease and mind-affecting)
Resist level drain
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 alchemical silver dagger and masterwork cold iron dagger +5/+5 (1d4+5/19-20/x2) or +1 alchemical silver dagger +7 (1d4+5/19-20/x2) or masterwork cold iron dagger +7 (1d4+5/19-20/x2) or sap +6 (1d6-1)
Ranged dagger +6 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d4 (+2d8 with daggers)
During Combat Egavreis will always seek an opportunity to backstab a target, especially a weak one. He attempts to tumble into a flanking position, then unleash as many attacks as possible.
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +1, CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Acrobatics +10, Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Climb +3, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +10, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Linguistics +7, Perception +7 (+8 in dim light or darkness), Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +10 (+10 to conceal light blades), Stealth +11 (+12 in dim light or darkness), Swim +4, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Common, Kelish, Necril, Skald, Varisian
SQ child of the temple, dayborn, finesse training, minor magic (prestidigitation), negative energy affility, river rat
Combat Gear+1 alchemical silver dagger, masterwork cold iron dagger, 10 daggers, spring loaded wrist sheath (2), masterwork parade armor, neck guard, wand of inflict light wounds, potion of inflict light wounds (2)
Other Gear explorer's outfit, masterwork thieves' tools, rogue's kit; 109 pp
Botting Instructions:
Egavreis is all daggers, all the time. He will try to maneuver into flanking position to stab whatever target is nearest, tumbling to avoid attacks of opportunity. His silver and cold iron daggers use the same stats, and will use whichever is more effective if only making one attack.
[dice="Acrobatics, Tumble"]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice="Fancy Dagger"]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice="Piercing or Slashing Damage"]1d4+5[/dice]
Flanking: +2 to hit and [dice="Sneak Attack"]2d8[/dice]
If he is at or within 5 feet of such a position already, he simply attacks twice.
[dice="Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger, Full Attack"]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice="Piercing or Slashing Damage"]1d4+5[/dice]
Flanking: +2 to hit and [dice="Sneak Attack"]2d8[/dice]
[dice="+1 Alchemical Silver Dagger, Full Attack"]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice="Piercing or Slashing Damage"]1d4+5[/dice]
Flanking: +2 to hit and [dice="Sneak Attack"]2d8[/dice]